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May 8, 2009   
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Forms Used in DOL Adjudications

The following are forms used in DOL adjudications. If you do not already have an Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you will need to download one to use these forms.

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From a PC: Right mouse click on the link and select "Save Target As…" (Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As..." (Netscape Navigator) from the menu.

From a Mac: Press the Control key, click the link, and select "Download Link to Disk" (Internet Explorer) or "Save this Link as..." (Netscape Navigator) from the menu.

Form Title


ECAB Appeal Form AB-1

PDF Format

OALJ Subpoena
Warning: Consult the rules on subpoenas before attempting to use an OALJ subpoena. Misuse may expose you to sanctions.

PDF Format

OALJ Black Lung Benefits Act Evidence Summary Form

PDF Format

OALJ LHWCA Pretrial Statement Form [Boston District Office] - Instructions

PDF Format

OALJ LHWCA Stipulations Form [Boston District Office] Instructions

PDF Format

OALJ LHWCA Pretrial Statement Form [San Francisco District Office] Instructions

PDF Format

Additional Forms

Other Department of Labor forms

OWCP - Black Lung Forms

OWCP - Longshore Forms


ETA - Foreign Labor Certification Forms


Phone Numbers