Section C. Index of Systems of Records

Part I. General Systems

100.000 General Personnel Records

100.100 Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records

100.200 Employee Performance Records

100.300 Employee Development and Training Records

100.400 Personnel Compensation and Payroll Records

100.500 Personnel Resource Management Records

100.600 Personnel Research Records

100.700 Medical Records

100.800 Employee Accident Records

100.850 Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP) Record Copies

100.900 Employee Inquiry, Complaint, and Investigative Records

100.950 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Records

200.000 Labor Relations Records

300.000 Finance Records

400.000 Supplier and Tenant Records

500.000 Property Management Records

500.100 Carrier and Vehicle Operator Records

500.200 Controlled Correspondence, FOIA, and Privacy Act Disclosure Records

500.300 Emergency Management Records

600.000 Legal Records Related to Mail

600.100 General Legal Records

600.200 Privacy Act and FOIA Appeal and Litigation Records

600.300 Public and Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports

600.400 Administrative Litigation Records

700.000 Inspection Service Investigative File System

700.100 Mail Cover Program Records

700.200 Vehicular Violations Records Systems

700.300 Inspector General Investigative Records

Part II. Customer Systems

800.000 Address Change, Mail Forwarding, and Related Services

800.100 Address Matching for Mail Processing

800.200 Address Element Correction Enhanced Service AECES)

810.100 Registration

810.200 Ordering, Payment, and Fulfillment

810.300 Offline Registration, Payment, and Fulfillment

820.100 Mailer Services — Applications and Approvals

820.200 Mail Management and Tracking Activity

830.000 Customer Service and Correspondence

840.000 Customer Mailing and Delivery Instructions

850.000 Auction Files

860.000 Financial Transactions

870.100 Trust Funds and Transaction Records

870.200 Meter Postage and PC Postage Customer Data and Transaction Records

880.000 Post Office and Retail Services

890.000 Sales, Marketing, Events, and Publications

900.000 International Services

910.000 Identity and Document Verification Services

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