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Water Compliance and Enforcement Data Systems Used in Region 5

Water compliance data is maintain in two EPA National Database Systems....

The Permit Compliance System (PCS) and the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS-NPDES) are currently EPA's national database systems used to track compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit requirements. Facilities in PCS and ICIS are identified as either major or minor. Within the major/minor classification, facilities are grouped into municipals, non-municipals or federal facilities. Major municipals are defined as facilities which discharge at least 1 MGD or more. Major non-municipals are facilities whose major rating code(MRAT) is at least 80 or higher. PCS and ICIS provide information on facilities which have been issued permits to discharge specific levels of waste water into lakes, rivers and streams. You can review information on when a permit was issued and expires, how much the company is permitted to discharge, and the actual monitoring data showing what the company has discharged (Envirofacts), etc... In addition, data is available showing enforcement, compliance schedules and inspections that has occurred under the NPDES program.

Major and Minor Individual NPDES Permittees
Region 5 TOTAL
ILLINOIS 276 1451 1727
INDIANA 195 1434 1629
MICHIGAN 183 456 639
MINNESOTA 93 678 771
OHIO 287 3016 3303
WISCONSIN 129 706 835
REGION 5 1163 7741 8904

The following PCS data products are available:

The following excel files have been provided for your convenience and consist of PCS/ICIS-NPDES data specific to Region 5. These files contain address and contact information for each permittee by state and collectively by region.

Mailing Information:

  • Illinois (xls, 147pp, 500K)
  • Indiana (xls, 237pp, 796K)
  • Michigan (xls, 54pp, 379K)
  • Minnesota (xls, 63pp, 465K)
  • Ohio (xls, 213pp, 1,531K)
  • Wisconsin (xls, 72pp, 250K)
  • Region 5 (xls, 741pp, 2,627K)
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    View or Download Quarterly Noncompliance Reports QNCRs may be downloaded by saving to disk.

    For additional information regarding the availability of PCS data click Envirofacts in related the Topics area, or send e-mail to: James Coleman, Water Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Branch.


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