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Standard Interpretations
08/28/1975 - Interpretation on interlocking device for laundry washer tumbler or shaker in the textile standard.

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• Standard Number: 1910.262(cc)(1)

29 CFR 1910.262(cc)(1)

August 28, 1975

Mr. Robert A. Williams
Plant Manager
Davol, Inc.
Box D
Providence, Rhode Island 02901

Dear Mr. Williams:

This is in reference to your letter dated January 29, 1975, concerning your request for a variance from Section 1910.262(cc)(1) Textiles, Laundry Washer Tumbler or Shaker - Interlocking Device, of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

Enclosed you will find a copy of Program Directive #100-35 which provides an interpretation of Section 1910.262(cc)(1). The interpretation states, in part, that a properly installed and operating micro switch on the door which shuts off the power when the door is opened will meet the intent of this standard. Please review this Directive to insure that your tumbler dryers are in compliance with all aspects of this interpretation.

No further action will be taken on your request for a variance.


Barry J. White
Associate Assistant
Secretary for Regional Programs


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