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Foreign Aid in the National Interest

Background of Contributing Authors

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James Fox wrote the overview which documents past development successes. He has served with USAID and as a consultant to the World Bank.

Chapter 1

Larry Diamond, a professor of political science at Stanford University, wrote the democracy and governance chapter. Larry Diamond is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and co-editor of Journal of Democracy. He is a specialist on democracy in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and U.S. foreign policy affecting democracy abroad.

Chapter 2

C. Peter Timmer, Michael Porter, Christian Ketels, Brian Hannon and Yung Whee Rhee contributed background papers to the chapter "Driving Economic Growth."

C. Peter Timmer is a leading authority on the role of agriculture in economic development and food security in Asia. Dr. Timmer is currently a professor of Development Studies at the University of California-San Diego's Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies.

Michael E. Porter is the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School. Dr. Porter is a leading authority on competitive strategy and the competitiveness and economic development of nations, states, and regions. Dr. Porter is the author of 16 books and over 85 articles.

Christian Ketels is the Principal Associate at the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, a think tank directed by Michael Porter.

Brian Hannon is President of Hannon International, Inc., a management consulting firm providing clients with business development, project management and consulting services.

Yung Whee Rhee is a former World Bank economist specializing in trade and globalization issues.

Chapter 3

Susan Raymond, an independent consultant in international and domestic health care systems and finance, as well as in non-profit economics and finance, contributed to the health chapter. She is the former Director of Policy Programs and Director of Strategic Planning at the New York Academy of Sciences.

Chapter 4

Sharon Morris is Senior Advisor in the Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, United States Agency for International Development.

Chapter 5

Dina Esposito is an independent consultant working on humanitarian aid and post-conflict transition assistance. She has worked for State Department and USAID.

Chapter 6

Carol Adelman, a former USAID Assistant Administrator, authored the concluding chapter of the report, "The Full Measure of Foreign Aid." She is now a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, where she lectures and writes on foreign aid, international development and health care issues.

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