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Home > Consumer Focus Archive > Owning a Second Home or Investment Property > Being a Landlord
Consumer Focus: Owning a Second Home or Investment Property
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Image of a house with a rent sign in front

Being a Landlord

There are particular considerations to be aware of if you're considering purchasing investment property or renting out a property that you currently own. The following information should help make the decision a little easier.

Posted: April 16, 2003


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If You're at the Idea Stage

As we discussed in Part 1 of this Consumer Focus, a good real estate agent can be immensely helpful in your search and purchase of an investment property. Look for an agent who has experience in helping people buy investment property. Agents with experience in this specialized market will be able to find out about the income the property currently generates and estimate expenses for the upkeep of the property.

Also, remember that this is a business decision. Be careful not to get caught up in the excitement of the moment during the property search. Don't let emotion cloud your judgment. Remember, although the property may eventually or occasionally be your home, you're primarily purchasing it for its income-generating potential.


Image of a man reading a newspaper

Finding a Tenant

You may want to consider trying to rent out the property yourself. If you're not sure what a fair market rent would be for your property, try looking in the classified section of the local newspaper where the property is located. It's probably best to never rent to people you know. You may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation if that friend or relative you rented to has trouble coming up with the rent. Be sure to check several of your applicant's previous references, not just the current landlord. Your potential tenant may be a major headache for the current property manager who may give a glowing reference, hoping to have him or her move out. You should check the applicant's credit history, too.

If you don't want to do all the work yourself, then you'll need to work with a property management company. Several can be found in the business pages of your telephone directory. For a fee, usually a percentage of the rent, property management companies will do much of the leg work for you, including the routine maintenance of the unit. As you would with any potential contractor, be sure to contact your local Better Business Bureau to ensure that you're working with a reputable company.


Image of a woman with a wrench

Upkeep and Maintenance

Nearly every one of us have been a tenant once in our lives. In your business dealings with your tenants, try to remember how it felt when your landlord let things go and let little repairs go unattended. Remember that your tenants have lives, too, and your rental property is their home. Treat them with same courtesy you'd expect if you were the tenant.

Keep accurate records, including any and all receipts related to the upkeep of the property, mileage costs, insurance bills, etc. You and your accountant will be glad you did during tax time. Also, if you find that your property management expenses may be higher than you originally anticipated when you have a vacancy or the lease is up for negotiation, you may need to adjust your rent upward. This documentation will be helpful in deciding how much to increase the rent.

Finally, be sure to keep up to date with landlord-tenant law. In most cases, these laws are locally enforced. If you’re not sure about a situation, be sure to seek out legal or other professional assistance.


Other Resources

This is just a brief overview. For more information on investment property check out these resources.

Read these publications online or order them from FCIC:


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