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The U. S. Agency for International Development's Office of HIV/AIDS has an open-door policy and invites all businesses to partner in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Learn more about HIV/AIDS Public-Private Partnerships.

Responsible corporate citizens investing or doing business overseas devote considerable resources to health, education and other similar programs that are not a part of their core business responsibilities. At the same time, USAID and its partners’ extensive field presence and technical expertise provide an opportunity to catalyze, integrate, coordinate, and facilitate public-private alliances among stakeholders that benefit HIV/AIDS treatment, care, and prevention initiatives. Therefore, it makes sense to facilitate linkages between corporations and the social services programs being carried out by USAID and its partners.


The goal of the alliances between USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS and businesses is to strengthen HIV/AIDS treatment, care, and prevention programs by addressing the following key areas:

  1. The dissemination of relevant information by USAID to businesses affected by HIV/AIDS in the developing world enhances awareness and leads to a broader engagement

  2. The creation of an environment for collaboration with businesses and other key stakeholders, enhances the sustainability of HIV/AIDS initiatives and reduces costs for both public and private sectors.

  3. The coordination of business’s AIDS initiatives with host country Ministries of Health, U.S. Embassy officials and USAID missions, reduces bottlenecks and enhances a country’s absorptive capacity.

  4. The commitment of USAID and businesses to provide leadership in shaping national HIV/AIDS policy that supports host country governments.

Next Steps

How should I initiate contact with the U.S. government to explore opportunities to partner?

  • Assess current programs and identify programs of mutual interest
  • Contact U.S. Embassy and/or USAID mission in-country to schedule an appointment (Access U.S. Government In-Country Contacts [PDF, 86KB])
  • Assess technical expertise of the U.S. government’s implementing partner organizations
  • Request a meeting with U.S. government’s implementing partner organizations
  • Identify opportunities to partner that support existing U.S. government programs
  • Identify opportunities to leverage technical expertise of the U.S. government’s implementing partners to develop and support an HIV/AIDS program for your company

For Further Information on Business and HIV/AIDS, see:

For businesses seeking further information regarding partnerships, please e-mail


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