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New Web Site Shares Food Information

Malian President Amadou Toumani Touré, right, and USAID/Mali Accelerated Economic Growth Team Leader Dennis McCarthy, center, launch the new food security Web site.
Photo: USAID/Sana Guindo

Malian President Amadou Toumani Touré, right, and USAID/Mali Accelerated Economic Growth Team Leader Dennis McCarthy, center, launch the new food security Web site.

On Monday, August 8, 2005, President Amadou Toumani Touré of Mali officially inaugurated the Web site of the Malian Food Security Commission.

The new site — the first of its kind in Mali — was developed jointly by the Commission and Michigan State University, with support from USAID to support the country's food security initiatives. Located at, it offers a wealth of information on the national food situation and helps local communities develop their own food security plans.

In her remarks, Food Security Commissioner Lansry Nana Haidara expressed her gratitude to USAID for its assistance in creating this valuable tool, which will help the president — an avid Internet user — and the general public track the most current information on Malian food issues.

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