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Source: MFRSR Report Date: 06/2009
Summary Originator: Gary Hodges

Instrument Mentor Monthly Summary Report for MFRSR: 06/2009

1. Data Review:
M1 (Graciosa Island, GWR)
Data show a mild shading issue during the morning hours (sunrise - 0930).

C1 (Barrow)
Data collection began 20090504. Initial data show a possible shading problem at high zenith angles (0600 - 1500).

C2 (Atqasuk)
Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

The month begins (continuing from prior months) looking terrible. An attempt was made to fix the instrument shading on 20090611. It helped some, but there is still a problem in the morning (sunrise - 1600 UTC). So, from the 11th forward, data AFTER 1600 UTC look OK.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

We see the very beginnings of a shading issue in June. Possibly the first day seen is 20090606 (1930 UTC - 2330 UTC), but the first we're sure is 20090616 (1930 - 2330). Cloudy conditions persist between the 6th and 16th, so we can't be positive of the first day. The situation continues through the end of the month.

There was head temperature irregularity between 20090615 @ 0600 and 20090617 @ 0330. On the 16th, in particular, head temp gets pretty high. Irradiance data should not be used during this period. The rest of the month looks fine.

Data look fine the entire month.

Instrument began the month (continuing from the prior month) suffering from a shading issue in the afternoon hours (1900 UTC - sunset). Maintenance was performed on the 17th, and though improved, there is still a shading issue between 1830 and 2300 UTC. The drop outs seen in the open channel in prior months are not occurring in June.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

There is a feature to the data I've never seen before. Look at 20090616, 17-30. There is a distinct hump in the morning diffuse values. Maybe a positive reflection onto the instrument? We are investigating...

Data look fine the entire month.

The shading issue first reported in January continues into May until maintenance resolved the problem on 20090520. The affected hours are between 1800 and sunset. Data from the 20th forward look fine.

Data look fine up until 20090618 @ 0630 UTC when the heater stops functioning. A non-functioning heater has a detrimental effect on the irradiance data. The mentor recommends not using data while the heater is not functional.

Data look fine the entire month.

Data look fine the entire month.

The shading issue first reported in Feb continues into and through June. Another attempt was made to resolve the issue on 20090618, but there was minimal improvement, if any.

We're seeing some sporadic drop outs in the temp data. Not sure if this in real, or a problem with a thermistor. The irradiance data does not appear to suffer, so possibly the issue is with the reading of the temperature.

C1 (Manus)
Data look fine the entire month.

C2 (Nauru)
The logger board failed on 20090606 @ 0300 UTC.

C3 (Darwin)
Data look fine the entire month.

2. Instrument Performance Issues and Trends:
We're almost one year into having the SGP completely built out with refurbished systems and Campbell loggers. Overall this has been a good move. The filter detectors have been stable, head temps remain very stable, and generally, it "feels" like we are having fewer problems. One issue bugging me, however, is we still have more shading problems than I think we should have. And when shading issues are addressed in the field, it is not uncommon for them to continue afterward.

3. Current Task Status:
ECO-00350 -- MFRSR Integrating of Campbell Data Logger. The roll out at SGP has been completed. The TWP sites are still pending, and NSA if the Campbell code is modified.

ECR-00692 -- Purchase data loggers and heater controllers for MFRSRs. Essentially completed. The Campbell loggers and heater boards have been delivered. Tagging on to this ECR is a small order(s) that will be placed for miscellaneous small parts to shore up the MFRSR parts bins.

4. Near-Term Plans:
I'd like to plan two trips (at least) to SGP in the early fall to coordinate, and help accomplish, bringing all the heads back to the central facility for characterization.

5. Accomplishments:
Nothing Reported

Related OPEN DQPRs, PIFs, BCRs and ECRs: (Note that DQRs are NOT included below)
To view multiple DQPR and PIF reports, check the boxes next to the IDs to include (below), then click

DQPRs (open):

DQ Problem Date Range: 07/01/1993-08/25/2009 Quality:All Submitter: All
DQPR IDSubmitterSubmit DateSubjectDQ Problem Time RangeStatusQuality
Kimberly Rabon 04/18/2009 SGP/MFRSR/E3-Shadowband Misalignment unspecified start date-
unspecified end date
Open Questionable Data
Gary Hodges 05/18/2009 SGP/MFRSR/E24-Shadowband Misalignment 20090201 00:00-
unspecified end date
Open Incorrect Data
Gary Hodges 05/18/2009 SGP/MFRSR/E19-Instrument noise problem 20090331 14:00-
unspecified end date
Open Incorrect Data
Gary Hodges 06/10/2009 TWP/MFRSR/C2-Data collection problem 20090606 03:00-
unspecified end date
Open Missing Data
Joshua King 07/06/2009 SGP/MFRSR/E8-Instrument problem/Shadowband Misalignment 20090616 19:30-
unspecified end date
Open Questionable Data
Gary Hodges 07/08/2009 NSA/MFRSR/C1-Shadowband Misalignment/preventative check 20090505 00:00-
unspecified end date
Open Questionable Data
Gary Hodges 07/08/2009 SGP/MFRSR/E15-preventative check 20090605 10:00-
unspecified end date
Open Questionable Data
Gary Hodges 08/19/2009 TWP/MFRSR/C1-Heater problem 20090706 08:00-
unspecified end date
Open Incorrect Data
Gary Hodges 08/24/2009 SGP/MFRSR/E6-Data collection problem 20090810 17:00-
unspecified end date
Open Missing Data
9 OPEN DQPR(s) returned

PIFs (open):
Subm. Date Range: 07/01/1993 - 08/25/2009 Submitter: All Assignee: All
PIF IDSubmitterSubmit DateSubjectAssignee - Status
Donna Flynn01/20/2004SGP/MFRSR/C1/E13 - intermittent data loss in 1 hr units Richard Eagan - Open (Very Important)
Connor Flynn12/01/2005SGP/MFRSR/C1/E13 - Reprocess: Aerosol Optical Depths inaccurate Connor Flynn - Open (Very Important)
Robin Perez02/14/2008SGP/EF - Time-synching protocol problems Richard Eagan - Open (Critical)
Tonya Martin04/29/2009SGP/EBBR/SIRS/SMOS/SWATS/MFRSR/IRT/E9 - Time problem 20090422 hour 16 - 20090424 hour 16 Richard Eagan - Open (Very Important)
4 OPEN PIF(s) returned

BCRs: State - Open

0 BCR(s) returned

ECRs: State - Open

0 ECR(s) returned