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Smart Cards, Smart Jobs

In February 2007, Belgrade’s Singidunum University opened the first training program for smart card technology in southeast Europe. An estimated 200 students are projected to complete the course in its first year. Smart cards are plastic cards with an embedded microchip that stores and transacts data between users. The memory is protected by a microprocessor, which prevents unauthorized access and offers tamper-proof storage of user and account data.

Students at Belgrade's Singidunum University are the first in the Balkans to receive training on smart card technology
Students at Belgrade’s Singidunum University are the first in the Balkans to receive training on smart card technology

Professor Milan Milosavljević, Dean of the Faculty of Business Information Science, founded the program with support from the USAID Enterprise Development project. He notes that smart card skills are increasingly in demand for banking, mobile phone systems, passport control, and other fields that require a high degree of data security and user authentication.

“This gives our students a tremendous advantage when they enter the workforce. They can negotiate better positions. They command better salaries,” he says. “And employers know that they won’t have to commit to expensive training programs or sending staff abroad to learn this technology.”

As the first students in the Balkans learn how to use smart card technology, demand for these graduates will be high throughout the region.

Milosavljević, who previously taught artificial intelligence at Cornell University in the U.S., projects that at least 120 jobs in Serbia alone will require smart card-proficient technicians.

The new smart card training program will be an integral part of the Security of IT Systems and Electronic Business study course and specialized IT security trainings at Singidunum University.

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