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Standard Interpretations
03/10/1975 - Use of respirators for work in manholes.

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• Standard Number: 1926.103; 1926.956(a)(3)(i); 1926.956(a)(3)(ii); 1926.956(a)(3)(iii)

29 CFR 1926.103 29 CFR 1926.956(a)(3)(i)(ii) and (iii)

March 10, 1975

Mr. Raymond G. Ritthamel
Director-Safety & Security
GPU Service Corporation
Post Office Box 1018
Reading, Pennsylvania 19603

Dear Mr. Ritthamel:

This is in response to your letter of February 18, 1975, with reference to work in manholes.

The rules quoted in your letter; i.e., 1926.956(a)(3)(i), (ii), and (iii), do not require the presence of emergency respiratory equipment in the immediate vicinity when work is being performed on underground lines.

However, 1926.103, which also applies to this type of work, states: "In emergencies, or when controls required by Subpart D of this Part either fail or are inadequate to prevent harmful exposure to employees, appropriate respiratory protective devices shall be provided by the employer and shall be used."

It is important to remember that, although Subpart V of the Construction Standards is specific for power transmission and distribution lines, other parts of Part 1926, the Construction Standards, may also apply. In this instance, the rules for toxic gases and vapors (not mentioned in Subpart V) and emergency respiratory equipment contained in Subpart D and E are applicable.

We trust this provides you with the information you requested.


Barry J. White
Associate Assistant Secretary for
Regional Programs

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