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National Park Service / US Geological Survey - Water Quality Partnership


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Water Quality Partnership

This program empowers U.S. Geological Survey scientists and National Park Service resource managers to work in a partnership setting to provide the hydrologic information and understanding needed to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.

In 1998, the National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) initiated the NPS/USGS Water Quality Partnership Program with support from the Clean Water Action Plan (Environmental Protection Agency 1998). Prior to 1998, NPS and the USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program worked together to implement a pilot water-quality monitoring program in national parks (Long et. al 1997, Long 1999). To date, 145 partnership projects have been implemented in 104 national park units. The program supports a range of science activities focused on providing Park resource managers data and information necessary to make scientifically defensible management and policy decisions. These activities range in scope from basic technical assistance to fixed station monitoring to intensive/synoptic projects.


kaho  yose  hofu  wica  ever

Use Stable Isotope Tracers to Determine Anthropogenic Inputs to Water Quality Intensive/Synoptic
Map Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Intensive/Synoptic
Monitor French Creek for Arsenic and Other Toxic Metals Intensive/Synoptic
Trace Karst Ground-Water Flow to Assess Water-Quality Impacts Intensive/Synoptic
Sediment Transport and Saline Intrusion on Cape Sable Intensive/Synoptic

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Page Contact Information: Mark A. Nilles

Date last modified: December 19, 2008