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Mount Rushmore National MemorialSome of the lights used to illuminate the memorial at dusk.
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Mount Rushmore National Memorial

For Mobility Impairments (Wheelchairs): Vehicles are able to unload mobility-impaired visitors in front of the main entryway and then park in the parking lot (fee area). Wheelchairs are available for loan at the Information Center on a first-come, first-served basis.

Amphitheater and Lincoln Borglum Musuem: Elevators are accessible from the GrandView Terrace to the museum lobby and Amphitheater.

Sculptors Studio: Depending on security issues, the Sculptor's Studio is wheelchair accessible from the remote parking area. Check with the ranger in the Information Center.

Trails: The Presidential Trail is surfaced to accommodate wheelchairs from the GrandView Terrace to viewing areas at the base of the mountain.

Dining Facility and Gift Shop: The dining facility and gift shop are wheelchair accessible.

National Parks:  Accessible to Everyone

Did You Know?  

Did You Know?
Mountain Goats are not native to the Black Hills? The population can be traced back to six goats, a gift to Custer State Park by Canada in 1924, that escaped from their pens and found their home among the Black Hills granite peaks. There are now approximately 200 mountain goats in the area.

Last Updated: March 26, 2009 at 11:27 EST