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Source: MWR Report Date: 06/2009
Summary Originator: Maria Cadeddu

Instrument Mentor Monthly Summary Report for MWR: 06/2009

1. Data Review:
This month data are continuous. The noise levels have gone down and they are back to almost normal levels until 6/12. After this date the interference started again. Between 6/1 and 6/10 the ambient temperature readings are missing. On 6/10 the temperature sensor was replaced (see DQR 090611.2).

Data are generally good this month. The instrument appears stable.

Note: While the radiometer was tested at the SGP it was noticed that the 23.8-GHz brightness temperature was about 1.5 K warmer than the SN10 radiometer. This bias has been documented in a PIF (P070314.2) and in an open ended DQR (D080512.2). A summary of this problem is given in the document “NSAC2_P070314.2.doc” that is attached to the mentor report for April 2008. The resulting PWV retrieval has an estimated bias of ~ 1 mm.

C1 (Manus): Data are good and continuous this month.

C2 (Nauru): Data are good this month. No data interruptions.

C3 (Darwin): Data are good at this facility. No data interruptions.

The instrument has been generally malfunctioning since its installation (see DQR D090522.1). The origin of the malfunction has been tracked down to the loosening of the screw that holds the rotating mirror in place. The problem was corrected on 6/16. After 6/16 the instrument worked well.

B1: (SN 16) This month there is data interruption between 6/16 and 6/18 (see DQR D090710.2). Although the exact cause of the interruption is not known, it may be related to a power failure because it cause a change in the noise diode temperature. However the noise level in the data appear normal even after the data interruption. The remaining of the month data appear normal.

B4: (SN 11) Instrument was moved to the Central Facility for the Cloud Tomography IOP (see DQR 090512.7). The instrument was moved to the S01 site on 5/27/09.

B5: (SN12): Instrument was moved to the Central Facility for the Cloud Tomography IOP (see DQR D090512.8). The instrument was moved to the S02 site on 5/28/09.

B6: (SN 15): The instrument was moved to the S03 site on 5/27/09, see DQRs D081028.1 and D090225.11.

C1: This month data are generally good. Between 6/23 and 6/30 data are intermittent because of problems with the UPS unit (see DQR D090710.3). For the remaining of the month data are continuous.

E14: The radiometer was sent to the vendor for repairs, but it was damaged during transport. We will decide how to proceed next based on the estimated cost of repairs (see D090513.1, P090513.1).

2. Instrument Performance Issues and Trends:
C1: High noise in 23.8 GHz channel

C2: (SN 21) The 23.8_GHz brightness temperature is about 1.5 K warmer than the SN10 radiometer. This bias has been documented in a PIF (P070314.2) and in an open ended DQR (D080512.2)

M1 (SN33): Instrument malfunctioning since its installment. The problem was that the mirror was not properly tightened up. The problem was corrected on 6/16.

B1: (SN 16) The 23.8-GHz brightness temperature is consistently slightly higher than the model computations (DQR 070801.1). The instrument is experiencing increased noise. We will monitor the noise level. Opened PIF 090611.1.

E14 (SN 4): The 23.8-GHz brightness temperature of this channel is constantly ~1K higher than the collocated C1 radiometer. He instrument suffered hail damage to the power supply and was sent for repairs.

3. Current Task Status:
PIF: P090417.1 (High noise in 23.8 GHz channel) STATUS: OPEN. This month the noise spikes have come back.

PIF P070314.2 (A slight bias on the measurements) opened 3/14. STATUS: OPEN. The radiometer was installed on 4/15/2008 (see DQR D010504.2). While the radiometer was tested at the SGP it was noticed that the 23.8-GHz brightness temperature was about 1.5 K warmer than the SN10 radiometer. This bias has been documented in a PIF (P070314.2) and in an open ended DQR (D080512.2). A summary of this problem is given in the document “NSAC2_P070314.2.doc”.

P090519.1 (MWR malfunctioning) STATUS: CLOSED

P070821.1 (23.8-GHz temperature too high) STATUS: OPEN
P090611.1 (Occasional increase in noise level) STATUS: OPEN

P081029.2 (Instrument failure), STATUS: CLOSED

P070821.2 (23.8-GHz temperature too high): STATUS: We will keep this PIF open.
P090513.1 (Instrument damaged): STATUS: OPEN. The instrument was repaired and is on its way back to the SGP.

4. Near-Term Plans:
Nothing Reported

5. Accomplishments:
Nothing Reported

Related OPEN DQPRs, PIFs, BCRs and ECRs: (Note that DQRs are NOT included below)
To view multiple DQPR and PIF reports, check the boxes next to the IDs to include (below), then click

DQPRs (open):

DQ Problem Date Range: 07/01/1993-08/25/2009 Quality:All Submitter: All
No OPEN DQPRs for specified criteria

PIFs (open):
Subm. Date Range: 07/01/1993 - 08/25/2009 Submitter: All Assignee: All
PIF IDSubmitterSubmit DateSubjectAssignee - Status
James Liljegren10/27/2005TWP/SONDE/C3 - Missing and Bad Soundings James Mather - Open (Very Important)
Maria Cadeddu06/11/2009SGP/MWR/B1 - Occasional increased noise Maria Cadeddu - Open (Important)
2 OPEN PIF(s) returned

BCRs: State - Open
BCR-01552Selected Instruments Participate in Virtual Instrument PC Demonstration
BCR-01555Remove MWRs from BFs to support Field Campaigns

2 BCR(s) returned

ECRs: State - Open

0 ECR(s) returned