New Mexico Public Education Department Special Education  
SEO Homepage
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IDEA Advisory Panel
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Individual Education Program

For Our Educators

New Mexico Policy and Procedures © November 2007
Instructions for completion and documents for download

English | Spanish


2009 Tri-Annual Presentations and Handouts

A Team Approach to the
Communication Considerations IEP Addendum

Children with Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools

SPP Indicator 13: Improving Performance and Student Outcomes | Indicator 13 Checklist

Graduation Options for Students with Disabilities

Content of the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

IEP Case Study

IEP Analysis Sheet

Indicator 7: Early Childhood Assessment

NM School for the Deaf: Learning Opportunities for 2008-2009

Indicator 8: Parent Involvement Survey

What is the Story of the State Data?

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): New Mexico's General Supervision System

Family Involvement and Student Achievement

Meeting the Needs of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Overview

APR Indicators

34 CFR 300.160.rtf

NPDC Overview Nov. 2008

Graduation Waiver

Highly Qualified SPED


The Special Education Bureau is both a state and federal program. It is the responsibility of this office to carry out specific assignments of the Secretary of the New Mexico Public Education Department and the US Federal Department of Education, Office of Special Education.


Assessing Students with Disabilities

Early Childhood Education

Gifted Education





Welcome to the New Mexico Public Education Department Special Education Bureau (SEB) web site. Our goal is to make this SEB web site as interactive, informative and user-friendly as possible. Enjoy your visit.

Part B State Annual Performance Report APR: FFY 2007 (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008)

Table 6 NM Assessment


FFY 2005 -2010 State Performance Plan for Special Education

Contact the NM PED Special Education Bureau
120 South Federal Place,
Room 206
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Phone: 505-827-1457
Fax: 505-954-0001
Fax: 505-827-1469

Denise Koscielniak

Sue Gronewold
Deputy Director
(505) 827-1457

Joey Martin
Fiscal Manager
(505) 827-3599

Cynthia Romero
Data Supervisor
(505) 827-1423


Education Administrators

General Supervision:
Tomas Lopez
(505) 827-1463

Ida Tewa

Mario Vigil
(505) 827-3505

Joanie Roybal Se Habla Español
Parent Liaison
(505) 827-3506

Noreen Romero
(505) 827-1424

Leah Johnson
(505) 827-1456

Stephanie Sena
(505) 827-3542

Cindy Roybal
(505) 827-1460


Tim Crum
Data Management Analyst
(505) 827-3502

Anita Curtis
IT Database Administrator

Support Staff:
Rita Aquino
(505) 827-1457

J. Leah Erickson
(505) 827-1458

Feliz Romero
(505) 827-1459

Other PED Contacts:

Mona Martin
Assessment and Evaluation Bureau
Assessment Administrator
(505) 827-6577

Phyllis Bass
Quality Assurance Bureau
RtI | 504 Plans | SAT
(505) 827-6952

Carolann Gutierrez
Gifted Education
Humanities Bureau
(505) 827-6573

Charter Schools
(505) 222-4762



IDEA Panel Nominations

Below, please find the State of New Mexico Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) State Advisory Panel Nomination form along with the Federal requirements for panel membership. If you are interested in applying for the advisory panel or would like to nominate someone, please fill out the nomination form along with your resume or the person’s resume you are nominating. All nomination forms and resumes must be received by the Special Education Bureau by May 29, 2009, close of business.

If you have any questions please contact Leah Erickson at (505) 827-1458 or via email: Leah Erickson

Add'lnfo | Nomination Form

All nominations must be received by May 29, 2009

New Mexico Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Meeting Agenda, April 2009

State's Application for School Year 2009-2010

State's Application for School Year 2008-2009

Disability Grassroots Organizing Project (DGOP) Coverage Map

Special Education Accountability System manual

State to Local Determinations

Local – State – Federal Levels of Determination