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Fighting HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

Photo: Young women waiting to be seen at a voluntary counseling and testing center funded by USAID.
Photo: USAID/Mozambique Carol Culler

Young women waiting to be seen at a voluntary counseling and testing center funded by USAID.

Mozambique is one of the fourteen priority countries targeted by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - a plan that will treat two million HIV positive people with anti-retro virals, prevent 7 million new infections, and care for 10 million HIV positive people and AIDS orphans worldwide. Mozambique presents both the greatest challenges and possibly the greatest opportunity for success in turning around the HIV/AIDS threat. With a prevalence rate of 13.6%, the epidemic’s advance is still at a level that offers a real chance to contain its spread and impact.

USAID has been a key player in Mozambique’s efforts to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS by encouraging safer sexual behavior through mass media campaigns, person-to-person counseling, voluntary testing, and condom social marketing. As a result, USAID reached over 250,000 Mozambicans through 12,000 nationwide guided peer debates, 175,000 people through more than 2,000 theater performances, and increased condom sales to 15.6 million (3.6 million more than targeted) in over 4,715 outlets funded by USAID resources.

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