| Notification of New Data Stream |

This is your notification of a new data stream that we will be distributing 
from the XDC to the Archive. 

The following information should fully describe the new data stream. If you 
have any questions about this, please send them to the sender of this message. 

Sending to: 

      _x_ Archive (raw,cdf data) 
      ___ Experiment Center 
      ___ other ()

No.	Data Stream 			Frequency	File Size(bytes)
 1	sgpallruc40isobX1.00            1 file /day         156,050,944

 2	sgpfnnallruc40isobX1.00      <10 files /day           6,824,396

 3	sgpallruc40hybrX1.00            1 file /day         244,350,976
 4	sgpfnnallruc40hybrX1.00      <10 files /day          10,338,714

 5	sgpallruc40isobX1.c1          24 files /day          21,378,248
 6	sgpallruc40hybrX1.c1          24 files /day          46,900,344

Data Stream Name(s) and Comments:

No.1: sgpallruc40isobX1.00.yymmdd.hhmmss.raw.tar.gz. 

      Isobaric main anallysis data. The tar file contains ~24 hourly data in 
      format sgpallruc40isobX1.00.yymmdd.HH0000.raw.grb.

No.2: sgpfnnallruc40isobX1.00.yymmdd.ZZ0000.raw.grb.BBfYY. 

      Isobaric main forecast data. It is picked up when the analysis 
      data is missing.

      where ZZ = cycle time
      BB = the base time from which the data is forecasted
      YY = the number of hours forecasted from the base time (BB)
      ZZ = BB + YY(the hour of the forecasted data )

No.3: sgpallruc40hybrX1.00.yymmdd.hhmmss.raw.tar.gz. 
      Hybird analysis data. The tar file contains ~24 hourly data in format 
      sgpallruc40hybrX1.00.yymmdd.HH0000.raw.grb. It is only available for 

No.4: sgpfnnallruc40hybrX1.00.yymmdd.ZZ0000.raw.grb.BBfYY. 

      Hybird forecast data. It is picked up when the analysis 
      data is missing.

      where ZZ = cycle time
      BB = the base time from which the data is forecasted
      YY = the number of hours forecasted from the base time (BB)
      ZZ = BB + YY(the hour of the forecasted data )

No.5: sgpallruc40isobX1.c1.yymmdd.hhmmss.cdf

      Isobaric main anallysis data in netcdf format

No.6: sgpallruc40hybrX1.c1.yymmdd.hhmmss.cdf

      Hybird forecast data in netcdf format 

Source Instrument(s):

External Date Source: National Centers for Environment Prediction(NCEP)

Instrument Mentor(s):

Transfer Schedule: 

 	We have files covering 4/20/98 - present. We will start sending the 
        data on a daily basis next week. We will also be sending out one  
	week's worth of backlog data per day starting 8/6/98.

Additional Notes:

	RUC2(Rapid Update Cycle) data is provided by National Centers for 
	Environment Prediction (NCEP). It is hourly model data in GRIB format.
	Please see http://maps.fsl.noaa.gov/ for the detailed information on 
	RUC2 data. We currently collect RUC2 isobaric main and surface 
	analysis data.