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First Person

Kazakhstan National Debate Center trains 15,000 students
Debater Learns Law, Politics & Economics
Photo:  Akikat Makhmotov.
Photo: FrontLines
Fourth-year geology student, Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty
“After hundreds of debating rounds, you just start understanding how people think... You feel you can cope with any situation.”
- Akikat Makhmotov

Makhmotov started debating in 2002 through the USAID-funded National Debate Center. Since, he has appeared on national television and participated in regional and national tournaments. Debating taught him about law, politics, and economics. The National Debate Center, started in 1998, has been funded by USAID since 2000 to promote civic education through debating. More than 15,000 students participate in regional, national, and international tournaments.

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