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Field Campaigns

2008 Workshop

Instrumentation Workshop 2008

Agenda and Presentations

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Session 1: Workshop Goals, ARM and ARM AVP Program, Results of Past Workshops
Session Chair: Beat Schmid; Scribes: Catrin Mills and Hilary Minor
830 to 835: Introduction and Logistics, Greg McFarquhar, University of Illinois
835 to 850: The ARM AVP Program, Greg McFarquhar, University of Illinois
850 to 905: ARM Aerial Vehicle Workshop, Rickey Petty, DOE
905 to 920: The Role of Airborne Instruments within ARM, Warren Wiscombe, BNL
920 to 935: AVP Support of Past Field Campaigns, Beat Schmid, PNNL
935 to 955: SBIR and STTR Support of Instrument Development, Procurement and Maturation, Rickey Petty, DOE
955 to 1015: Unmet Needs Highlighted by the Airborne Instrumentation Subcommittee for the NSF-sponsored 2007 Facility Assessment, William Cooper, NCAR

1015 to 1040: BREAK, 2nd Floor

Session 2: In-Situ Aerosol Instrumentation
Session Chair: John Ogren, NOAA; Scribes: Catrin Mills and Hilary Minor
1040 to 1100: Instrumentation Needs for Aerosol Climate Effects, Daniel Murphy, NOAA
1100 to 1115: What can single particle mass spectrometers and single particle spectrometers do and not do? Dan Cziczo, PNNL
1115 to 1130: Emerging Technology for Measuring Atmospheric Aerosol Properties, Bruce Gandrud and Greg Kok, DMT
1130 to 1145: A fast integrated mobility Spectrometer for rapid measurement of aerosol size distribution, Jian Wang, BNL
1145 to 1200: New approaches to airborne differential mobility analysis of aerosols, Richard Flagan, Cal Tech
1200 to 1215: Miniaturized total aerosol counter, optical sizer, absorption photometer and composition instruments for deployment on unmanned aerial systems, Fred Brechtel, Brechtel Mfg.

1215 to 1310: LUNCH AND POSTER SESSION, 2nd Floor

Session 2 cont: In-situ Aerosol Instrumentation
Session Chair: John Ogren; Scribes: Hee-Jung Yang and Joseph Ching
1310 to 1325: Modification and use of the Dual Wavelength Optical Particle Spectrometer (DWOPS) for the Study of the Optical Properties and Composition of Aerosols with Aircraft Platforms, James Charles Wilson, University of Denver
1325 to 1340: AVIRAD sampling system: design and validation, Paola Formenti, University of Paris
1340 to 1355: Miniature Multi-filter Continuous Light Absorption Photometer, John Ogren, NOAA
1355 to 1410: Probing aerosols in cloud microstructures with single particle "Fast-TRAC", Xiao-Ying Yu, PNNL
1410 to 1425: CCN Spectrometry, Jim Hudson, DRI
1425 to 1440: Scanning flow CCN analysis for fast measurements of CCN spectra, Richard Moore, Georgia Tech

1440 to 1540: BREAK AND POSTERS, 2nd Floor

Session 3: In-situ Cloud Microphysics
Session Chair: Alexei Korolev; Scribes: Kenny Bae and Fengxue Qiao
1540 to 1555: Advances in in-situ cloud microphysics instrumentation- a SPEC perspective, Paul Lawson, SPEC Inc.
1555 to 1610: Cloud microphysical measurements current challenges and emerging technology, Bruce Gandrud, DMT
1610 to 1625: An airborne digital holographic instrument for measuring the spatial distribution and local size distributions of cloud particles: Holographic detector for clouds (HOLODEC) 2, Jacob Fugal, NCAR
1625 to 1640: New evidence of ice particle shattering by OAP-2DC, Alexei Korolev, MSC
1640 to 1655: Ice Crystals Shattering on the Inlets of Cloud Particle Probes, Paul Lawson and Brad Baker, SPEC Inc.
1655 to 1710: The EUFAR-FP6 JRA: Airborne Aerosol Reference Pod, Jean-Louis Brenguier, Meteo France, and Community Aerosol Inlet, J.-L. Brenguier, L. Gomes, T. Bourrianne, CNRM/GMEI
1710 to 1740: Discussion on measurements of small ice crystals, Alexei Korolev Chair

High resolution measurement of mixed phase cloud and precipitation by aircraft penetration, John Hallett and German Vidaurre, DRI

EVENING TOUR of NOAA Cessna 206 at Champaign Willard Airport; tour given by John Ogren and Pat Sheridan (time and details to be announced at meeting).

Wednesday October 15, 2008

Session 4: Panel & Group Discussion on Priorities for Aerosol and Cloud Instrumentation
Scribes: Hee-Jung Yang and Joseph Ching
800 to 930: Panel and Group Discussion, Ogren and Korolev, Chairs
930 to 1000: BREAK and POSTERS, 2nd FLOOR

Session 5: Active and Passive Remote Sensing
Session Chairs: Phillip Russell and Dave Turner; Scribes: Luke Bard and Jason Tackett
1000 to 1030: UAV-based lidar sensor for next-generation suborbital platforms and Development of a new airborne lidar instrument for aerosol transport studies, Matthew McGill, NASA Goddard
1030 to 1045: The new integrated cloud observation capabilities of Wyoming King Air by combining radar, lidar, microwave radiometer and in-situ measurements, Zhien Wang, University of Wyoming
1045 to 1100: HIAPER Cloud Radar, Jothiram Vivekanandan, NCAR
1100 to 1115: NRC Convair 580 atmospheric remote sensing capabilities and recent research activities, Mengistu Wolde, NRC
1115 to 1130: Airborne hyperspectral and broadband solar radiation measurements: state-of-the-art and prospectives, Manfred Wendisch, Johannes Gutenberg University
1145 to 1200:
Observations from the Langley airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar and Plans for Combined Active-Passive Aerosol/Cloud Retrievals, Chris Hostetler, NASA Langley
1200 to 1215: New developments in climate monitoring via airborne remote sensing, Michael Dobbs, ITT

1215 to 1415 LUNCH AND POSTERS, 2nd Floor

Session 5: Active and Passive Remote Sensing cont.
Session Chairs: Phillip Russell and Dave Turner; Scribes: Allie Jones and Isaac Hankes
1415 to 1430: Spectral sun photometer and sky radiometer measurements from moving platforms, John Porter, University of Hawaii
1430 to 1445: The scanning high-resolution interferometer sounder (Scanning-HIS), J. Taylor and Dave Turner, University of Wisconsin
1445 to 1500: 4STAR spectrometer for sky-scanning sun-tracking atmospheric research: airborne concepts, ground protype measurements, and AERONET-style retrievals, Connor Flynn, PNNL
1500 to 1515: Retrieval of aerosol optical and surface characteristics from airborne radiation measurements, Charles Gatebe, NASA
1515 to 1530: Profiling Radiometer for Atmospheric and Cloud Observation � PRACO, Vladimir Irisov, Boulder Environmental Science and Technology

1530 to 1600 BREAK AND POSTERS

Session 6: Panel and Group Discussion on Active/Passive Remote Sensing
1600 to 1730: Panel and Group Discussion on Active/Passive Remote Sensing

Thursday October 16, 2008

Section 7: UAS and State Parameters
Session Chair: Warren Wiscombe; Scribes: Eric Meyers and Tosha Richardson
800 to 815: Turbulence detection on aerial platforms using orientation sensors, Giles Harrison, University of Reading
815 to 830: Atmospheric boundary layer studies with the Duke University Helicopter Observation Platform (HOP), M. Adam Bolch
830 to 845: Activities of the European Network for Airborne Research (EUFAR): Jean-Louis Brenguier, Meteo France
845 to 900: SUMO: A small unmanned meteorological observer for atmospheric boundary layer research, Joachim Reuder, University of Bergen
915 to 930: Design and development of a small instrument to investigate airborne aerosols, Greg Walker, University of Alaska Fairbanks
930 to 940: DOE/ARM Unmanned Aerospace Systems (UAS) Plans, Bernie Zak, Sandia
940 to 955: Aerosol-radiation-cloud measurements during the CAPMEX campaign with stacked UAVs, Ramana, Scripps

955 to 1020: BREAK

Section 8 UAS Discussion
Session Chair: Warren Wiscombe; Scribes: Sara Strey and Andy VanLoocke
1020 to 1050: UAS Panel Discussion, Warren Wiscombe

Section 8 Meeting Summary
Session Chair: Greg McFarquhar; Scribes: Sara Strey and Andy VanLoocke
1050 to 1110: Aerosol Instrument Summary and Discussion, John Ogren
1110 to 1130: In-Situ Clouds Summary and Discussion, Alexei Korolev
1130 to 1200: Active and Passive Remote Sensing Summary and Discussion, Phillip Russell and Dave Turner
1200 to 1220: Meeting Summary, Greg McFarquhar

1330 to 1700: Meeting of Steering Committee (McFarquhar, Wiscombe, Schmid, Petty, Ogren, Korolev, Russell, Turner)

Collocated airborne measurements of microphysical and radiation cloud properties, H. Siebert, Leibniz Institute

Atmospheric research instrumentation on the FAAM-bae146 Aircraft, C. Lee, UK Met Office

Past, present and future of airborne sun photometry using the NASA Ames airborne tracking sun photometers, R. Johnson, NASA

Separation of cloud elements: The need for inertial and phase discrimination, Dan Cziczo, PNNL

In-situ detection of water vapor with telecommunication laser diode absorption spectroscopy (TLDAS), X-Y Yu, PNNL

Bipolar air conductivity measurements from aerial platforms, K. Nicoll, University of Reading

Aerosol phase function measurements, J. Porter, University of Hawaii

New instrumentation for bioaerosol measurements, M. Gallagher, University of Manchester

SID3 and PPD1 instruments for atmospheric ice crystal characterization, Z. Ulanowski, University of Hertfordshire