USAID: From the American People | ASIA
Map of RDMA countries in Asia: China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Micronesia,


The Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID RDMA) was established in 2003 to manage regional development assistance programs in Asian countries without USAID Missions, including Burma, China, Laos, and Thailand.  Its mandate was quickly expanded to develop and support a broad portfolio of regional and transnational programs, and provide technical leadership, services and support to several USAID bilateral missions in Asia.  A regional approach to development programs expands opportunities for cooperative solutions to problems that cross national boundaries, such as human and wildlife trafficking, HIV/AIDS, natural resources conservation, trade, and political and economic conflict. In addition, a regional business platform provides a cost-effective way to provide services and manage programs as new demands arise, to strengthen regional institutions, and to engage regional and international partners.

From its headquarters in Bangkok, USAID RDMA manages regional programs that benefit all of East Asia and much of South Asia, as well as bilateral programs in Burma, China, Laos, and Thailand.  USAID's regional programs in Asia focus on special foreign policy interests such as human and wildlife trafficking, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, clean water and sanitation, the environment and natural resources, governance and economic reforms, and humanitarian assistance.

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