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Fact Sheets for NAAQS (Title I)

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Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants: New Source Performance Standards: Fact Sheet 04-16-09 PDF file
Aerosol Coatings: National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards Proposed Amendments: Fact Sheet 03-26-09 PDF file
Predictive Emission Monitory System in Stationary Sources: Final Performance Specification 16: Fact Sheet 03-16-09 PDF file
Stationary Combustion Turbines: Direct Final Amendments to New Source Performance Standards: Fact Sheet 03-16-09 PDF file
Particulate Matter Emissions Measurements from Stationary Sources: Methods 201A and Method 202: Proposed Rule: Fact Sheet 03-16-09 PDF file
Final Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds: Exclusion of Propylene Carbonate and Dimethyl Carbonate: Fact Sheet 01-13-09 PDF file
Petroleum Refineries: Proposed Amendments to New Source Performance Standards: Fact Sheet 12-12-08 PDF file
Proposed Amendments to New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Hospital, Medical, and Infectious Waste Incinerators – Fact Sheet 11-14-08 PDF file
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings – Amendments to Extend Compliance Date – Fact Sheet 10-31-08 PDF file
Revised Schedule for Submitting Exceptional Event Data to Support Initial Area Designations for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS: Direct Final Rule And Proposal – Fact Sheet 09-30-08 PDF file
Consumer and Commercial Products, Group IV: Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Miscellaneous Metal Products Coatings, Plastic Parts Coatings, Auto and Light-Duty Truck Assembly Coatings, Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, and Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives – Fact Sheet 09-30-08 PDF file
Performance Specifications for Continuous Monitoring Systems: Proposed Emissions Monitoring Requirements: Fact Sheet 09-21-08 PDF file
Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacuring: Proposed Area Source Air Toxics Standards: Fact Sheet 09-19-08 PDF file
Consumer & Commercial Products, Group IV: Control Technique Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Misc. Metal Products Coatings, Plastic Parts, Auto & Light-Duty Truck Assembly Coatings, Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing, Materials and Misc. Industrial Adhesives - Fact Sheet 07-03-08 PDF file
Update of Continuous Instrumental Test Methods: Technical Amendments – Fact Sheet 05-15-08 PDF file
New Source Performance Standards for Petroleum Refineries – Fact Sheet 04-30-08 PDF file
NOx SIP Call Phase II -Final Rule to Remove Georgia from the NOx SIP Call Requirements – Fact Sheet 04-16-08 PDF file
Proposed Revisions to the Coal Preparation Plants New Source Performance Standards - Fact Sheet 04-16-08 PDF file
Proposed Revisions to New Source Performance Standards for Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants - Fact Sheet 04-16-08 PDF file
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings - Fact Sheet 11-16-07 PDF file
Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry and Petroleum Refineries - Fact Sheet 11-08-07 PDF file
Consumer and Commercial Products: Final Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings; Metal Furniture Coatings; and Large Appliance Coatings: Fact Sheet 09-28-07 PDF file
Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds: Exclusion of Compounds: Fact Sheet 09-25-07 PDF file
Consumer and Commercial Products -- Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings; Metal Furniture Coatings; and Large Appliance Coatings: Fact Sheet 06-29-07 HTML file
Consumer and Commercial Products --Aerosol Coatings National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards: Fact Sheet 06-29-07 HTML file
General Provisions: Air Toxics Emissions – Unavoidable Performance Test Delays - Final Rule: Fact Sheet 05-10-07 PDF file
Ambient Air Monitoring Regulations: Corrections and Other Amendments: Fact Sheet 04-30-07 PDF file
Treatment of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data Influenced by Exceptional Events: Final Rule: Fact Sheet 03-14-07 PDF file
Continuous Instrumental Test Methods: Update: Final Amendments: Fact Sheet 04-28-06 PDF file
Treatment of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data Influenced by Exceptional Events: Proposed Rule: Fact Sheet 03-01-06 PDF file
HFE-7300 Exemption as a Volatile Organic Compound: Proposed Rule: Fact Sheet 02-03-06 PDF file
Fact Sheet - Air Emission Reporting 12-22-05 PDF file
Metadata file Fact Sheet - California State Implementation Plan and Definition of Volatile Organic Compound: Removal of VOC Exemptions for CA's Aerosol Coating Products Reactivity-based Regulation 09-02-05 PDF file
Metadata file Fact Sheet - Limiting the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Soliciting Comments, Data and Information 08-26-05 PDF file
Metadata file Reconsideration of Final Rule to Implement the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS - Phase 1: Final Notice: Fact Sheet 05-20-05 PDF file
Metadata file New Source Review: Reconsideration of Implementation Under 8-Hour-Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Fact Sheet 03-25-05 PDF file
Metadata file Implementation of the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS: Phase I Implementation Reconsideration, Proposed rule, Notice of public hearing: Fact Sheet 01-27-05 PDF file
Metadata file Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan and Revision to the Definition of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): Removal of VOC Exemptions for California's Aerosol Coating Products Reactivity -Based Regulation: Fact Sheet 12-29-04 PDF file
Metadata file Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds: Exclusion of t-Butyl Acetate: Fact Sheet 11-18-04 PDF file
Metadata file Early Action Compact Areas: Proposed Deferral of Effective Date of Nonattainment Designations for National 8-Hour Ozone Air Quality Standards: Fact Sheet 6-21-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules: Phase II Final Rule: Fact Sheet 4-20-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Prevention of Significant Deterioration: Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans Final Rule: Fact Sheet 3-9-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Air Quality: Reducing Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone: Fact Sheet 1-21-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Regional Haze: Guidance on Implementing Regional Haze Program: Fact Sheet 11-7-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Non-Attainment New Source Review: Final Equipment Replacement Provision of the Routine Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Exclusion Rule: Fact Sheet 11-7-03 PDF file
Metadata file 8-Hour Ozone: Proposed Implementation Rule: Reopening of Public Comment Period -- Fact Sheet 10-16-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Particulate Matter: First Draft Staff Paper: Fact Sheet 9-4-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Exclusion of 4 Chemical Compounds from Control as Volatile Organic Compounds: Proposed Rule: Fact Sheet 9-4-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Regional Haze: Final Revisions to the Regional Haze Rule Incorporating Provisions Related to Stationary Sources of Sulfur Dioxide for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes: Fact Sheet 5-28-03 PDF file  
Metadata file 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Proposed Implementation Rule: Fact Sheet 5-15-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone Transport: Proposed Rule Revisions: Fact Sheet 4-14-03 PDF file  
Metadata file National Air Quality Standards for Fine Particles: Guidance for Designating Areas: Fact Sheet 4-3-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Small Municipal Waste Combustors: Final Federal Plan Requirements for Combustion Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999: Fact Sheet 1-29-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Particulate Matter Monitor Collocation Requirements: Direct Final Rule with Parallel Proposal: Fact Sheet 1-14-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone: Proposed Stay of Revocation Authority for the 1-Hour Standard: Fact Sheet 12-20-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone: National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Fact Sheet on Final Response to Court Remand 12-19-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Electric Arc Furnaces: Air Toxics -- National Performance Standards: Fact Sheet 10-22-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Consolidated Emissions Reporting: Fact Sheet 6-20-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Rule: Revised Deadlines - Fact Sheet 4-29-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Revisions to Regional Haze Rule: Incorporating Sulfur Dioxide Milestones and Backstop Emissions Trading Program for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes Within that Geographic Area: Fact Sheet 4-26-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules: Fact Sheet 3-18-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Ozone Transport: Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions from New York and Connecticut Regarding Sources in Michigan; Revision of Definition of Applicable Requirement for Title V Operating Permit Programs: Fact Sheet 3-14-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Visibility in Mandatory Federal Class I Areas (1994-1998): A Report to Congress : Fact Sheet 2-20-02 PDF file  
Metadata file National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone: Proposed Response to Court Remand of 8-hour Standard: Fact Sheet 11-14-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Limited Maintenance Plan for PM10: Fact Sheet 8-21-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone Transport Cases: Availability of Documents in Response to the Remands Concerning the Method for Computing Growth for Electric Generating Units: Fact Sheet 8-9-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units: Federal Plan for Units Constructed on or before Aug 30, 1999: Fact Sheet 7-26-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone Flex Program: Fact Sheet 6-22-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Regional Haze: Proposed Guidelines for Best Available Retrofit Technology Determinations: Fact Sheet 6-22-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Particulate Matter: Preliminary Draft Staff Paper: Fact Sheet 6-13-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Electric Utility Steam Generating Units and Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units: Amendments to Air Emissions Standards of Performance: Fact Sheet 4-11-01 PDF file  
Metadata file St. Louis 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Status: Final Determination and Reclassification and Proposed Delay of Effective Date: Fact Sheet 3-15-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Stationary Sources: Voluntary Measures Policy: Fact Sheet 1-19-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Economic Incentive Programs: Improving Air Quality With Economic Incentive Programs: Final Guidance Fact Sheet 1-19-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Regional Haze Regulations: Proposed Guidelines for Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Determinations: Fact Sheet 1-12-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Metal Coil Surface Coating: Proposed Air Toxics Standards: Fact Sheet 8-10-00 PDF file  
Metadata file 1-Hour Ozone Standard: Reinstatement: Fact Sheet 7-6-00 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Fact Sheet 12-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone 1-hour Attainment Demonstrations- Fact Sheet 12-1-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units: Proposed Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources and Emission Guidelines for Existing Sources: Fact Sheet 11-18-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Federal Plan Requirements: Fact Sheet 11-16-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Reinstatement of the 1-Hour Standard for Ground-Level Ozone (Smog): Fact Sheet 10-21-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Exclusion of T-Butyl Acetate from Volatile Organic Compound Definition: Fact Sheet 9-29-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Economic Incentive Program: Draft Guidance - FACT SHEET 9-9-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Municipal Waste Combusters: Proposed Emission Guideline and New Source Performance Standards for Small Units -- Fact Sheet 8-16-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - Air Quality Index 7-23-99 PDF file html file
Metadata file Fact sheet summary of three regulatory actions: Proposed stay on section 126 petitions for reducing interstate ozone transport, Extension of deadlines for final action on section 126 petitions for three states, and Interim final stay on section 126 petitions 6-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet for Proposed Determination That 1-Hour Ground-level Ozone Standard No Longer Applies for Seven Areas 6-9-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet for Final Determination That 1-Hour Ground-level Ozone Standard No Longer Applies for Ten Areas 6-9-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - Amendments to Final Rule Requiring Regional NOx Reductions in Eastern U.S. States 5-6-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport: Fact Sheet 5-3-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Regional Haze Regulations for Protection of Visibility in National Parks and Wilderness Areas: Fact Sheet 4-22-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact sheet for proposed revisions to monitoring method for Fine Particulate Matter 4-13-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet--Revision of Schedule for Regulation of VOC Emissions from Consumer and Commercial Products Under the Clean Air Act (Section 183(e)) 3-24-99 PDF file  
Metadata file "Transport Policy" Fact Sheet -- Notice of Proposed Interpretation and Request for Comments to Allow Areas Affected by Transport of Pollutants from Upwind Areas more time to meet the One-Hour Ground-Level Ozone Air Quality Standard 3-23-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet--Reopening of Comment Period for the Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemakings on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Transport of Ozone 3-2-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet--Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Section 126 Petitions 3-1-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Wastewater; Extension of Public Comment Fact Sheet 2-4-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet-Ambient Air Quality Surveillance for Lead 1-22-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Reopening of Emissions Inventory Comment Periods for the Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemakings on Section 126 Petitions and Federal Implementation Plans for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Transport of Ozone--Fact Sheet 1-15-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Correction Notice and Reopening of Emissions Inventory Comment Period for EPA's Final Rule Requiring Regional NOx Reductions in the Eastern U.S.--Fact Sheet 12-16-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet: Amendments to the New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 12-16-98 PDF file  
Metadata file EPA Proposes Revocation of 1-hour Ground-level Ozone (Smog) Standard for Ten Areas Based on 1996-1998 Data 12-10-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet for Proposed Federal Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 12-9-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Revisions to the Pollutant Standard Index - Fact Sheet 12-3-98 PDF file  
Metadata file NOx SIP Call: Correction Notice and Reopening of Emissions Inventory Comment Period for EPA's Final Rule Requiring Regional NOx Reductions in the Eastern U.S.: Fact Sheet 12-1-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Residential Wood Heaters NSPS Amendments Fact Sheet 11-20-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet: Draft Implementation Guidance for the Revised Ground-Level Ozone and Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards and a Regional Haze Program 11-19-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Information Collection on Mercury Emissions From Electric Utilities 11-16-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet -- Summary of Supplement to EPA's Proposed Standard to Control Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Wastewater at Synthetic Organic Chemcial Manufacturing Facilities 10-6-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet: Consolidated Federal Air Rule 10-2-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet -- Final Rule for Reducing Regional Transport of Ground-Level Ozone, Proposed Federal Implementation Plan, and Proposal Related to Section 126 Petitions 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Revision of Standards of Performance for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generating Units -- Fact Sheet 9-4-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet: Notice of Availability of Additional Information Related to Proposed Regional Haze Regulations 8-31-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Consumer Products 8-19-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet for Proposed Implementation Guidance for the Revised Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the Regional Haze Program 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - Notice of Final Listing of Automobile Refinish Coatings, Consumer Products and Architectural Coatings for Regulation Under the Clean Air Act (Section 183(e)) 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet for the final National VOC Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - National VOC Emission Standards for Automobile Refinish Coatings 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Notice of Availability (NOA)/Alternatives for New Source Review (NSR) Fact Sheet 7-21-98 PDF file  
Extending the Date to Meet Ozone Standards for Areas Affected by Transport for Upwind Areas --- Fact Sheet 7-20-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - EPA Revokes 1-hr. Ground-level Ozone (Smog) Standard for 6 Areas Based on 1995-1997 Data 7-17-98 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT Sheet:Implementation Planning Guidance for the Revised Ground-Level Ozone & Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards 6-22-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet on EPA's Interim Air Quality Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires 5-19-98 PDF file  
Metadata file National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides (Sulfur Dioxide); Intervention Level Program 5-11-98 txt file
Metadata file Fact Sheet for advanced notice of findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport 4-29-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - admenments to the General Provisions for Hydrogen Fueled Flares 4-28-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet - Final rule to exclude methyl acetate from control as a volatile organic compound (VOC) 4-6-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Air Quality Planning & Management for Indian Tribes 2-25-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet: EPA's Guidance for Implementation of the 1-Hour Ozone and Pre-Existing Particulate Matter NAAQS 1-8-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet: EPA Revokes 1-Hour Ground-Level Ozone (Smog) Standard for Many Counties 1-8-98 PDF file  
FACT SHEET: Ambient Air Quality Surveillance for Lead 11-03-97 PDF file  
Metadata file CAM RULE: Fact Sheets Signed 10/03/97 10-08-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET: Proposed Determination for Wood Furniture, Aerospace, Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Coatings: CTG in Lieu of Regs 9-08-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET: Exclusion of Methyl Acetate as a VOC 8-22-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET: Exclusion of 16 Compounds as VOCs 8-22-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET-EPA's Revised Ozone Standard 7-22-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET-EPA's Revised PM Standards 7-22-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET-EPA's Monitoring Reqs for PM 7-22-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET-Proposed Regional Haze Regulations 7-22-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET for Proposed NOx NSPS Revisions 7-7-97 PDF file  
Metadata file Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants Final Revs to New Source Perf. Standards 6-3-97 PDF file  
Fact sheet for the NSPS for the Granular Triple Superphosphate Storage Facilities in the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry 4-15-97 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET - ANPR on Implementation of New or Revised Ozone and PM NAAQS and Regional Haze Program 4-15-97 PDF file  
Fact Sheet:Proposed PM Standards 4-15-97 PDF file  
Fact Sheet:Proposed Interim Imple Policy 4-15-97 PDF file  
Fact Sheet:Proposed Ozone Standards 12-13-96 PDF file  
SO2 NAAQS Proposed Imple Prog-Fact Sheet 12-23-96 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET - NO2 NAAQS Final Rule 10-8-96 PDF file  
Metadata file FACT SHEET - Revision to Def. of VOC 10-7-96 PDF file  
Metadata file CTG Shipbuilding and Ship Repair;Fact Sheet 8-29-96 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact Sheet for Draft CAM Rule 8/2/96. 8-2-96 txt file
Metadata file Factsheet National VOC Rule Architectural Ctgs 6-20-96 PDF file  
FACT SHEET, ANPR - Ozone and PM NAAQS 6-7-96 PDF file  
Metadata file Natural Events Policy FACT SHEET 6-7-96 PDF file  
Metadata file FACTSHEET-VOC Std for Auto Refinish Ctgs 5-1-96 zip file
Metadata file Fact Sheet-Final Wood Furniture CTG 5-17-96 PDF file  
Metadata file Fact sheet VOC Rule for Consumer Products 3-28-96 PDF file  
Model Open Market Trading Rule Fact Sheet 7-26-95 PDF file  
New General Conformity Q's & A's 10-19-94 PDF file  
CAA Mandatory Sanctions FACT Sheet 7-19-94 PDF file  
General Conformity Rule, Q & As 7-13-94 zip file
Updated Status of CTG Category Projects 1-11-94 PDF file  
Summary of Title I Amendments 7-16-91 txt file
Table of Contents Title I Amendments 7-16-91 txt file
Full Text of Title I Amendments-WP6 4-5-91 zip file

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