1-5.1 Record

A Postal Service record includes information relating to the Postal Service or its business recorded in any medium (e.g., a hard copy or electronic document; recording in electronic, audio, video, or photographic format; tangible item; or other material) that is created, maintained, or received by Postal Service employees, business partners, and suppliers under the custody or control of the Postal Service. A record that is of a purely personal nature is not a Postal Service record. Legal holds may apply to Postal Service records as well as personal records.

Active record Information that is used for conducting current business.

Inactive record Information that is not used for conducting current business, but for which the retention period has not yet expired.

Permanent record A record determined as having sufficient historical or other value to warrant continued preservation. All other records are considered temporary and must be scheduled for disposal.

Temporary record A record determined to have insufficient value (on the basis of current standards) to warrant its permanent preservation.

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