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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

News Release

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Release Date: February 17, 2006
Release Number: 06-302-DAL
Contact Name: Gloria Della/David James
Phone Number: 202.693.8664/202.693.4676

Assistant Secretary of Labor Address to Oklahoma Public Policy Forum Focuses on President Bush’s Health Care Agenda

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor Ann L. Combs spoke to members of Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, today to highlight the Bush Administration’s priorities to make healthcare more affordable for American workers, retirees and their families.

“The rising cost of health care is on everyone’s minds these days,” Combs told the audience. “President Bush’s agenda to put the consumer back into the equation in health care will dramatically change the market and lead to better price transparency and competition – driving health care costs down. The President strongly supports legislation to create Association Health Plans to improve access to affordable, quality healthcare for Americans.”

Association Health Plans - benefit arrangements offered through industry associations - would allow small businesses to enjoy the same advantages, administrative efficiencies and negotiating clout enjoyed by big businesses and labor unions.

Combs also discussed the Administration’s proposals to increase access to affordable, quality health care through the use of Health Savings Accounts, tax-favored savings accounts used in conjunction with a consumer-directed, high-deductible health plan.

For more information about the Administration’s health initiatives, visit the Labor Department’s Web site at

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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


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