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International Organizations: The Collective Power of Multilateral Affairs
Posted by Esther Brimmer on Apr 13, 2009 - 04:35 PM

Dr. Esther Brimmer serves as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs.

I’m delighted to return to the Department of State and to join the team working to advance American interests through the United Nations system, the Bureau of International Organization Affairs. This is my first week on the job, and I’ve been quite busy getting acquainted or reacquainted with the men and women of the Department. I’m looking forward to my new role helping this administration restore the position of the United States in world affairs and address the transnational challenges currently facing the world today. I’ve been interested in the UN since I was a student. In college, I led a delegation to the Model United Nations of the Far West. I learned much about the collective power of mutual respect, vision, humility and most of all, hard work, in multilateral affairs. Then, and now, these are the values I hope to bring to the bureau and the Department as I work in the administration over the next four years, toward addressing the world’s major challenges through the United Nations system. Thank you.

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Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

One of the obvious problems with the UN is that it is seen by people of other nations as "working to advance American interests", rather than a place where member nations can work together to advance their own interests.

The UN should be a place where representatives of nations can meet to work out their problems without the U.S. becoming part of every solution.

The fact that the UN is located on American soil is enough to create suspicion that it exists primarily for advancing American interests, without anyone having to explicitly announce our intent to govern the world.

Does our government suffer from extreme ethnocentrism or are we willing to allow other countries to reach solutions of their own?

Do we have to "harmonize" America with Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, or can we allow these regions to remain self-governing and far different from us in their cultures, languages, and laws?

Posted on Wed Apr 15, 2009

Ron in New York writes:

Yes! We Can!

Multi-lateralism.....reinvigorate the global conversation and strengthen the United Nations Charter. Engage member states in peaceful solutions to the problem's of We the People....Acheive the MDG's....

Posted on Mon Apr 13, 2009

Patrick in Maryland writes:

Hi, Esther Brimmer & Netizens.

Good luck with your new Job. You sound like you are a very good choice for Assistant Secertary of State. I liked what you wrote about the challenges of the United Nations, and how you look forward to working to improve the way our government works with other countries. Too further the security of, and stability of other people's nations . I also like C.Rice who is working with the UN, she is a very smart woman and you two should make a good team . I think the department is in good hands with You, furthering the United State's involvement around the world.

I think you have a bright future with the States Department.

.......Cya...Esther..have a great four years....Thanks for Posting ...

Posted on Mon Apr 13, 2009

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