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  • ArcGlobe is a stand-alone desktop viewer that is part of the 3D Analyst extension which can open and display Google Earth KML and KMZ files (KMZ files are zipped KML files).
  • The display is similar to Google Earth.
  • While it can open KML files, it does not support all KML 2.0 specifications, and it can only open the files as read only.
  • Some KML files will not open in ArcGlobe, possibly because of an unsupported feature.
  • See the KML specifications document from the ArcGIS Desktop Help.
  • The KML functionality in ArcGlobe is a recent addition, so KML files often will not appear as they do in Google Earth.
  • Also, the user must use the "Identify" tool in ArcGlobe, while in Google Earth they simply click on a point to get an information balloon.
  • KML data is displayed as a single layer and you cannot change their symbology.

  • To display KML data in ArcGlobe, you first must add the KML toolbar.
  • Add the toolbar by going to "View > Toolbars" and check "KML".
  • This will add the dockable KML toolbar.
  • There are three buttons on the toolbar: "Add KML Data", "Add KML Network Link" and "Show/Hide KML Contents".

  • To add a KML file, use the "Add KML Data" button like you would use the "Add Data" button in ArcMap.
  • Click the button, navigate to the file, select the file and click "Open."
  • The KML data is added to the display and appears in the table of contents.
  • To display the information that appears in Google Earth's Places Panel, click the "Show/Hide KML Contents" button.
  • You can click the plus signs to display information about each node.

  • To add KML network link data, click the "Add KML Network Link" button and enter the URL and trailing parameters to the KML Server information box, then click "OK."

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