Election Mail Training  
Training Workshop

In conjunction with a nationwide team of election officials, the Postal Service has developed a comprehensive training program, "Election Mail: Tips, Tools, and Tactics for Successful Mailing." The training is designed to be presented by a postal representative at state conferences, association conferences, or Postal Customer Council meetings.

Who can benefit from training?

Any election official who uses or would like to use the mail during the election process.

How will you benefit?

Learn how to design mailpieces to minimize your costs and optimize delivery.
Learn how to determine the best mail services to use.
Learn all about addressing products and services that will help minimize your “undeliverable-as-addressed” mail.
Receive guidance on how to work with your local Post Office and receive assistance with every step of your mailing.
Learn about centralized postage payment options, mailpiece tracking, overseas mail, and other topics.
Get the latest information to meet your needs.

If you are interested in offering the training at your next meeting or conference, please e-mail your request to: election-mail-manager@usps.gov for more information.

Preview the training presentation (ppt) (rtf)
Quick Links
Planning Election Mail
Addressing Election Mail
Designing Election Mail
Election Mail Training
Election Mail FAQs
Election Mail Contacts
Election Mail Resources