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Tip 12: Be Creative - Find New Ways to Reduce Waste Quantity and Toxicity

orange calico cat swinging on a recycled tire swing a capital green letter T with a yellow cats paw printhere are many ways to reduce the amount and the toxicity of solid waste. By thinking creatively, many new uses for common items and new possibilities for source reduction and recycling can be discovered. Here are just a few ideas. Now, try some of your own!

yellow cats paw printTurn a giant cardboard box into a child's playhouse.

yellow cats paw printTransform a plastic ice cream tub into a flower pot.

yellow cats paw printGive pet hamsters or gerbils paper towel and toilet paper cardboard tubes with which to play. Use an egg carton to plant seedlings.

yellow cats paw printTurn used tires (not steel-belted) into children's swings or other playground equipment.

yellow cats paw printSelect nontoxic inks and art supplies.

yellow cats paw printCombine source reduction techniques. For example, try storing coffee bought in bulk in empty coffee cans.

yellow cats paw printChoose beverages such as water or milk in reusable containers, where appropriate.

yellow cats paw printPlace an order through the mail with a group of people in order to save money and reduce packaging waste.

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