State / Territory Benefits - Indiana


Summary: The State of Indiana offers special benefits for its military service members and veterans including State Income Tax Exemptions, Retired Military Pay and Property Tax Exemptions, Education and Tuition Assistance, Special Military Vehicle Tags, as well as Hunting and Fishing License and State Park privileges. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component and veteran disability status.

State Benefit Highlights and Eligibility

State Taxes

State Tax Advantage:  Curren members of the active branches of service, National Guard and Reserves are eligible to receive an exemption of $5,000 on their state income tax return.  Veterans who are military retirees over age 60 are eligible for the same exemption. 
Eligibility:  All service members currently serving on active duty and members of the Indiana National Guard or Reserves; veterans who are military retirees over age 60.

State Tax Advantage for Service Members While in Combat Theater:  All military pay earned while serving in combat theater is exempt from Indiana state income tax.  The exemption period begins with the date on the orders and ends when the orders end.
Eligbility:  Members of the National Guard and Reserves.
NOTE:  This exemption and the $5,000 exemption cannot be claimed on the same return.  It must be one or the other, but not both.

Retired Military Pay: Military retirees who are age 60 are entitled to deduct up to $5,000 of military or survivor benefits. (Senate Enrolled Act 480).

Military Disability Retired Pay: Disability Portion - Length of Service Pay; Member on September 24, 1975 - No tax; Not Member on September 24, 1975 - Taxed, unless combat incurred. Retired Pay - Based solely on disability: Member on September 24, 1975 - No tax; Not Member on September 24, 1975 - Taxed, unless all pay based on disability and disability resulted from armed conflict, extra-hazardous service, simulated war, or an instrumentality of war.

VA Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: Not subject to federal or state taxes.

Property Tax Exemption: Property tax deductions are available to disabled Hoosier Veterans under the following conditions: 1.) A $12,480 dollar deduction is available to Veterans who: a.) Served at least 90 days of honorable service. And: b.) Are totally disabled (not necessarily service-connected but the disability must be evidenced by a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs pension certificate). Or: c.) Are at least 62 years old and 10% service-connected disabled. Note:This deduction is not available if the assessed value of the real property owned by the Veteran is in excess of $143,160. 2.) A $24,960 tax deduction is available for Veterans who: a.) Served honorably in the Armed Forces during any period of wartime. And: b.) Are at least 10% service-connected disabled. 3.) A $37,440 tax deduction is available for any Veteran who: a.) Served honorably during any period of wartime. And: b.) Is 100% service connected-disabled. Or: c.) Is at least 62 years of age with at least a 10% service-connected disability.Notes: 1. A statutory disability rating for Pulmonary TB is not eligible. 2. Active duty for training with the National Guard or Reserves is eligible only if the disability occurs from an event during the period of active duty and that duty was performed during wartime. 3. The surviving spouse of the Veteran is eligible for the Veteran's tax deduction. The spouse must apply in his or her own name. Ref: IC 6-1.1-12-14, IC 6-1.1-12-15.

Education Benefits

High School Diploma Program: Veterans who served between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918 (World War I), or December 7, 1941 and December 31, 1946 (World War II) may apply to the Indiana Department of Veterans' Affairs for issuance of a high school diploma.
Eligibility: Veterans must have: * attended public or nonpublic high school in Indiana prior to military service * been a student in good standing * not graduated or received a diploma because of leaving high school for military service * and, been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United StatesVeterans, or their surviving spouses or eligible family members, may submit application to the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Remission of Fees (Free Tuition) for the Child(ren) of a Disabled Veteran: The natural or legally adopted child(ren) of a disabled veteran may be eligible for remission of fees (free tuition) at any state-supported post secondary school or university in the State of Indiana. This applies at any age as long as the child was adopted by age 24 and the child is a resident of Indiana.The Remission of Fees is good for 124 semester hours of education and may be used for either undergraduate or graduate level work. The amount remitted is 100% of tuition and all mandatory fees. The term " mandatory fees" is defined as any fee that must be paid by every student attending the institution. Ref: IC 20-12-19-1, IC 10-5-16.5-3.
Eligibility: 1) The Veteran must have served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during a period of wartime, and must have been a resident of the State of Indiana (filed state income taxes) for not less than 36 consecutive months during his/her lifetime.And: 2) The Veteran must be declared to be service-connected disabled as evidenced by documentation from by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, or the Department of Defense (if the Department of Defense, the Veteran must supply official documentation).Or:3) The Veteran received a Purple Heart Medal. (Official documentation of the award is required.) Or: 4)  The Veteran was a resident of Indiana at the time of entry into the service and was declared a POW or MIA after January 1, 1960.Or:  5) The student was a Veteran-related pupil at the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home.
For 07/08 Application for Remission of Fees for a Child of Disabled Veteran:

Educational Benefits (National Guard): 100% tuition paid when attending state colleges or universities for first Associates or Bachelors degree.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard members.  Apply through unit education personnel.

Educational Assistance (National Guard / Reserve):  Effective October 1, 1990, eligible members of the National Guard / Reserve and currently drilling National Guard / Reserve members that served on active duty for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001, may be eligible for an educational assistance allowance for participation in approved apprenticeship and/or On-the-Job Training programs.  Contact your National Guard / Reserve Unit to determine eligibility for Chaper 1606 and Chapter 1607 benefits. 

Remission of Fees for Service-Connected Death: Public Law 157-2005 (IC 20-12-19.7) provides that the spouse and eligible children of National Guard members, who suffered a service-connected death while serving on state active duty, are exempt from the payment of tuition and mandatory fees at any state educational institution (college).
Eligibility: Dependents of Indiana National Guard members.

Out-of-State Soldier Tuition Assistance:  Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels recently signed into law Senate Enrolled Act 480 (May 2007) which allows in-state tuition rates for out-of-state Soldiers assigned to Indiana.

Employment Benefits:

Employment Assistance for Indiana National Guard: State employees receive 15 days military leave per year.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard members.

Employment Assistance for Veterans:  the Indiana Department of Workforce Development provides services to Hoosier Veterans.  Through the Disabled Veterans' Outreach program (DVOP), and the Local Veterans' Employment Representative (LVER) Program, Workforce Development Offices throughout the State are equipped to assist Hoosier Veterans with their transition from the service to civilian life.  The DVOPs specialize in tailored training and job placement opportunities for veterans with service-connected disabilities.  LVERs coordinate services provided veterans including counseling, testing, and identifying training and employment opportunities.  Contact the nearest Indiana Workforce Development Office and ask for the location of the clesest veteran's representative:

Military Pay vs. State Pay: Executive Order 05-18 allows Hoosiers who are employed by the state and who are called to active duty in the Guard or Reserves to receive the difference between their military pay (either state or federal active duty) and their state salary.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard or Reserve members.

Peddlers, Vendors, or Hawkers License: State law provides that any wartime Veteran who has an honorable discharge shall be granted these licenses by all cities and counties free of charge. See your county auditor. Ref: IC 25-25-2-1. (IC 25-25-2-3 exempts any county having a consolidated city from this rule.)
Eligibility: Wartime Veterans with honorable discharge.

Unpaid Leave of Absence: Up to ten (10) days unpaid leave of absence that can be taken in the 30-day period after the service member receives his/her orders, while they are home on leave during the deployment, or in the 30-day period at the end of their deployment.
Eligibility:  The spouse, parent, grandparents or siblings of veterans ordered to active duty deployments in the Armed Forces or the National Guard and who are employed by an employer who employs over 50 people.

Employment program for military spouses: Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels recently signed into law Senate Enrolled Act 480 (May 2007) which establishes an employment program for military spouses.  To find career resources for military spouses, visit

Special Vehicle License Plates:  All plates may be purchased through the mail or at your local license branch. All plates except the Hoosier Veteran plate must be applied for through the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Hoosier Veteran plate does not require the completion of an application form, as do the other Veteran plates. For more information on each plate, see eligibility for Veteran license plates. The application form may be downloaded and then either mailed, faxed, or brought to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (phone numbers and address are on the form). Applications for the Purple Heart plate must include documentation of the award. Applications for a Disabled Veteran plate must have the VA claim number. Approved applications are returned by mail to the applicant. They cannot be faxed since the required embossed seal on approved applications must be visible. Most applications will be approved within two (2) days after receipt. Applications may also be completed in person at the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs, 302 W. Washington Street, Room E120, Indianapolis between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Applications for Disabled Veteran plates can be verified only during office hours at the VA Regional Office (they close at 4:00 P.M.). It is recommended that you call first to be sure an approving authority will be available. In the Indianapolis calling area: 232-3910. Toll free in Indiana: 1/800/400-4520.

Hoosier Veteran Plates: Group Fee of $15.00 plus registration charges.
Eligibility:  Applicants must present a copy of their  DD-214 or your Discharge Certificate to your local Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) office and request the special plate. Active service members must provide an Active Military ID and current LES.

Disabled American Veteran Plates:  Fees: Only registration charges. Disabled Veteran plates are the same as handicap plates in the State of Indiana. These are strictly limited to those individuals who have a serious mobility impairment due to a service-connected disability. Applications may be obtained from either the BMV or the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the Veteran's eligibility. Ref: IC 9-18-18-1, IC 9-18-18-2.

Ex-Prisoner of War Plates: The POW license plate is available to all ex-prisoners of war or to the surviving spouse of a deceased POW. Applications for these plates are available from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the eligibility of the applicant. Ref: IC 9-18-17-1.

Purple Heart Plates:  Fees:  Only registration charges.
Eligibility:  Any Hoosier Veteran who has received the Purple Heart Medal is authorized to have these special license plates. Applications may be obtained at the BMV or from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Veteran must present official documentation of the award, and the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the Veteran's eligibility. Ref: IC 9-18-19-1, IC 9-18-19-2, IC 9-18-19-3.

Pearl Harbor Survivors Association:  Fees:  only registration charges.
Eligibility:  Authorization form required. Contact sponsoring organization:  Pearl Harbor Survivors Association; 331 Carriage Lane; Franklin, IN  46131-8368.  Tel:  (317) 736-8496

Support Our Troops Plates: Effective January 1, 2007 this special plate with a yellow ribbon is now available for purchase by all Hoosiers, whether or not they are a veteran. Most of the proceeds for this plate will go into the Military Family Relief Fund.

American Legion Department of Indiana:  Fees:  Group fee of $10 plus administrative fee of $15 and registration charges. 
Eligibility:  All Hoosier motorists.  Available at branches and online.

National Guard:  Fees:  Only registration charges.
Eligibility:  Active members of the Indiana Army or Air National Guard.  Statute specifically limits eligibility to Indiana Guard only.

Health and Insurance Benefits:

Medical Benefits: National Guard members on State Active Duty are entitled to medical and dental care, including hospital as a direct result of injureies/illness/disease process incurred/aggravated by State Active Duty.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard members.

Injury/Death Benefits: National Guard members on State Active Duty: members receive pay, allowance and medical expenses for 90 days. If disabled after 90 days, benefits are the same as federal, including death gratuities, widow's pension and funeral expenses up to $500.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard members.

Group Insurance: Group Insurance is provided by the Indiana National Guard Association in amounts of $5,000 for $2/mo; $10,000 for $3.33; $15,000 for $5.33; $20,000 for $7.00; $25,000 for $8.67/mo; $35,000 for $12.00/mo; $50,000 for $17/mo and family plan of $5,000/$10,000 for $3.66 or $6.66 + $1,000 to $10,000 for each child depending on age.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard members.

Workers Compensation: None

Hunting and Fishing Licenses:

Hunting and Fishing Privileges: Any Indiana resident who is service-connected disabled by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs may purchase a license to hunt and fish in the State of Indiana for a reduced fee.
Eligibility: In order to receive this benefit the Veteran must complete the Application for Reduced Fee Hunting and Fishing License for Disabled Veterans available from County Veteran Service Officers, from the Department of Natural Resource offices, or from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The form verifies that the Veteran is service-connected disabled and authorizes the reduced fee and is verified by the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. Ref: IC 14-8-2-228.3.

Miscellaneous Benefits:

Golden Hoosier Passport: A Hoosier Golden Passport provides unlimited admission to all Indiana State owned parks, recreation areas, reservoirs, forests, historic sites, museums, memorials and other Department of Natural Resource (DNR) facilities. The pass is good for one calendar year.
Eligibility: Persons eligible for a Disabled American Veteran license plate under IC 9-18-18-1 may purchase the Hoosier Golden Passport at DNR facilities around the State. If you have Disabled American Veteran plates on the vehicle simply drive to the gate and the attendant will sell you the Hoosier Golden Passport. If you do not have the plate but believe you are eligible you will be given a form to request the plate, which you must send to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs for verification.  Former Prisoners of War will receive their Hoosier Golden Passport in the mail after their plates are issued. If you do not receive yours in a reasonable time, or have other plates on your vehicle but are entitled to POW plates, contact the Department of Natural Resources at 1-800-622-4931.

Legal Benefits: Limited arrest immunity to and from drill; a citation for a traffic violation is not a civil process and is no covered by this immunity. Legal defense is available for line-of-duty acts.  IC 10-16-7-8
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard members.

Exemption from Jury Duty: Individuals on active military duty are exempt from serving on a jury.
Eligibility:  Service members on active duty and Indiana National Guard members. 

The Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Children's Home: The Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home, located in Knightstown, provides for the care and education of the children of Veterans and members of the active Armed Forces. There are entrance provisions for other relatives of Veterans if space is available at the Home. Eligibility rules and applications are available from: Superintendent, ISSCH, 11410 N. State Road 140, Knightstown IN. 46148-9718. Or, you may phone (765) 345-5141. Ref: IC 16-33-4-1 through IC 6-1.1-12-17.

The Veterans Home: The Indiana Veterans Home in West Lafayette provides nursing and domiciliary care for any Hoosier Veteran with at least one day of wartime service. To qualify you must have been a resident of Indiana for at least three years. The Home is open to both Veterans and their spouses. Ref: IC 10-6-1-7.

Vital Documents for Veterans Benefits: The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs and the Indiana State Archives have copies of DD-214's on file for many Hoosier Veterans who entered the service from Indiana. Copies of these will be provided upon request to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. Additionally, the Department has recently been receiving National Guard discharge documents, (NGB Form 22), which are available upon request. The processing time for such a request is usually one or two weeks. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs or your County Veterans Service Officer can assist you with the paperwork to obtain other documents from the federal government. Ref: IC 10-5-7-1. Active duty records may also be requested directly from the appropriate military records custodian or the National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 9700 Page Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132-5100 by completing a Standard Form 180-Request Pertaining to Military Records.

Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery: The Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery opened for internments on December 1, 1999. The Cemetery is located adjacent to the Madison State Hospital and Clifty Falls State Park in Madison, Indiana. There is no charge for the grave site or use of the Chapel for internment services.  1) Any eligible veteran will be buried at no cost to the family. 2) Burial of a spouse or dependent will require the payment of an opening and closing fee.  The fee will be determined by the type of grave site.  3) The cost of internment for a spouse or dependent will be payable at the time of internment.  For further information visit:
Eligibility:  1) Any veteran who qualifies under the rules established by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and was separated under other than dishonorable conditions  2) Any reservist or National Guard member who was eligible for retirement pay at the time of death 3) Any veteran who dies on active duty in the line of duty 4) The eligible spouse of an approved veteran 5) The child of a veteran (unmarried, under 21 or the lifelong dependent of the veteran) 6) The surviving spouse of an eligible veteran who had a subsequent remarriage to a non-veteran and whose death occurred on or after January 1, 2000, is eligible for burial in the Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery based on his or her marriage to the eligible veteran. For an application for burial contact the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. To schedule an interment contact the Cemetery Superintendent at 1415 North Gate Road, Madison, IN 47250, 812-273-9220/FAX 812-273-9221. Ref: IC 10-5-25.

Burial allowances: Each County Auditor is authorized to pay up to an amount not to exceed $100 for the burial of a Veteran or the Veteran's spouse, and to pay up to $100 for the setting of a federal headstone. Veterans must have received an honorable discharge, and an application must be filed with the county auditor in the county of residence. Ref: IC 10-5-3-1.

Military Family Relief Fund: Effective January 1, 2007, the families of Hoosier National Guard and Reserve members may apply for emergency grants for food, housing, utilities, medical services, transportation and other essential family support expenses which were caused by the mobilization of the service member. Details will be announced.
Eligibility: Indiana National Guard or Reserve members

Women Veterans Coordinator: The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs has on staff a Women Veterans Coordinator to assist female veterans with claims and applications and to assist with matters which may be female-unique.

Hoosier Veteran Seamless Transition Program: Another service offered by the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs and the State of Indiana is this first class transition service for demobilized members of the National Guard and Reserves, as well as active duty soldiers. This service brings various agencies together at a central location to help the veterans with the processing of federal and state claims and applications.

Military Installations and Veterans Affairs Facilities in Indiana

Active Duty:

No active duty Army installations are located in Indiana.

National Guard:

Indiana National Guard:

United States Army Reserve (USAR):

Regional Readiness Command (RRC) Headquarters, 88th RRC:

Grissom Air Reserve Base (ARB), Indiana: Grissom ARB offers a small Base Exchange, Military ID and DEERS services, Legal Office and Family Readiness Office.

Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Facilities in Indiana:

VA Medical Centers
Fort Wayne: VA Northern Indiana Health Care System-Fort Wayne Campus Indianapolis: Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center
Marion: VA Northern Indiana Health Care System - Marion Campus

Outpatient Clinics
Crown Point: Adam Benjamin, Jr. OPC
Evansville: Evansville

Community Based Outpatient Clinics
Bloomington: Bloomington VA Outpatient Clinic
Greendale:  Dearborn County Community Based Outpatient Clinic
Lawrenceburg: Dearborn County Community Based Outpatient
Muncie: Muncie/Anderson VA Outpatient Clinic
New Albany:  VA Healthcare Center New Albany
Richmond: Richmond Community Based Outpatient Clinic
South Bend: South Bend VA Outpatient Clinic
Terre Haute: Terre Haute VA Outpatient Clinic
West Lafayette: Lafayette VA Outpatient Clinic

Vet Centers
Evansville: Evansville Vet Center
Fort Wayne: Fort Wayne Vet Center
Indianapolis: Indianapolis Vet Center
Merrillville: Gary Area Vet Center 

VA Regional Office
Indianapolis:  Indianapolis Regional Office


Document Review Date: 01 June 2008
