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USGS CMG "Project/Theme" Definition

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InfoBank Terms: Activity ID   activity overview   crew   formal metadata   lines   metadata   NGDC   port stops   project/theme   region   ship   stations   time   virtual globe   year  
Data Types: bathymetry   geodetic positioning   gravity   ground penetrating radar   imagery   LIDAR   magnetics   metering equipment   navigation   samples   seismic   definitions disclaimer  
Data Formats: ARC coverage   E00   FGDC metadata   gridded/image   imaging   material   scattered/swath   Shapefile   vector/polygon  


  • The project/theme is usually submitted by the chief scientist of the field activity through FACS.

  • It may be an informal title and not the official administrative project title.

      (e.g., "Coastal Classification Mapping Project",
      as opposed to the Basis+ database name of
      "Extreme-Storm Coastal Change Hazards: Near Real-Time Preditions of Hurricane Impacts (Task 20900J7.4.0 4)")

  • Slight variations often occur. When possible, a common project title is used.

      (e.g., "Coastal Erosion and Pollution in Low-Latitude Environments"
      "Coastal Erosion and Pollution of Low-Latitude Coasts")

  • Historical activities may be clustered later into new themes under which they were not originally organized. (e.g., "Coastal Change Hazards")

    "To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." -- Marilyn vos Savant

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