USAID: From the American People | ASIA
Olivier Carduner,  RDMA Mission Director

Mission Director

Olivier C. Carduner, the head of the Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA), is a 28-year veteran of USAID. Mr. Carduner and his 90-member team in Bangkok deal with issues that are not constrained by national boundaries, including human and wildlife trafficking, avian influenza, HIV/AIDS, good governance, economic reforms, the environment, and humanitarian assistance. RDMA also serves countries without a USAID bilateral mission, including Burma, China, Laos, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand.

Prior to heading the RDMA, Mr. Carduner was the Mission Director of USAID/Senegal. He had previous postings in Egypt, Bangladesh, Bolivia and Washington, D.C. 

Before arriving in Senegal in 2003, Mr. Carduner was the Director of the Office of South American Affairs at USAID/Washington. From 1998 to 2000 he also led the development of Agency-wide policies for strategy development, implementation, and performance management, as well as a related core training curriculum for USAID staff worldwide.

Mr. Carduner grew up in Michigan and received a bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, and master's degrees from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and the National Defense University.

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