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African Rainbow Expedition

Kingsley Holgate at the helm of the dhow 'Spirit of Adventure.'
Kingsley Holgate at the helm of the dhow "Spirit of Adventure."
Source: USAID/Mozambique

Explorer Kingsley Holgate leads the USAID-supported African Rainbow Expedition, a journey from Durban to the Somali Border and back. This expedition is part of the "ONE NET, ONE LIFE" Campaign to save lives through malaria prevention.

Using a large shipping vessel, together with sponsored Land Rovers and inflatable boats, the team distributed thousands of insecticide impregnated mosquito nets, antimalarial products, and information leaflets to mothers and babies in high-risk remote areas of Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya. The expedition also utilized Land Rovers as mobile Malaria Prevention Clinics.

The African Rainbow Expedition began in South Africa in June 2005 and continued through Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda ending in July 2006. USAID staff in Mozambique provided support during Holgate's time in the country.

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