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USGS CMG "Activity Overview" Definition

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InfoBank Terms: Activity ID   activity overview   crew   formal metadata   lines   metadata   NGDC   port stops   project/theme   region   ship   stations   time   virtual globe   year  
Data Types: bathymetry   geodetic positioning   gravity   ground penetrating radar   imagery   LIDAR   magnetics   metering equipment   navigation   samples   seismic   definitions disclaimer  
Data Formats: ARC coverage   E00   FGDC metadata   gridded/image   imaging   material   scattered/swath   Shapefile   vector/polygon  
  • An "overview" is a summary of an activity.

  • An overview contains metadata such as:
    USGS WR CMG Activity ID ---      
    Other ID (if any) ---      
    National Plan Element ---      
    Project name ---      
    Study region ---      
    Chief scientist(s) ---      
    Type of activity ---      
    Name of platform ---      
    Date field data collection started ---      
    Date field data collection ended ---      
    List of equipment used to gather data ---      
    Scientific purpose/goals ---      
    Summary of the activity and data gathered ---      
    Types of information to be derived ---      
    Information Specialist(s) ---      

  • InfoBank overview file names:
    <Activity_ID>.overview metadata

    "A rising tide lifts all boats." -- John F. Kennedy
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