State / Territory Benefits - Kansas


Summary: The state, through the Kansas Commission on Veterans' Affairs (KCVA), provides 17 different service office locations which provide individual assistance to veterans in completing the paperwork necessary to receive benefits. Kansas offers special benefits for its military service members and veterans including Veterans Emergency Assistance,Kansas Public Employees Retirement System Military Benefits, Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program, Special Vehicle License Plates, Department of Wildlife and Parks passes as well as Hunting, Fishing license. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component and veteran disability status. For assistance in applying for benefits please call 785-296-3976 or send an email to or click here to see a list of state service office locations (

State Benefit Highlights and Eligibility

State Taxes:

State Tax Benefit: $120.00 tax credit after age 62

Retirement Income Taxes:  Military, civil service, state/local government pensions are exempt. Out-of-state government pensions are fully taxed. Social Security is taxable to the extent it is federally taxed. Railroad retirement is fully exempt.

Retired Military Pay: Not taxed.

Military Disability Retired Pay:
Disability Portion - Length of Service Pay; Member on September 24, 1975 - No tax; Not Member on September 24, 1975 - Taxed, unless combat incurred. Retired Pay - Based solely on disability: Member on September 24, 1975 - No tax; Not Member on September 24, 1975 - Taxed, unless all pay based on disability and disability resulted from armed conflict, extra-hazardous service, simulated war, or an instrumentality of war.

VA Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: Not subject to federal or state taxes.

Military Bonus: Individual income tax exemption, beginning in tax year 2005, for recruitment, sign-up, or retention bonuses received by taxpayers who are, or were members of the United States Armed Forces, including the Kansas Army or Air National Guard.

Education Benefits:

Board of Regents: Applicantsmay pay resident tuition andfees at educational institutions supervised and coordinated by the Kansas Board of Regents. The State Board of Regents also provides tuition assistance to Kansas National Guard members through the National Guard Educational Assistance Program.
Eligibility: Active duty military personnel and their spouse or dependent children. if themilitary member is assigned to a full-time duty station in Kansas and the spouse or dependentchildren are living in Kansas.If an active duty military serviceperson is reassigned from Kansas to another duty-station, theresident fee privilege shall be extended to the serviceperson's spouse and dependent children solong as they continue to reside in Kansas and the service person continues as a member of theUnited States Armed Services. Any individual who was a resident of Kansas upon entering the military service and who becamea prisoner of war after January 1, 1960, is eligible to receive a waiver of tuition and fees at anyeducational institution supervised and coordinated by the Kansas Board of Regents.The spouse and dependents of military personnel who died as a result of active military serviceon or after September 11, 2001, are eligible for a waiver of tuition and fees at any educationalinstitution supervised and coordinated by the Kansas Board of Regents so long as the studentremains a resident of Kansas.

POW/MIA Vietnam Veteran Dependent Tuition Program: Free tuition and fees for up to 12 semesters of instruction at all institutions supported by state monies offering postsecondary education in Kansas.
Eligibility: Children or any child legally adopted or in legal custody of a person who entered services in the U.S. Armed Forces as a Kansas resident and became a POW or MIA or Killed in Action during the Vietnam Conflict, as established by the Secretary of Defense after 1/1/60, and who had a dependent actually living in Kansas on 4/1/72. After qualifying under the terms of the act, return or reported death will not alter the provisions of the benefit.

Vietnam Veteran Survivor Grant: Free tuition and fees for up to 12 semesters of instruction at all institutions supported by state monies offering postsecondary education in Kansas.
Eligibility: Children or any child legally adopted or in legal custody of a person who was a Kansas resident at the time such person entered service in the Armed Forces and who, while serving in the geographical area of the Vietnam Conflict, has died as the result of service-connected disability suffered during the Vietnam Conflict as a result of the Conflict.

Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program: Service member can receive up to 100% of tuition and fees based on funding. The award shall not exceed the amount of the tuition charged by the educational intuition minus any amount received from a government agency, an educational institution, charity, public education trust or other entity.
Eligibility: National Guard enlisted service members. Must attend a state supported university, community college, or vocational school. Soldiers will be required to serve in the Kansas National Guard for an additional period equal to 50% of the duration of benefits received (3 months for each semester paid).

Employment Benefits

Employment Assistance: State employees get 12 days paid military leave per year.
Eligibility: State employee on orders for Annual Drill or active duty.

Compensation for State Active Duty Pay and Allowances: Minimum rate is pay grade E-6 with six years.
Eligibility: National Guard service member on state active duty.

Kansas Public Employees Retirement System Military Benefits: Veterans automatically earn service credit for the years they work in a covered position. Kansas law governsother types of service that can be purchased or granted to count toward retirement. Additional servicecredit increases the amount of a Veteran's monthly retirement benefit and possibly allows him or herto retire earlier.In certain circumstances, Kansas law allows the Retirement System to grant active militaryservice at no cost to Veterans if their military service interrupts their public service. Active Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) Veterans receive basic life insurance equal to 150 percent of their annual gross income. Employers pay for the cost of this benefit. If a Veteran goes on military leave, his or her basic life insurance coverage continues for the duration of the military leave at no cost to the employee. Many employers who are affiliated with the retirement system provide optional life insurance coverage in addition to the basic life insurance for purchase by the individual employee. Employees pay their own premiums for this coverage at group rates which is dependent upon the amount of coverage selected and age of applicant. If a Veteran goes on military leave, he or she can continue coverage for up to 12 months at the group rate. After 12 months, he or she can convert the coverage to an individual policy without answering any health questions.
Eligibility: Veterans must beemployed in a covered position immediately before and immediately after the active military service.Veterans must be off their employer's payroll during this military service to have this service granted. Thistype of service is limited to five years. Purchased and granted military service cannot exceed a totalof six years.Veterans may purchase military service credit. Veterans may purchase year for year of active military service and one quarter of service credit for each year of military reserve service. Military service credit may not exceed a total of six years.

Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment: The State of Kansas, through the Department of Commerce, can help Veterans with service-connected disabilities prepare for, find and keep suitable employment. Contact: 785-296-5202. The State of Kansas through the Kansas Commission on Veterans' Affairs can assist Veterans with serious service-connected disabilities in applying through the VA for services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. Some of the services provided are:  1) Job Search: Assistance in finding and maintaining suitable employment,  2) Vocational Evaluation: An evaluation of abilities, skills, interests, and needs, 3) Career Exploration: Vocational counseling and planning, 4) Vocational Training: If needed, training such as on-the-job and non-paid work experience, 5) Education Training: If needed, education training to accomplish the rehabilitation goal, and 6) Rehabilitation Service: Supportive rehabilitation and counseling services

Special Vehicle License Plates: Kansas issues Veteran, Prisoner of War, Purple Heart, Pearl Harbor, Disabled Veteran, and National Guard license plates. The state allows enlisted military personnel that are Kansas residents but residing in another state to register their vehicles and pay only the annual registration fee. The Department of Revenue also is allowing a grace period for returning deployed military personnel to properly register their vehicles. The individual must provide to their county treasurer, a copy of their deployment orders, or an official form from their home military installation showing the date of return to the United States. Kansas conforms to the federal tax law when it comes to the military. Military retirees in the State of Kansas also may exclude their military retirement pay from Kansas income tax. Additionally, Department of Revenue Decals for Silver Star, Bronze Star, & Branch of Service are available at a cost of $2 each.

License Plates for United States Military Veterans and Military Branch Decal: Any owner or lessee of one or more passenger vehicles, trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less or motorcycles, who is a resident of the state of Kansas, and who submits satisfactory proof to the director of vehicles, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary of revenue, that such person has proof of having served and is designated as a Veteran, and has had an honorable discharge from the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, may be issued one distinctive license plate for each such passenger vehicle, truck or motorcycle designating such person as an United States military Veteran. Such license plates shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates upon proper registration and payment of the regular license fee. On and after January 1, 2005, any person issued a license plate may request a decal for each license plate indicating the appropriate military branch in which the person served. Any person who is a Veteran of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines may make application for such distinctive license plates, not less than 60 days prior to such person's renewal of registration date, on a form prescribed and furnished by the director of vehicles. Applicants applying for the distinctive license plates shall furnish the director with proof as requested to prove that the applicant is a Veteran.

Purple Heart Motorcycle License Plate: Veterans wishing to order a new Purple Heart Motorcycle license plate should visit their local county Treasurer's office to make application for the new plate, on or after July 1, 2005. Counties will begin taking orders on July 1, 2005. The order will be taken by the County Treasurer's office and sent to the State. The plate will be sent to the ordering County Treasurer's office as quickly as possible, for pick up by the customer. The fee for a Purple Heart Motorcycle Plate is $3.50. The applicant must be a resident of the State of Kansas. A certificate from the U.S. Government, stating that the person is a recipient of a Purple Heart, a DD214 discharge document stating the applicant received a Purple Heart award, or other governmental discharge document stating that the applicant was a recipient of a Purple Heart award, or the applicant may provide proof that the he/she has a combat wounded Purple Heart license plate on another vehicle they own. The applicant may then obtain the plate without the documents listed above.

Ex-Prisoner of War (Ex-POW) License Plate: Any person who was held as a prisoner of war while serving in the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force or Marine Corps of the United States in World War I or World War II or while serving with the Armed Forces of the United States during the military, naval and air operations in Korea, Vietnam or other places under the flags of the United States and the United Nations or under the flag of the United States alone. " Prisoner of war" shall also include any civilian who was held as a prisoner of war. Any owner or lessee of a passenger vehicle or truck of gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, who is a resident of the state of Kansas, and who submits satisfactory proof to the director of vehicles, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary of revenue, that such person is a former prisoner of war or is the surviving spouse of a former prisoner of war, may, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, be issued one distinctive license plate designating such person as a prisoner of war. The license plate shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates are issued upon proper registration without payment of the regular license fee. Only one distinctive license plate may be issued to any prisoner of war or surviving spouse of a prisoner of war, to be displayed on such a vehicle owned or leased by such person. Any prisoner of war or surviving spouse of a prisoner of war may make application for the distinctive license plate, not less than 60 days prior to such person's renewal of registration date, on a form prescribed and furnished by the director of vehicles, and any applicant for the distinctive license plate shall furnish the director with such proof as the director shall require that the applicant was a prisoner of war or is the surviving spouse of a prisoner of war. Any registration or distinctive license plate issued under the authority of this section shall not be transferable to any other person, except to the surviving spouse of a prisoner of war. The rights of the surviving spouse of a prisoner of war under this section shall terminate upon remarriage of such person. Nothing in this section shall authorize the surviving spouse of a prisoner of war to be issued a distinctive license plate under this section, unless the deceased prisoner of war had already been issued such distinctive license plate.

Pearl Harbor Survivor: Any owner or lessee of a passenger vehicle or truck of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, who is a resident of the state of Kansas, and who submits satisfactory proof to the director of vehicles, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary of revenue, that such person is a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, may be issued one distinctive license plate designating such person as a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Such license plate shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates upon proper registration and payment of the regular license fee. Any person making application for a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor license plate must comply with the following: (1) Was a member of the United States armed forces on December 7, 1941; (2) Was on station on December 7, 1941, during the hours of 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Hawaii time at Pearl Harbor, the island of Oahu or offshore at a distance not to exceed three miles; (3) Received an honorable discharge from the United States armed forces; and (4) Has been approved by the chairperson of the Kansas Pearl Harbor survivors association as being a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Any survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor may make application for the distinctive license plate, not less than 60 days prior to such person's renewal of registration date, on a form prescribed and furnished by the director of vehicles, and any application for the distinctive license plate shall furnish the director with such proof as the director shall require that the applicant was a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor. No registration or distinctive license plate issued under the authority of this section shall be transferable to any other person.

Disabled Veteran License Plate (DAV): Any disabled Veteran who resides in Kansas and who makes application to the director of vehicles on a form furnished by the director for registration of a motor vehicle that is a passenger vehicle or a truck with a gross weight of not more than 20,000 pounds and is owned or leased and used by such Veteran may have such motor vehicle registered, and the director shall issue a distinctive license plate for it. Such license plate shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates are issued. Such registration shall be made and such license plates issued free of charge to the disabled Veteran. The director of vehicles shall also issue to the disabled Veteran an individual identification card which must be carried by the disabled Veteran when the motor vehicle being operated by the disabled Veteran or used for the transportation of such disabled Veteran is parked in a designated accessible parking space. Any Kansas resident who owns or leases a motor vehicle and who is responsible for the transportation of a disabled Veteran or any resident disabled Veteran desiring a distinctive license plate for a vehicle other than a motor vehicle owned or leased by the Veteran may make application to the director of vehicles for such a license plate. Such license plate shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates are issued. There shall be no fee for such license plates in addition to the regular registration fee. The director of vehicles shall design a special license plate to be issued as provided in this act. No registration or license plates issued under this act shall be transferable to any other person. No registration under this act shall be made until the applicant has filed with the director acceptable proof that the applicant is a disabled Veteran, or is responsible for the transportation of such Veteran. Motor vehicles displaying the distinctive license plates provided for in this act shall be permitted to park in any parking space on public or private property which is clearly marked as being reserved for the use of persons with a disability or persons responsible for the transportation of a person with a disability, except a parking space on private property which is clearly marked as being reserved for the use of a specified person with a disability, or park without charge in any metered zone and shall be exempt from any time limitation imposed on parking in any zone designated for parking, during the hours in which parking is permitted in any city. Any person who willfully and falsely represents that such person has the qualifications to obtain the distinctive license plates provided for by this section, or who falsely utilizes the parking privilege accorded by this section, shall be guilty of an unclassified misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $250.

Congressional Medal of Honor License Plate: On and after January 1, 2001, any owner or lessee of one or more passenger vehicles or trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, who is a resident of the state of Kansas, and who submits satisfactory proof to the director of vehicles, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary of revenue, that such person was awarded the congressional medal of honor, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, may be issued one distinctive license plate for each such passenger vehicle or truck designating such person as a recipient of the congressional medal of honor. Such license plates shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates upon proper registration and without payment of the regular license fee. Any recipient of the congressional medal of honor may make application for the distinctive license plates, not less than 60 days prior to such person's renewal of registration date, on a form prescribed and furnished by the director of vehicles, and any applicant for the distinctive license plates shall furnish the director with such proof as the director shall require that the applicant was a recipient of the congressional medal of honor. Application for the registration of a passenger vehicle or truck and issuance of the license plates under this section shall be made by the owner or lessee in a manner prescribed by the director of vehicles upon forms furnished by the director. No registration or distinctive license plates issued under the authority of this section shall be transferable to any other person.

Members or Retired Members of Kansas National Guard License Plates: Any owner or lessee of one or more passenger vehicles or trucks registered for a gross weight of not more than 20,000 pounds who is a resident of the state of Kansas, and who is a regularly enlisted or retired, warrant or commissioned member of the Kansas National Guard, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, may be issued one distinctive license plate for each such motor vehicle or truck that is not required to be registered with the state corporation commission designating the owner or lessee of such vehicle as a member or retired member of the Kansas national guard. Such license plates shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates upon proper registration and payment of the regular license fee. Any such member or retired member of the Kansas national guard may make application for such distinctive license plates, not less than 60 days prior to such member's renewal of registration date, on a form furnished by the director of vehicles, and any applicant for such distinctive license plates shall furnish the director with such applicant's armed forces of the United States identification card as proof that the applicant is a member or a retired member of the Kansas national guard. Application for the registration of passenger vehicles or trucks and issuance of the distinctive license plates under this section shall be made by the owner or lessee in a manner prescribed by the director of vehicles upon forms furnished by the director. No registration or distinctive license plate issued under this section shall be transferable to any other person. The adjutant general, with the approval of the director of vehicles and subject to the availability of materials and equipment, shall design a distinctive license plate for issuance to members and retired members of the Kansas National Guard.

Health and Insurance Benefits

Medical Benefits: In excess of 30 days may be reimbursed for premiums paid for civilian health care insurance. Repayment is limited to premiums paid under state employee group health insurance program.
Eligibility: National Guard service member onState active duty.

Worker's Compensation: None
Eligibility: NA

Group Insurance: KansasNational Guard Association offers up to $50,000.00, $25,000.00 for spouse for $8.67 per month; $10,000.00 for each dependent for $6.66 per month. Additional cancer coverage is available for $6.00 per month, $16.00 per month for family coverage. Note: NGAK offers a free $10,000 policy to all new members for 1 year. Option to renew at end of 1 year at rates stated.
Eligibility: National Guard service member. The state of Kansas will reimburse premiums for $250,000 in life insurance coverage to members of the Kansas National Guard called to active duty in a combat zone.

Injury/Death Benefits: Permanently disabled receive$120.00 per month plus 12.5% base pay; Surviving spouse same plus $43.00 - $77.00 per child per month. Children get free tuition at state college and up to $500 funeral expenses.
Eligibility: Disease, Injury or Death occurs while serving on State Active Duty. The 2005 Legislature established a program providing death benefit payments to the beneficiaries of Kansas National Guard members killed as a result of active duty in a combat zone.

Health Care: The State of Kansas can assist Veterans in applying for the following VA health services:· Hospital, outpatient medical, dental, pharmacy and prosthetic services · Domiciliary, nursing home, and community-based residential care · Sexual trauma counseling · Specialized health care for women Veterans · Health and rehabilitation programs for homeless Veterans · Readjustment counseling · Alcohol and drug dependency treatment · Medical evaluation for military service exposure, including Gulf War, Agent Orange, radiation, or other environmental hazards

Combat Veterans: The VA will provide combat Veterans free medical care for any illness possibly associated with service against a hostile force in a war after the Gulf War or during a period of hostility after November 11, 1998. This benefit may be provided for two years from the Veteran's release from active duty.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses:

Big Game or Turkey Hunting License: The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks are allowed to reissue big game or turkey limited draw permits to military personnel forced to forfeit their limited draw permit. A refund for a big game permit may be issued to any armed forcespersonnel experiencing a change of duty prior to the first day of asseason, preventing the use of the permit.
Eligibility: Due to deployment in the event of armed conflict or war.

Hunting and Fishing License: Applicants are to be granted hunting and fishing licenses without cost.
Eligibility: Current Kansas National Guard members.

Hunting and Fishing License: Applicants may purchaseresident licenses, permits, and stamps, except lifetime licenses.
Eligibility: Active duty military stationed in Kansas or active duty military who were Kansas residents at the time of entering the military.

Miscellaneous Benefits:

Kansas Military Emergency Relief Fund: Provides grants and interest-free loans to eligible military members and families who are experiencing financial emergencies.

Department of Wildlife and Parks: The Annual Veterans Reunion held at El Dorado State Park receives aspecial event permit and an average 25 percent discount on campingfees. Kansas National Guard members and their families also are granted free admission to all state parks in Kansas.

Headstones and Markers: U.S. Government-furnished headstone or marker
Eligibility: Veterans discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and servicemembers who die while on active duty may be eligible for a headstone.

Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC): The State of Kansas can complete a request to provide a PMC.
Eligibility: Deceased Veterans

Burial Flag: The United States Post Office or the VA can furnish burial flag.
Honorably discharged Veteran

Reimbursement of Burial Expenses: The State of Kansas can assist in completing the VA forms necessary to receive a burial allowance up to $2,000.00.
Eligibility: Veterans who die of service-related causes. For certain other Veterans, the VA can pay $300 for burial and funeral expenses and $300 for a burial plot.

Kansas Veterans' Cemetery Program: The Kansas Commission on Veterans' Affairs operates three state Veterans' cemeteries,located in Fort Dodge, WaKeeney, and Winfield. The Fort Riley Cemetery is still in the planningstages.
Eligibility: Burial in a state Veterans' cemetery is the same as that for a national Veterans'cemetery including: Any serviceperson who dies on active duty;A Veteran discharged or separated from military service under conditions otherthan dishonorable and having completed the required period of service;Persons entitled to retirement pay as a result of 20 years service in the NationalGuard; andThe legal spouse or unmarried minor child of a qualified Veteran. Unmarried adultchildren also are eligible if they are permanently incapable of self-support due toa physical or mental disability incurred before the age of 21.

Kansas Veterans' Home: The Kansas Veterans' Home in Winfield provides three levels of nursing care to Veterans and their eligible dependents. The Home offers a domiciliary or assisted living program providing shelter, food, and other necessary services required by each resident while allowing the resident to maintain a certain level of independence. The Home also is equipped to provide skilled nursing care including a unit designed to meet the needs of residents suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The Kansas Veterans' Home is located on the grounds of the former Winfield State Hospital and Training Center and opened in May of 2000.
Eligibility: Veterans seeking admission must have active federal military service as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. The discharge from the period of active federal service on which the application is based must have been under conditions other than dishonorable. On a space available basis, spouses and surviving spouses may qualify for admission.

The Veteran seeking admission must also be in one of the following categories: 1. Veterans with service-connected disabilities.
2. Veterans who are former prisoners of war.
3. Veterans who were discharged or released from active military service for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty.
4. Veterans who receive disability compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1151.
5. Veterans whose entitlement to disability compensation is suspended because of the receipt of retired pay.
6. Veterans whose entitlement to disability compensation is suspended pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 1151, but only to the extent that such Veterans continuing eligibility for nursing home care is provided for in the judgment or settlement described in 38 U.S.C. 1151.
7. Veterans who the VA determines are unable to defray the expenses of necessary care as specified under 38 U.S.C. 1722(a).
8. Veterans of the Mexican Border Period or of World War I.
9. Veterans solely seeking care for a disorder associated with exposure to a toxic substance or radiation or for a disorder associated with service in the Southwest Asia Theater or operations during the Persian Gulf War as provided in 38 U.S.C. 1710(e).
10. Veterans who agree to pay to the United States the applicable co-payment determined under 38 U.S.C.1710 (f) and 1710 (g), if they seek VA hospital nursing home or outpatient care.
Admission Priority: Priority for admission of Veterans will first be made on the basis of severity of medical care required; second consideration will be of the Veteran's ability to pay for care; transfers from other institutions will have the lowest priority. Applicants for the Home need not have been an actual resident of the State of Kansas; however, Kansas residents will receive priority for acceptance in the home.

Kansas Soldiers' Home: The Kansas Soldiers' Home in Fort Dodge provides quality long-term health care. The Home offers different levels of care including residential cottages, and nursing home care. Cottage residency is open to an eligible Veteran and his or her spouse, providing independent living with available assistance fromsocial and health services staff. Domiciliary care provides residents supportservices such as meal preparation and medication monitoring. Nursing home care also is availablefor residents who are incapable of self-support and care. The campus consists of 769 acres of landand 106 buildings, with a daytime population of 350.
Eligibility: Honorably discharged Veterans and their dependents.

Home Loans: The State of Kansas can assistance in locating approved lenders and completing applications for loan guarantees. The VA and local banks offer a number of home loan services to eligible Veterans, some military personnel, and certain spouses.
Guaranteed Loans--The VA can guarantee part of a loan from a private lender to help you buy a home, a manufactured home, a lot for a manufactured home, or certain types of condominiums. The VA also guarantees loans for building, repairing, and improving homes. 
Refinancing Loans--If you have a VA mortgage, the VA can help you refinance your loan at a lower interest rate. You may also refinance a non-VA loan. 
Special Grants--Certain disabled Veterans and military personnel can receive grants to adapt or acquire housing suitable for their needs.

Discharge Certificates: Honorable discharges are recorded free at the court house of the county seat.
Eligibility: A Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States.

DD Form 214: The State of Kansas maintains DD Form 214 files on Veterans released from service and showing Kansas as their home of record. Copies of DD Form 214's from 1988 to Present may be immediately available in the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs central office. The State of Kansas' Adjutant General's Department has an Archives Office, 785-274-1099, which can provide the following records of service: From 1946 to 1991, DD Form 214's for all branches of the service are available; a Statement of Service on World War II, 1941 -1946; and Kansas National Guard records from 1946 to the present. As required by the Privacy Act and to obtain a copy of DD Form 214, a formal request must be submitted to the Kansas Army National Guard by using Standard Form 180 (

Disability Benefits:  The KCVA assists in filing the forms for Disability Compensation for service connected disability determinations.  The KCVA can also assist in filing necessary forms for Disability Pension.  Basic entitlement for a veteran exists if the veteran is disabled as the result of a personal injury or disease (including aggravation of a condition existing prior to service) while in active service if the injury or the disease was incurred or aggravated in line of duty.  There is no deadline for applying for disability benefits.

Veterans' Employment & Training Service: The Kansas Dept. of Commerce with grants funding from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training Service, offers employment and training servcies to eligible veterans.  Employment specialists have a large reservoir of information about jobs and education/training opportunities, verans rights and benefits, laws affecting veterans, employment trends and all services available through the Workforce Development Center.  Information about other services available to the veteran from other agencies including veteran organizations is available.  Requirements:  DD-214, social security card and other official papers or documents certifying veteran and/or disability status.

Dependents' and Survivors' Benefits:  Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to certain survivors of a) Service members who died on active duty; b) Veterans who died from service-related disabilies; c) certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at time of death.  The State of Kansas can assist you in completing these eligibility forms. 

Military Installations and Veterans Affairs Facilities in Kansas

Active Duty:

Fort Riley:
Fort Leavenworth:

Air Force
McConnell Air Force Base (AFB):

National Guard:

Kansas National Guard Joint Headquarters:

Kansas Army National Guard:

Kansas Air National Guard: and

United States Army Reserve (USAR):

Regional Readiness Command (RRC) Headquarters, 89th RRC:

Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Facilities in Kansas:

VA Medical Centers
Leavenworth: VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System - Dwight D. Eisenhower VA Medical Center
Topeka: VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System - Colmery-O'Neil VA Medical Center
Wichita: Robert J. Dole Department of Veterans Affairs Medical and Regional Office Center

Community Based Outpatient Clinics
Abilene: Memorial Hospital
Chanute: Neosho Memorial Medical Center
Emporia: Newman Hospital
Ft. Dodge: Dodge City Clinic
Ft. Scott: Newman Young Clinic
Garnett: Anderson County Hospital
Hays: Hays Clinic
Holton: Holton Community Hospital
Junction City: Geary Community Hospital
Kansas City: Wyandotte Clinic
Lawrence: Reed Medical Group
Liberal: Liberal Clinic
Liberal: Liberal Clinic
Paola: Louisburg-Paola Clinic
Parsons: Parsons Clinic
Russell: Russell Regional Hospital Medical Arts Building
Salina: Salina Clinic
Seneca: Nemaha Valley Community Hospital

Veteran Center
Wichita: Wichita Vet Center


Kansas House Bill No. 2497 2006 Legislator Briefing Book -5- T-1 2006 Legislator Briefing Book -3- T-1

Document Review Date: 01 June 2008
