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Somalia - Complex Emergency

Map of Somalia
Map of Somalia

Regional Team: ECA

Disaster Declared:

Brief Description:
Widespread violence since the collapse of Muhammad Siad Barre’s government in 1991, combined with endemic poverty, has led to an ongoing complex emergency in Somalia.  The lack of a functioning central government, civil strife, and inter-clan conflicts have complicated the humanitarian situation.  In addition, drought, flooding, and extreme poverty have increased food insecurity of vulnerable Somalis and led to malnutrition throughout the country.  In FY 2006, USAID responded to drought affecting the entire Horn of Africa region.  The crisis was particularly severe in the same southern regions of Somalia where recent flooding and fighting have exacerbated the humanitarian situation.

In late December 2007, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), supported by Ethiopia, initiated an air and ground campaign to recapture towns in south and central Somalia controlled by Council of Islamic Courts (CIC) supporters.  TFG/Ethiopian forces advanced quickly as CIC leaders and fighters retreated first towards Mogadishu and then towards Kismayo, which fell on December 29 and January 1, respectively.  Humanitarian agencies report that the rapid and localized nature of the conflict to date has minimized population movements, with displacement being short-term, largely along clan lines, and within conflict-affected districts.    


On October 5, 2006, U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Michael E. Ranneberger renewed the Somalia disaster declaration for FY 2007.  OFDA’s primary focus in Somalia is addressing basic humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable populations through health, nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene activities.  In addition, OFDA supports access to vulnerable populations for humanitarian staff through the United Nations Common Air Service (UNCAS). Since 1991, OFDA has provided more than $167 million for humanitarian assistance to Somalia.


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