Regional Advisory Committees
Archived Information


Section 203 of Title II of the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002 (TA Act) directs the secretary to establish 20 comprehensive centers to provide technical assistance to state educational agencies, local educational agencies, regional educational agencies and schools in implementing the goals and programs of NCLB. In preparation for the new centers, Section 206 of the TA Act directs the secretary to establish 10 regional advisory committees (RACs) to advise on the educational needs of each region. The 10 regions are the same geographical regions served by the current Regional Educational Laboratories.

The regional advisory committees will conduct educational needs assessments of their respective regions and submit reports on the assessment findings to the secretary.

Committee Membership

The membership of each committee reflects a balanced representation of the states in the region and are composed of parents, practicing educators, higher education representatives, business representatives, researchers, and not more than one representative from each state educational agency in the region. The committees vary in size but, on average, have about 15 members.

As required by the legislation, the secretary selected the membership of each committee after consulting with and receiving recommendations from governors, chief state school officers, and key education stakeholders and organizations within the applicable regions, including nominations resulting from a Federal Register Notice that was published on July 21, 2004. The secretary made his selections in October 2004.

Members of each RAC download files MS Word (92K)

Final Summary Reports of:

download files MS Word (466K) | PDF (123K)

Mid Atlantic
download files MS Word (289K) | PDF (116K)

Mid Continent
download files MS Word (295K) | PDF (111K)

North Central
download files MS Word (280K) | PDF (108K)

download files MS Word (342K) | PDF (150K)

download files MS Word (519K) | PDF (175K)

download files MS Word (622K) | PDF (280K)

download files MS Word (735K) | PDF (144K)

download files MS Word (298K) | PDF (112K)

download files MS Word (1.9M) | PDF (585K)

Overview Report

download files MS Word (496K) | PDF (1.6M)

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Last Modified: 09/29/2005