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Whitman Mission National Historic Sitepainting of covered wagons, wagon after wagon seen off into the distance
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Whitman Mission National Historic Site

Exploratory Trip, 1835
In 1835, the American Board sent Rev. Samuel Parker and Dr. Marcus Whitman to the Oregon Country to locate potential mission sites. To reach their destination Dr. Whitman and Rev. Parker traveled with a fur trader caravan. A few of the incidents that occurred on this trip are listed below:

Hostility of the Men of the Caravan

The Dread Cholera Strikes the Caravan 

Dr. Whitman Operates on Jim Bridger

Anacapa Island lighthouse                 

Did You Know?
The Anacapa Island lighthouse, turned on in 1932, was the last permanent lighthouse built on the west coast.

Last Updated: January 07, 2009 at 12:01 EST