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Disability Law Handbook

The handbook is available in PDF for printing purposes.

Table of Contents

This handbook is a broad overview of rights and obligations under federal disability laws. Individual state laws may impose more stringent obligations. This handbook is intended to inform rather than to advise, and the information provided is of a general nature. You should consult an attorney for advice about your particular situation.


Disability law is an area of law that overlaps with many other areas of law – including employment law, administrative law, elder law, consumer law, construction law, insurance law, school law, health law, social security law, and civil rights law. Individuals with disabilities are a protected class under civil rights laws, and it is the one protected class that anyone can join, usually involuntarily, at any point in their lives.

It is my hope that this book, which is a very broad brush look at disability law, will find its way into the hands of both individuals who have disabilities and entities that have obligations under various disability laws. This book is meant to provide basic information about disability rights, as well as resources for finding out more.


Jacquie Brennan
DBTAC Southwest ADA Center


Jacquie Brennan photo

Jacquie Brennan is an attorney with the DBTAC Southwest ADA Center. A graduate of the University of Houston Law Center, her interest in disability law started with her nine children, the youngest five of whom are adopted and have different kinds of disabilities. Jacquie is also the Director of the Paralegal Certificate Program at the University of Houston. Jacquie is the President of the Board of Directors of two non-profit organizations -- Project DOCC of Houston and A Simple Thread. She also serves on the Bioethics Committee of Texas Children's Hospital. 


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