Success Stories

Hundreds of leading organizations have activated system standby and hibernate settings, using a wide range of methods and tools. Here are a few of their stories:

  • Verizon PDF (776KB) is activating power management features on 185,000 PCs to save $7 million net of project costs.
  • Dell Exit ENERGY STAR cut energy use by 40% using 1E NightWatchman and SMSWakeUp software on its desktop and notebook computers.
  • Fusion Trade Inc. PDF (508KB) saved $70 per PC using EZ GPO and Windows Task Scheduler to accomodate nighttime updates.
  • General Electric PDF (155KB) activated system standby on 75,000 computers to save $2.5 million annually.
  • Yale University PDF (141KB) saves over $40 per PC by shutting down their PCs after hours, waking them only for nighttime backups and software updates.
  • University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh PDF (128KB) used the EZ GPO tool and technical assistance from EPA to activate system standby and save $9,000 annually.
  • North Thurston Public Schools PDF (138KB) used the EZ GPO tool to activate computer power management and save $45,000 annually.
  • Spring Branch Independent School District PDF (100KB) activated Windows sleep settings on 7,000 computers and monitors, and is now saving $230,000 annually.