Contact: Lynne Roeder, ARM Public Information Officer, 509.372.4331
Onsite: Booth 328/330

ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Sites
ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Sites

Exhibit Showcases User Facility, Science, and Real-time Data

Equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation and data systems, the Department of Energy’s ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) provides permanent research sites around the world for conducting interdisciplinary science related to earth systems. Visit the ACRF display to talk with scientists who use the facility for their research and to learn about its capabilities. The display includes streaming data from research sites in Oklahoma, Alaska, Germany, and Australia, and a large poster featuring key research results. Pick up the 2007 ARM Annual Report, fact sheets about various field campaigns, or an information packet with background information. The ACRF display is available all week at the exhibit hall in space 328/330.

Research Results

Each year, more and more scientists take advantage of the capabilities provided by this user facility to conduct their research, ranging from short-term field campaigns to long-term data analyses, model comparisons, and measurement validation efforts. Check out their results during the following oral discussions and poster presentations (see details below, or contact Lynne for more information):

  • Cloud and Radiation Interactions - A32C-08; A33F-03; A33F-04; A33F-05; A22F-08; A34D-02; A41A-0012; A41A-0013; A441-0016; A41A-0021; A41B-0441
  • Aerosols Properties and Effects - A11A-0033; A13F-04; A14B-07; A23D-1569; A33F-05;
    A41A-0013; A41A-0021; A43C-1435; A53D-1448
  • Land Surface Flux - A23D-1569; H31D-0628; H31A-0134; A43C-1435; B43D-1595; B52D-06
  • Modeling - A41A-0010; A53D-1448
  • Research Capabilities - IN13B-1219; GC13A-0943
Atmospheric Sciences
A11A-0033 Monday, 0800 The Role of Adiabaticity in the Aerosol First Indirect Effect. MS Exhibit Hall B
A13F-04 Monday, 1435 Optical Remote Sensing of CCN MW 2003
A14B-07 Monday, 1735 Evidence for Enhanced Aerosol Indirect Effects in Low-Level Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds MW 2004
A23D-1569 Tuesday, 1340 Initial High Spectral Resolution Lidar Results From the Cumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study (CHAPS) and Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC) MS Exhibit Hall B
A32C-08 Wednesday, 1205 An analysis of cloud scale vertical motions, upper tropospheric humidity, and cirrus microphysical properties in relation to the large-scale atmospheric state MW 2004
A33F-03 Wednesday, 1410 Cirrus Radiative Flux Study at SGP Using Radar/Lidar/AERI Derived Cloud Properties MW 2003
A33F-04 Wednesday, 1425 Radiative Heating Profiles for Tropical Cloud Regimes MW 2003
A33F-05 Wednesday, 1440 The Sensitivity of Shortwave Radiative Forcing and Heating Rates to the Aerosol Vertical Profile MW 2003
A33F-08 Wednesday,1525 RADAGAST:Modelling Surface and TOA Fluxes to Estimate Atmospheric Flux Divergence MW2003
A34D-02 Wednesday,1615 ImprovedUnderstanding of Far-Infrared Radiative Processes in the Earth’s Atmosphere -INVITED MW2003
A41A-0010 Thursday,0800 ACluster Analysis Approach to Comparing Atmospheric Radiation Measurement(ARM) Observations with General Circulation Model (GCM) Results MSExhibit Hall B
A41A-0012 Thursday,0800 Calculationof “Validated” Radiative Heating Rates at Atmospheric RadiationMeasurement (ARM) Climate Research Facilities MSExhibit Hall B
A41A-0013 Thursday,0800 Verticalprofiles of aerosol extinction and radiative heating at Niamey, Niger MSExhibit Hall B
A41A-0016 Thursday,0800 AssessingChanges in Surface Fluxes over Land due to Linked Changes in Aerosol andClouds MSExhibit Hall B
A41A-0021 Thursday,0800 NewInsights Into the Column Radiative Budget Using Ground Based HyperspectralZenith Radiance Measurements MSExhibit Hall B
A41B-0441 Thursday,0800 Investigationof the Radiative Forcing of Thin Cirrus in the Tropical Atmospheres Based onAIRS/ARM Data MSExhibit Hall B
A43C-1435 Thursday,1340 AerosolOptical Properties during GoMACCS and CLASIC: Evidence of Cloud Processingand Scavenging MSExhibit Hall B
A53D-1448 Friday, 1340 Evaluation of a New Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics Parameterization with a SCM, CAPT Forecasts and M-PACE Observations MS Exhibit Hall B
B43D-1595 Thursday 1340 Regional Carbon Fluxes and Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics in the Southern Great Plains during the 2007 CLASIC Intensive MS Exhibit Hall B
B52B-06 Friday, 1135 Regional Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in the Southern Great Plains: Measurements, Modeling, and Scaling MW 2007
Earth and Space Sciences Informatics
IN13B-1219 Monday, 1340 Discovery and Access to ARM Data from Statistical Views of Measurement Results: A New View into Long-term Data Collection MS Exhibit Hall B
Global Environmental Change
GC13A-0943 Monday, 1340 Facilities Enhancement for IPY at Barrow MS Exhibit Hall B
H31A-0134 Wednesday, 0800 Estimates of total downwelling surface radiation using a high-res GOES-based cloud product with MODIS and AIRS products MS Exhibit Hall B
H31D-0628 Wednesday, 0800 A Flux Tower Instrument Intercomparison in Support of the DOE CLASIC Field Intensive Campaign MS Exhibit Hall B

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