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Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the American Pika as Threatened or Endangered with Critical Habitat

PDF Version (10 pp, 83K, About PDF)

[Federal Register: May 7, 2009 (Volume 74, Number 87)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 21301-21310]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[FWS-R6-ES-2009-0021; MO 92210530083-B2]

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on
a Petition To List the American Pika as Threatened or Endangered with
Critical Habitat

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition finding and initiation of status review.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a
90-day finding on a petition to list the American pika (Ochotona
princeps) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, as amended (Act). We find that the petition presents
substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that
listing of the American pika may be warranted. Therefore, with the
publication of this notice, we are initiating a status review of the
species, and we will issue a 12-month finding to determine if the
petitioned action is warranted. To ensure that the status review is
comprehensive, we are soliciting scientific and commercial data
regarding this species. We will make a determination on critical
habitat for this species if, and when, we initiate a listing action.

DATES: We made the finding announced in this document on May 7, 2009.
To allow us adequate time to conduct the 12-month status review, we
request that we receive information on or before July 6, 2009.

ADDRESSES: You may submit information by one of the following methods:
    • Federal rulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
    • U.S. mail or hand-delivery: Public Comments Processing,
Attn: FWS-R6-ES-2009-0021; Division of Policy and Directives
Management; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 4401 N. Fairfax Drive,
Suite 222; Arlington, VA 22203.
    We will not accept e-mail or faxes. We will post all comments on
http://www.regulations.gov. This generally means that we will post any
personal information you provide us (see the Information Solicited
section below for more information).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Larry Crist, Field Supervisor, Utah
Ecological Services Field Office, 2369 West Orton Circle, Suite 50,
West Valley City, UT 84119; telephone 801-975-3330, extension 126. If
you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.


Information Solicited

    When we make a finding that a petition presents substantial
information to indicate that listing a species may be warranted, we are
required to promptly commence a review of the status of the species. To
ensure that our status review is complete and based on the best
available scientific and commercial information, we are soliciting
information on the American pika or any subspecies of the American
pika. We request data and information from the public, other
governmental agencies, tribes, the scientific community, industry, or
any other interested parties concerning the status of the American pika
or any subspecies of the American pika. We are seeking information
regarding the species' or subspecies': (1) Historical and current
status and distribution; (2) population size and trend; (3) biology and
ecology; (4) taxonomy (especially the genetics of the species and
subspecies); and (5) ongoing conservation measures for the animals or
their habitat.
    We also are seeking information on the following five threat
factors used to determine if a species, as defined under the Act, is
threatened or endangered under section 4(a)(1) of the Act (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.):
    (a) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of the species' habitat or range;
    (b) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes;
    (c) Disease or predation;
    (d) The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or
    (e) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued
existence and threats to the species or its habitat.
    If we determine that listing the American pika or any subspecies of
the American pika under the Act is warranted, we intend to propose
critical habitat to the maximum extent prudent and determinable at the
time we propose to list the species. Therefore, with regard to areas
within the geographical range currently occupied by the species, we
also request data and information on what may constitute physical or
biological features essential to the conservation of the species, where
these features are currently found, and whether any of these features
may require special management considerations or protection. In
addition, we request data and information regarding whether there are
areas outside the geographical area occupied by the species that are
essential to the conservation of the species. Please provide specific
comments and information as to what, if any, critical habitat you think
we should propose for designation if the species is proposed for
listing, and why such habitat meets the requirements of the Act.
    We will base our 12-month finding on a review of the best
scientific and commercial information available, including all
information we receive during this public comment period. Please note
that submissions merely stating support for or opposition to the action
under consideration without providing supporting information, although
noted, will not be considered in making a determination, as section
4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that we make determinations as to whether
any species is a threatened or endangered species ``solely on the basis
of the best scientific and commercial data available.'' At the
conclusion of the status review, we will issue a 12-month finding on
the petition, as provided in section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act.
    You may submit your information concerning this status review by
one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section.
    If you submit information via http://www.regulations.gov, your
entire submission--including any personal identifying information--will
be posted on the website. If your submission is made via a hardcopy
that includes personal identifying information, you may request at the
top of your document that we withhold this personal identifying
information from public review. However, we cannot guarantee that we
will be able to do so. We will post all hardcopy submissions on http://
www.regulations.gov . Please include sufficient information with your
comments to allow us to verify any scientific or commercial information
you include.
    Information and materials we receive, as well as supporting
documentation we used in preparing this 90-day finding, will be
available for public inspection on http://www.regulations.gov, or by
appointment, during normal business hours, at the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Utah Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR

[[Page 21302]]


    Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act requires that we make a finding on
whether a petition to list, delist, or reclassify a species presents
substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that the
petitioned action may be warranted. We are to base this finding on
information contained in the petition and supporting information
readily available in our files at the time of the petition review. To
the maximum extent practicable, we are to make this finding within 90
days of our receipt of the petition, and publish our notice of this
finding promptly in the Federal Register.
    Our standard for substantial information within the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) regarding a 90-day petition finding is ``that amount
of information that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the
measure proposed in the petition may be warranted'' (50 CFR 424.14(b)).
If we find that the petition presented substantial information, we are
required to promptly commence a review of the status of the species.
    We received a petition from the Center for Biological Diversity
(Center), dated October 1, 2007, requesting that we list the American
pika (Ochotona princeps) as threatened or endangered under the Act.
Additionally, the Center formally requested that we conduct a status
review of each of the 36 recognized subspecies of American pikas to
determine if separately listing any subspecies as threatened or
endangered may be warranted. Specifically, the Center requested that
seven American pika subspecies be listed as endangered: The Ruby
Mountains pika (O. p. nevadensis), O. p. tutelata (no common name), the
White Mountains pika (O. p. sheltoni), the gray-headed pika (O. p.
schisticeps), the Taylor pika (O. p. taylori), the lava-bed pika (O. p.
goldmani), and the Bighorn Mountain pika (O. p. obscura). The Center
requested that the remaining subspecies be listed as threatened.
    We acknowledged receipt of the petition in a letter dated October
18, 2007. In that letter we advised the petitioner that we could not
address its petition then because existing court orders and settlement
agreements for other listing actions required nearly all of our listing
funding. We also concluded that emergency listing of the American pika
was not warranted.
    We received a 60-day notice of intent to sue from the Center dated
January 3, 2008. We received a complaint from the Center on August 19,
2008. We submitted a settlement agreement to the Court on February 12,
2009, agreeing to submit a 90-day finding to the Federal Register by
May 1, 2009, and, if appropriate, to submit a 12-month finding to the
Federal Register by February 1, 2010.
    We received a letter, dated November 3, 2008, from the Center that
discussed and transmitted supplemental information found in recent
scientific studies that had not been included in the original petition.
We considered this additional information when making this finding.
    In making this finding, we relied on information provided by the
petitioner, as well as information readily available in our files at
the time of the petition review. We evaluated the information in
accordance with 50 CFR 424.14(b). Our process for making this 90-day
finding under section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act and section 424.14(b) of
our regulations is limited to a determination of whether the
information in the petition contains ``substantial scientific and
commercial information.''

Species Information

    The American pika is a small montane mammal in the order Lagomorpha
(rabbits, hares, and pikas) distributed discontinuously throughout the
western United States and Canada (Hall 1981, p. 288; Smith and Weston
1990, p. 2). The species inhabits talus fields fringed by suitable
vegetation in alpine or subalpine areas extending south from central
British Columbia and Alberta into the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico and
the Sierra Nevada of California (Hall 1981, p. 288; Smith and Weston
1990, pp. 2-3). A generalist herbivore that does not hibernate, the
species relies on harvested stockpiles of summer vegetation stored
within talus openings to persist throughout the winter months (Smith
and Weston 1990, p. 3). Alpine meadows that provide forage are
important to pika survival.
    Like other pika species, the American pika has an egg-shaped body
with short legs, moderately large ears, and no visible tail (Smith and
Weston 1990, p. 2). Fur color varies among subspecies and across
seasons, typically with shorter, brownish fur in summer and longer,
grayish fur in winter (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 3). The species is an
intermediately sized pika, with adult body lengths ranging from 162 to
216 millimeters (6.3 to 8.5 inches) and mean body mass ranging from 121
to 176 grams (4.3 to 6.2 ounces) (Hall 1981, p. 287; Smith and Weston
1990, p. 2).
    American pikas forage by feeding and haying (Huntly et al. 1986, p.
139; Smith and Weston 1990, p. 4; Dearing 1997b, p. 775). Feeding (the
immediate consumption of vegetation) occurs year-round; haying (the
storage of vegetation for later consumption) occurs only in summer
months after the breeding season (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 4). The
primary purpose of haypiles is overwintering sustenance, and
individuals harvest more vegetation than necessary for these haypiles
(Dearing 1997a, p. 1156). The species takes advantage of plant
chemistry by selecting low-phenolic (containing phenol, an organic
compound that in high amounts is toxic to pika) vegetation for feeding,
while at the same time selecting high-phenolic, but slow-decaying,
vegetation for haying (Dearing 1997b, pp. 774, 776, 779). By the time
pikas consume the stored vegetation, plant toxins have decayed to
palatable levels (Dearing 1997b, pp. 774, 779).
    Thermoregulation is an important aspect of American pika
physiology, because individuals have a high normal body temperature of
approximately 40 [deg]Celsius (C) (104 [deg]Fahrenheit (F)) (MacArthur
and Wang 1973, p. 11; Smith and Weston 1990, p. 3), and a relatively
low lethal maximum body temperature threshold of approximately 43
[deg]C (109.4 [deg]F) (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 3). Most
thermoregulation of individuals is behavioral, not physiological (Smith
1974b, p. 1372; Smith and Weston 1990, p. 3). In warmer environments,
such as during midday sun and at lower elevation limits, pikas
typically become inactive and withdraw into cooler talus openings
(Smith 1974b, p. 1372; Smith and Weston 1990, p. 3).
    Temperature restrictions influence the species' distribution
because hyperthermia (heat stroke) or death can occur after brief
exposures to ambient temperatures greater than 25.5 [deg]C (77.9
[deg]F) (Smith 1974b, p. 1372). Therefore, population range of the
American pika progressively increases in elevation in the southern
extents of the distribution (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 2). In the
northern part of its distribution (southwestern Canada), populations
occur from sea level to 3,000 meters (m) (9,842 feet (ft)), but in the
southern extent (New Mexico, Nevada, and southern California)
populations rarely exist below 2,500 m (8,202 ft) (Smith and Weston
1990, p. 2). Fossil records indicate that the species inhabited sites
farther south and at lower elevations during the late Wisconsinan and
early Holocene periods (approximately 40,000 to 7,500 years ago), but
warming and drying climatic trends in the middle Holocene period
(approximately 7,500 to 4,500 years ago) forced populations into the
current distribution of montane

[[Page 21303]]

refugia (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 2; Grayson 2005, p. 2103).
    Within this geographic distribution, the American pika has an
obligate association with talus habitat because it uses rock piles for
den sites, food storage, and nesting (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 4;
Beever et al. 2003, p. 39). Talus habitats also provide microclimate
conditions suitable for pika survival by creating cooler, moist refugia
in summer months (Beever 2002, p. 27) and insulating individuals in the
colder winter months (Smith 1978, p. 137). Hafner (1994, p. 380)
suggested that neither heat nor aridity directly caused local
population extirpations during historical warming periods, but rather
it was the upward retreat of alpine permafrost that allowed soil and
vegetation to fill talus habitat openings.
    Within these habitats, individual pikas are territorial,
maintaining a defended territory of 410 to 709 square meters (m2)
(4,413 to 7,631 square feet (ft2)), but fully utilizing overlapping
home ranges of 861 to 2,182 m2 (9,268 to 23,486 ft2) (various studies
cited in Smith and Weston 1990, p. 5). Individuals mark their
territories with scent and defend the territories through aggressive
fights and chases (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 5). Adults with adjacent
territories form facultatively monogamous mating pairs (males are
sexually monogamous but make little investment in rearing offspring)
(Smith and Weston 1990, pp. 5-6). Females give birth to average litter
sizes of 2.34 to 3.68 twice a year (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 4).
However, fewer than 10 percent of weaned juveniles are from the second
litter, because mothers only wean the second litter if the first litter
is lost (various studies cited in Smith and Weston 1990, p. 4).
    Adult pikas can be territorially aggressive to juveniles, and
parents can become aggressive to their own offspring within 3 to 4
weeks after birth (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 4). Therefore, juveniles
need to establish their own territories and create haypiles before the
winter snowpack if they are to survive (Smith and Weston 1990, p. 6;
Peacock 1997, p. 348). However, establishing a territory and building a
haypile does not ensure survival. Among all residents (adults and
overwintering juveniles), yearly average mortality in pika populations
is between 37 and 53 percent; few pikas live to be 4 years of age
(Peacock 1997, p. 346).
    Historically, researchers hypothesized that American pika juveniles
are philopatric, dispersing only if no territory is available in their
natal local population site (various studies cited in Smith and Weston
1990, p. 6). However, using indirect genetic methods, Peacock (1997,
pp. 346-348) demonstrated that juvenile emigration to other population
sites occurred over both long (2 kilometers (km); (1.24 miles (mi)))
and short distances, and acted to support population stability by
replacing deceased adults. Peacock (1997, pp. 347-348) also concluded
that territory availability is a key factor for dispersal patterns, and
that local pika populations lacked clusters of highly related individuals.
    Dispersal by American pikas is governed by physical limitations.
Smith (1974a, p. 1116) suggested that it was difficult for juveniles to
disperse over distances greater than 300 m (10 ft) in low-elevation
(2,500-m (8,200-ft)) populations. Lower elevations are warmer in summer
and represent the lower edge of the elevational range of the species
(Smith 1974a, p. 1112). Research at other locations has documented
dispersal distances of 3 km (1.9 mi) (Hafner and Sullivan 1995, p.
312). The maximum individual dispersal distance is probably between 10
and 20 km (6.2 and 12.4 mi) (Hafner and Sullivan 1995, p. 312). This
conclusion is based on genetic (Hafner and Sullivan 1995, pp. 302-321)
and biogeographical (Hafner 1994, pp. 375-382) analysis. Genetic
analysis revealed that pika metapopulations are separated by somewhere
between 10 and 100 km (6.2 to 62 mi) (Hafner and Sullivan 1995, p.
312). Biogeographical analysis demonstrated that, during the warmer
altithermal period of the mid-Holocene (about 6,500 years ago), the
species retreated to sites offering thermal refugia, and that the
species subsequently expanded its range somewhat as climatic conditions
cooled (Hafner 1994, p. 381). However, the species has been unable to
recolonize vacant habitat patches greater than 20 km (12.4 mi) from
refugia sites and has recolonized less than 7.8 percent of available
patches within 20 km (12.4 mi) of those same refugia sites (Hafner
1994, p. 381). Evidence indicates that the lack of recolonization is
due to vegetation filling in talus areas (removing pika habitat) or
habitat becoming too dry due to environmental changes resulting from
historical changes in climate (Hafner 1994, p. 381).
    Climatic conditions have shaped the current distribution of the
America pika over the course of history, creating geographically
isolated populations on montane refugia (Hafner 1994, p. 375; Hafner
and Sullivan 1995, p. 302; Grayson 2005, p. 2103). Information
presented in the petition indicates that this geographic isolation has
resulted in 36 recognized subspecies of the American pika (Hall 1981,
p. 287-292). Of these, 31 subspecies occur in the United States over a
10-State region: New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho,
Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington (Hall 1981, p. 288). The
other five subspecies occur in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada.
Recent genetic work has shown that four major genetic units of the
American pika exist in the northern Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada,
southern Rocky Mountains, and Cascade Range (Hafner and Sullivan 1995,
p. 308). We will address American pika subspecies designations in the
United States and Canada more thoroughly in our status review.
    The petitioner requested that 7 of the 36 petitioned American pika
subspecies be listed as endangered and that the other 29 subspecies be
listed as threatened. Subspecies are listable entities under the Act.
We will verify taxonomic classification of pika subspecies and assess
whether any or all subspecies are warranted for listing under the Act.
If any subspecies are found to be warranted, we will determine whether
they are individually warranted for listing as threatened or endangered
when we prepare a proposed listing rule.

Threat Factors Affecting the Species

    Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 424)
set forth the procedures for adding species to the Federal Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. A species may be
determined to be an endangered or threatened species due to one or more
of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The
present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; (B) overutilization for commercial, recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the
inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued existence. Listing actions may
be warranted based on any of the above threat factors, singly or in
    Under the Act, a threatened species is defined as a species that is
likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future
throughout all or a significant portion of its range. An endangered
species is defined as a species that is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of its range. We evaluated each
of the five listing factors to determine whether the level of threat
identified by information in the petition or in our files was

[[Page 21304]]

substantial and indicated that listing the American pika as threatened
or endangered may be warranted. Our evaluation is presented below.

A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of its Habitat or Range

    The petitioner states that threats causing the present or
threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of American pika
habitat or range include global climate change, livestock grazing,
invasive plant species, and fire suppression.

Global Climate Change

    The petitioner states that global climate change is the gravest
threat to the long-term survival of the American pika. They assert that
predicted global climate change, both thermal and precipitation regime
modifications, can directly cause thermal stress and mortality to
individuals, contribute to the loss of montane habitat, and
synergistically enhance negative ecological and anthropogenic effects.
The petitioner provides an overview of global climate change research,
including past, present, and predicted future climatic conditions.
After presenting an overview of the scientific basis of global climate
change, the petitioner discusses observed impacts to the American pika
from historic and recent global climate change. Lastly, the petitioner
introduces future projected climatic conditions in the American pika's
range and hypothesizes how these conditions may affect the species.
    The petitioner asserts that the publications of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), specifically the
four-volume IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007, are the
best available science on global climate change, and we concur. The
IPCC is a scientific intergovernmental body established by the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) ``to assess scientific information related to climate
change, to evaluate the environmental and socio-economic consequences
of climate change, and to formulate realistic response strategies''
(IPCC 2007, p. iii). The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change
2007 included the findings of three working groups composed of more
than 500 lead authors and 2,000 expert reviewers and provided objective
scientific guidance to policymakers on the topic of climate change
(IPCC 2007, p. iii). We concur that the IPCC information on global
climate change is reliable.
    The IPCC concluded that global climate change is occurring and is
caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and
clearing of forests (Forster et al. 2007, pp. 135-136). Historical
records analyzed by the IPCC demonstrated that global surface
temperatures have risen (with regional variations) during the past 157
years, most strongly after the 1970s (Trenberth et al. 2007, p. 252).
Globally, average surface temperatures have risen by 0.074 [deg]C plus
or minus 0.018 [deg]C (0.13 [deg]F plus or minus 0.03 [deg]F) per
decade during the past century (1906 through 2005) and by 0.177 [deg]C
plus or minus 0.052 [deg]C (0.32 [deg]F plus or minus 0.09 [deg]F) per
decade during the past quarter-century (1981 through 2005) (Trenberth
et al. 2007, p. 253).
    Changes in the amount, intensity, frequency, and type of
precipitation also have been summarized by the IPCC (Trenberth et al.
2007, p. 262). The warming of global temperatures has increased the
probability of precipitation falling as rain rather than snow,
especially in near-freezing situations, such as the beginning and end
of the snow season (Trenberth et al. 2007, p. 263). In many Northern
Hemisphere regions, this has caused a reduced snowpack, which can
greatly alter water resources throughout the year (Trenberth et al.
2007, p. 263). As a result of thermal and precipitation regime changes,
the IPCC expects the snowline (the lower elevation of year-round snow)
in mountainous regions to rise 150 m (492 ft) for every 1 [deg]C (1.8
[deg]F) increase in temperature (Christenson et al. 2007, p. 886).
These predictions are consistent with regional predictions for the
Sierra Nevada in California that calculate that year-round snow will be
virtually absent below 1,000 m (3,280 ft) under a higher emissions
scenario (Cayan et al. 2006, p. 32).
    The petitioner presents research demonstrating that climate change
has occurred within the range of the American pika. In the 20th
century, regions in which pikas occur (the Pacific Northwest and
western United States) have seen annual average temperature increases
of 0.6 to 1.7 [deg]C (1.1 to 3.1 [deg]F) and 1.1 to 2.8 [deg]C (2.0 to
5.0 [deg]F), respectively (Parson et al. 2000, p. 248; Smith et al.
2000, p. 220). This warming corresponds with a reduced mountain
snowpack (Mote et al. 2005 and Regonda et al. 2005 cited in Vicuna and
Dracup 2007, p. 330; Trenberth et al. 2007, p. 310) and a trend toward
earlier snowmelt in western North America (Stewart et al. 2004, pp.
217, 219, 223).
    The petitioner presents research forecasting future climatic
conditions both globally and for the range of the American pika.
Predicted global average surface warming during the 21st century is
between 1.1 and 6.4 [deg]C (2.0 and 11.5 [deg]F), depending on the
emissions scenario analyzed (Solomon et al. 2007, p. 70, Table TS. 6).
On a regional scale, North America is likely to exceed the global mean
warming in most areas (Christenson et al. 2007, p. 850). Specifically,
warming is likely to be largest in winter in northern regions of North
America, with minimum winter temperatures likely rising more than the
global average (Christenson et al. 2007, p. 850). Across 21 global
temperature models using a mid-level emissions scenario, the IPCC
predicted that the average annual temperature in western North America
(covering the entire range of the American pika) will increase between
2.1 and 5.7 [deg]C (median 3.4 [deg]C) (3.8 and 10.3 [deg]F (median 6.1
[deg]F)) during the 21st century (Christenson et al. 2007, p. 856).
Similarly, Smith et al. (2000, p. 220) reported a projected warming of
4.4 to 6.1 [deg]C (7.9 to 11[deg]F) in the western United States by 2090.
    Literature presented by the petitioner demonstrates that
temperature increases also are expected to affect precipitation,
snowpack, and snowmelt in the range of the American pika. The IPCC
concluded that snow-season length and depth of snowpack are very likely
to decrease in most of North America (Christenson et al. 2007, p. 850).
Leung et al. (2004, p. 75) concluded that future warming increases in
the western United States will cause increased rainfall and decreased
snowfall, resulting in reduced snow accumulation or earlier snowmelt.
Similarly, Rauscher et al. (2008, p. 4) concluded that increased
temperatures in the late 21st century could cause early-season
snowmelt-driven runoff to occur as much as 2 months earlier than
presently in the western United States.
    The petitioner asserts that climate variables are of immediate
concern to the American pika because past and present trends in climate
have important physiological, ecological, and demographic consequences.
They state that temperature is a variable of primary importance to the
species because it inhibits local population persistence at warmer
sites, consequently determining the species' distribution. They also
discuss the ecological and physiological roles of precipitation,
particularly snow, to the American pika and its habitat. Lastly, they
discuss how climate regulates the factors maintaining the American
pika's alpine meadow and talus habitat.
    The petitioner presents research concluding that the distribution
of American pikas from prehistoric times

[[Page 21305]]

to the present is a result of changing climatic conditions. Hafner
(1994, p. 375) concluded that, in the southern Rocky Mountains,
occurrence of pika populations is closely tied to past and present
distribution of alpine permafrost conditions, with altithermal warming
accounting for 66.7 percent of all post-Wisconsinan period population
extirpations. Similar biogeographic analysis demonstrated that climate
change and subsequent impacts on vegetation determined the distribution
of the American pika in the Great Basin (Grayson 2005, p. 2103).
Grayson (2005, p. 2107) describes the history of American pikas in the
Great Basin as ``a relentless loss of lower elevation populations,
creating the extremely patchy, and generally high elevation,
distribution seen today.'' The present distribution of the American
pika in the Great Basin is approximately 783 m (2,568 ft) higher in
elevation than the distribution during the late Wisconsinan and early
Holocene periods (Grayson 2005, p. 2103), demonstrating an elevational
retreat tracking colder microclimates. While these trends, acting over
long timescales, demonstrate the role of historical climate conditions
in shaping pika distribution, the petitioner emphasizes the current
threat to the American pika by citing more recent, rapid-range contractions.
    To demonstrate the immediate vulnerability of pika populations to
human-induced climate change, the petitioner presents research
documenting 20th century range contractions in both the Great Basin and
the Sierra Nevada. By conducting extensive surveys between 1994 and
1999 at historic sites known to have harbored pikas, a study of Great
Basin pika populations found that 7 of 25 populations appeared to have
experienced recent extirpations (Beever et al. 2003, p. 37). Elevation
was an important parameter in models predicting the persistence of pika
populations, suggesting that thermal effects have influenced recent
persistence trajectories of Great Basin populations of pikas (Beever et
al. 2003, pp. 43, 46, 47). However, additional factors affect
persistence, such as proximity to roads, habitat size, and livestock
grazing, which indicate that anthropogenic effects may be working in
concert with environmental conditions to produce the apparent
extirpations (Beever et al. 2003, p. 46). In 2004, the number of
apparent population extirpations in the study area had increased to
nine (Krajick 2004, p. 1602).
    Moritz et al. (2008, pp. 261-264) examined long-term responses of
small mammal communities to recent climate change in the Sierra Nevada.
Because the study area has been protected since 1890, responses to
climate change were not confounded by land-use effects (Moritz et al.
2008, p. 261). They documented range contractions in high-elevation
species and upward range expansion in low-elevation species (Moritz et
al. 2008, p. 262). Specifically, the lower range limit of the American
pika shifted 153 m (502 ft) upslope (Moritz et al. 2008, p. 263). Based
on the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada studies, the petitioner states
that temperatures provide the most likely explanation for observed
range shifts in American pika populations.
    The petitioner acknowledges the work of Beever (2002, pp. 23-29) to
provide further insights into pika population persistence and climate
conditions in lower elevation regions. American pikas were detected at
historical and new locations at Craters of the Moon and Lava Beds
National Monuments (Idaho and California, respectively), a notable
finding because the climate at these sites is an estimated 18 to 24
percent drier and 5 to 11 percent warmer during the hottest months of
the year than experienced at the interior Great Basin locations where
pikas have been extirpated (Beever 2002, pp. 26-27). Three habitat
characteristics seemed important to these populations: large,
contiguous areas of rocky, volcanic habitat; average or greater than
average amounts of accessible vegetation; and microtopography with
rocks large enough for subsurface movement and tunneling by pikas
(Beever 2002, p. 28). Beever concluded that volcanic sites offered
thermal refugia from heat stress but noted that this did not completely
explain pika persistence (Beever 2002, p. 27). He proposed that the
lack of human land-use impacts also may be important (Beever 2002, p. 27).
    The petitioner cites a study of the congeneric collared pika
(Ochotona collaris), located in northwest Canada and eastern Alaska, to
demonstrate that precipitation also may affect population persistence.
During this study, Morrison and Hik (2008, pp. 104-105, 110) documented
a population collapse of 90 percent from 1998 through 2000. They
hypothesized that the high mortality was related to warmer winters that
resulted in low snow accumulation (and, therefore, poor insulation
value), increased frequency of freeze-thaw events, icing following
winter rains, and late winter snowfalls that delay the start of the
growing season (Morrison and Hik 2008, p. 110). The petitioner stresses
Morrison and Hik's (2008, p. 110) warning that this species will
experience future declines as a result of similar adverse weather
conditions if predicted future climatic conditions are realized.
    In addition to studies documenting past impacts to the American
pika, the petitioner presents investigations into future species'
trends. McDonald and Brown (1992, pp. 409-415) applied the theory of
island biogeography to isolated mountaintop ranges in the Great Basin
of western North America and modeled potential extinctions brought on
by changing climatic conditions. They predicted that the American pika
would be locally extirpated from five of six mountain ranges that it
inhabited in the Great Basin in 1992, assuming a less than 3 [deg]C
(5.4 [deg]F) increase in temperature (McDonald and Brown 1992, p.411
Table 1). Broader ecological results of the model indicate that
mountain ranges would lose 35 to 96 percent of their boreal habitat and
9 to 62 percent of their current boreal mammal species, depending on
the mountain range in question (McDonald and Brown 1992, p. 413).
Because a 3 [deg]C (5.4 [deg]F) increase is within the IPCC's predicted
temperature increases (see above), the petitioner states that these
results indicate the potential for catastrophic declines in the range
of the American pika in the foreseeable future.
    Loarie (2008, pp. 1-3) predicted impacts of climate change on the
distribution of the American pika. Under a relatively low emissions
scenario, habitat suitability for the pika would be significantly
reduced throughout its range by the year 2100, with suitable habitat
occurring only in the southern Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone National
Park region, Cascade Mountains, Olympic Mountains, Canadian Rockies,
and a small portion of the Sierra Nevada (Loarie 2008, Figure B). The
petitioner cites these modeling efforts to demonstrate that the range
of American pika habitat is likely to diminish greatly in the future.
    Based on these range contractions, the petitioner concludes that
projected changes in climate conditions will affect the species because
of direct effects from thermal stress and indirect effects from changes
in habitat and alpine ecology.
    The petitioner contends that temperature increases in the western
United States are already exceeding the thermal limits of the American
pika in lower elevation populations and that future temperature
increases will commit pika populations to an increased rate of
extinction. They propose four ways by which thermal

[[Page 21306]]

stress will impact the American pika. First, increasing summer
temperatures may make talus habitat too hot for species' survival.
Because American pikas have an upper lethal body temperature that is
just 3 [deg]C (5.4 [deg]F) above normal body temperature, habitat
refugia play an important role in their individual thermoregulation
(Smith and Weston 1990, p. 3). The petitioner reasons that increasing
temperatures will eliminate cool, moist refugia in talus habitat,
causing individuals to be unable to thermoregulate in summer months.
They state that predictions for higher average summer temperatures
combined with more frequent and longer heat waves will place pikas
under increased stress during the summer months, potentially causing
mortality (Christensen et al. 2007, pp. 850, 891). Secondly, they state
that, even if the talus refugia remain cool, ambient external
temperatures may reduce an individual's ability to forage during
midday. They assert that if pika individuals cannot adequately forage
in the summer months, they may not have the required body mass or
haypile volume needed for winter survival.
    The petitioner argues that warmer summer temperatures also will
affect the ability of juvenile pikas to successfully disperse and
colonize new areas; two previous studies have concluded that warmer
temperatures restricted juvenile dispersal (Smith 1974a, p. 1112; 1978,
p. 137). They conclude that more adverse climatic conditions may
decrease the distance juveniles are able to travel in search of new
habitat patches. They claim the species' range is likely to decline if
juveniles are unable to colonize new patches or immigrate to other
populations. They also conclude that juvenile pikas may not be able to
collect adequate haypiles because higher temperatures lead to earlier
desiccation of vegetation. Therefore, even if juveniles create new home
territories, they may not be able to survive the winter months.
    Lastly, the petitioner asserts that the American pika may be
sensitive to changing winter conditions. The petitioner cites studies
indicating that earlier snowmelt (Smith 1978, p. 133) and loss of snow
cover, which provides insulation during cold weather (Morrison and Hik
2008, p. 110), may be associated with high mortality and subsequent
population declines. Because the decline in snowpack and earlier
montane snowmelt are predicted to occur within the next century (see
above), winter survival of the American pika may consequently decrease.
    The petitioner contends that indirect effects of climate change,
such as vegetative community change and habitat alteration, will affect
the American pika. Hotter and potentially drier conditions projected in
montane regions could alter the plant communities to species less
favorable for pika. One of the most important traits of the local plant
community is forage quality and quantity. The petitioner argues that
community characteristics less favorable to pika foraging conditions
include an abundance of plant species less suitable to pika nutritional
needs; an earlier onset of plant desiccation; and less water content,
biomass, or compatible phenology in surrounding vegetation. The
petitioner states that global climate change has the potential to cause
any or all of these community changes.
    The petitioner states that a second possible community change is
the loss of alpine meadow habitat caused by forest encroachment. They
cite studies demonstrating the invasion of forests into alpine meadow
habitat across various mountain ranges during the 20th century (Dyer
and Moffett 1999, p. 444; Fagre et al. 2003, p. 263), and studies
indicating that rising temperatures are correlated with this trend
(Grabherr et al. 1994, p. 448; Walther et al. 2005, p. 541). The
petitioner concludes that a shift from alpine meadow habitat to forest
communities would cause pika forage plants to decline, eventually
eliminating suitable pika habitat. Additionally, as alpine meadow
habitat is replaced by forest stands, pika habitat will become
increasingly smaller and more isolated. Demonstrating the consequences
of shrinking alpine habitat, McDonald and Brown (1992, pp. 409-415)
predicted that small-mammal extirpations, including the American pika,
will be common across mountain ranges in the Great Basin as alpine
habitats retreat to higher elevations or disappear in response to
global climate change.
    In addition to alpine meadows, the petitioner states that global
climate change may affect the formation and maintenance of talus
habitat. Alpine permafrost conditions provide the necessary freeze-thaw
events to form talus habitat while also preventing vegetation
encroachment in talus through extremely cold climatic events (Hafner
1994, p. 376). The petitioner asserts that increasing winter
temperatures will cause the decline of these conditions and the
corresponding decrease in talus habitat. Increasing temperatures will
no longer prevent vegetation encroachment, thus filling talus vacancies
and making habitat unsuitable for pikas (Hafner 1994, p. 380).
Summary of Global Climate Change
    Based on the results of these empirical studies, along with
predictions of declining climatic habitat suitability (Loarie 2008, pp.
1-4), we find that the range of the American pika and the habitat
within the range are likely to decrease as surface temperatures
increase. Furthermore, the results of studies in the 20th century
correspond with results of biogeographic research into historical range
shifts by the American pika in response to historical climate change
(Hafner 1994, p. 381; Grayson 2005, pp. 2108-2109). Therefore, we find
that the petitioner presents substantial information to indicate that
listing the American pika may be warranted as a threatened or
endangered species due to the present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its range due to impacts attributed to
climate change.

Livestock Grazing

    The petitioner states that livestock grazing may negatively affect
the American pika by altering the native vegetation community
surrounding talus fields. Specifically, the petitioner suggests that
livestock promote the invasion of exotic plants and that livestock
browsing or trampling of native food sources may limit the food
available to American pika. To demonstrate this relationship, they cite
research investigating apparent extirpations of the American pika in
the Great Basin (Beever et al. 2003, pp. 37-54) and the Ili pika
(Ochotona iliensis) in the Tian Shan Mountains of China (Wei-Dong and
Smith 2005, pp. 30-34). However, the information cited in the petition
provided little to support the claim that livestock promote invasion of
exotic plants.
    Recent research of American pika local populations in the Great
Basin demonstrated a negative correlation between livestock-grazed
areas and population persistence (Beever et al. 2003, pp. 41-45). In
this study, six apparent extirpations (out of seven) occurred on grazed
lands (out of 14 grazed sites) (Beever et al. 2003, p. 54). These six
extirpations represent 24 percent of the 25 populations reported
earlier in the 20th century for this area (Beever et al. 2003, p. 37).
    Similar results were presented from a census of sites known to
harbor the Ili pika in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China
(Wei-Dong and Smith 2005, p. 30). The authors reported being unable to
find any Ili pika individuals

[[Page 21307]]

at 14 sites and finding fresh signs of Ili pika at only 6 sites,
despite investigating areas where Ili pika were observed 10 years
earlier (Wei-Dong and Smith 2005, p. 32). The authors hypothesized that
livestock grazing, which had just recently begun occurring above 3,000
m (9,843 ft), could have a negative effect on these populations (Wei-
Dong and Smith 2005, p. 33).
    The petitioner cites the California Wildlife Action Plan (Bunn et
al. 2006, p. 4) and the New Mexico Wildlife Conservation Strategy (New
Mexico Department of Game and Fish 2006, p. 183) to demonstrate that
excessive grazing is a recognized threat to alpine meadows across the
range of the American pika. Pika habitat evolved free of intense
grazing pressure, but this habitat has now become attractive grazing
sites for livestock, resulting in losses of native vegetation and
meadow degradation (Bunn et al. 2006, p. 296).
    The petitioner presents general information demonstrating the
threat of excessive grazing to American pika habitat, and presents the
possibility that grazing activities led to localized population
extirpations or declines in both the American pika and China's Ili
pika. However, the results from the American pika (Beever et al. 2003,
pp. 37-54) and Ili pika (Wei-Dong and Smith 2005, pp. 30-34) research
presented grazing as only one of many possible causes of extirpations.
    Beever et al. (2003, p. 45) acknowledged that results describing
the effects of grazing are mixed and should be cautiously interpreted,
because other variables also show strong negative correlation to
American pika persistence. The results indicate the possibility that
grazing effects to pikas are correlated with other variables, such as
elevation or talus habitat area (Beever et al. 2003, pp. 45, 49).
    The results of observational surveys for Ili pikas (Wei-Dong and
Smith 2005, pp. 30-34) do not provide any direct linkage between
livestock grazing and pika extirpations, because no quantitative data
were collected to describe grazing pressure. The conclusion that
grazing may have a negative influence on Ili pika populations was one
of three hypotheses presented in the discussion. While this hypothesis
is valid, it should not be confused with direct scientific evidence.
Summary of Livestock Grazing
    It is possible that livestock grazing could reduce vegetation close
to talus habitat and subsequently cause pikas to forage farther from
the protective cover of talus, thus increasing energy demands and risk
of predation on pikas (Beever et al. 2003, p. 49). However, it also is
possible that livestock do not affect the generalist diet of pikas,
because livestock avoid rocky talus slopes, create minimal grazing
pressure on pika-foraged areas, or prefer specific forage (graminoids)
(Beever et al. 2003, p. 50). Similarly, while it is possible that
excessive livestock grazing leads to local pika population extirpations
through increased individual mortality from the above stresses, it also
is possible that other factors are actually causing the extirpations,
such as disease, climate, or stochastic events. We will further
investigate whether livestock grazing is a potential threat when we
address the threats to the American pika in our 12-month status review.

Invasive Plants and Fire Suppression

    The petitioner states that the invasion of exotic plant species may
alter alpine meadow foraging habitat to a community less favorable for
the American pika. They state that this threat is increasing and list
many possible vectors for invasive species. Additionally, they propose
that fire suppression may contribute to the encroachment of trees into
alpine and subalpine meadows, also altering vegetation communities to a
less favorable state.
    While the petitioner cites literature demonstrating that invasive
plants are infiltrating alpine areas, these studies do not demonstrate
a threat to habitat of the American pika. McDougall et al. (2005, p.
159) revealed that invasive plant species are colonizing treeless
areas, but do so in the Australian Alps, far from American pika
habitat. While these results can be interpreted as a harbinger of
possible threats to pikas in North America, research has determined
that alpine and wilderness areas are still relatively unaffected by
invasive plants in the Northwest mountain ecoregions of the United
States (Parks et al. 2005, p. 137).
    When we reviewed the State Wildlife Action Plans (WAPs) in the
range of the American pika we found that invasive plants are listed as
threats in some pika habitat, but not in its primary alpine habitat.
New Mexico's WAP acknowledged that wet meadow habitat can be
manipulated to replace native vegetation with pasture species (New
Mexico Department of Game and Fish 2006, p. 183). California's WAP
(Bunn et al. 2006, p. 272) listed invasive plants as a threat to the
Modoc plateau (for example, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and pepper
weed (Lepidium virginicum)), but stated that subalpine and alpine plant
communities in the Sierra Nevada and Cascades are relatively intact,
with few invasive plants (Schwartz et al. 1996 cited in Bunn et al.
2006, p. 299). Similarly, Nevada's WAP (Nevada Department of Wildlife
2005, p. 159) did not list invasive plants as a threat to alpine and
tundra habitats. Utah's WAP (Sutter et al. 2005, pp. 5-7, 8-7) listed
invasive plants (cheatgrass and noxious weeds) as a threat to the
American pika's secondary habitat of mountain shrub. Alpine habitats
that are the primary habitat for the American pika are not identified
as a key habitat by the State of Utah and, therefore, threats to this
habitat are not listed in the Utah WAP (Sutter et al. 2005, pp. 5-8).
    Human fire suppression is identified by the petitioner as a
potential cause of forest encroachment up elevational gradients and
into mountain meadows, resulting in reduced foraging areas for the
pika. However, much of the available scientific literature indicates
that climate change is a more likely cause of this forest encroachment
(Dyer and Moffett 1999, pp. 444, 452). Similarly, Fagre et al. (2003,
p. 263) concluded that precipitation (snow depth) is a critical
variable regulating conifer expansion.
Summary of Invasive Plants and Fire Suppression
    Invasions of nonnative plants could change the composition of
meadows used for foraging by the American pika. However, invasions by
exotic plant species have not been shown to constitute a major threat
to alpine systems, and the petitioner provided no evidence
demonstrating that the American pika would be harmed by a change in
diet to these nonnative plants. Forest encroachment is a credible
threat to alpine meadow habitat. However, climate change has been
indicated as a more likely rangewide cause of forest encroachment than
fire suppression (Dyer and Moffett 1999, p. 452). We will further
investigate whether invasive plants and fire suppression are potential
threats to the present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of pika habitat or range when we address the threats to the
American pika in our 12-month status review.

B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes

    The petitioner did not present information, nor do we have
information in our files, suggesting that overexploitation is affecting
American pika populations. However, we will

[[Page 21308]]

further investigate whether overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational purposes is a potential threat
when we address the threats to the American pika in our 12-month status review.

C. Disease or Predation

    The petitioner states that changing climatic conditions may make
the American pika more vulnerable to both predators and disease,
because evolutionary adaptations and constraints will no longer
safeguard individuals. They state that American pika individuals may be
more susceptible to winter and spring predation from weasels (Mustela
spp.) in talus habitat by increasing their accessibility if there is
decreased snowpack and earlier snowmelt. They additionally present the
view that forest encroachment into meadow foraging habitat may decrease
the pika's ability to visibly detect predators. Finally, they assert
that disease prevalence in pikas and their forage base may increase as
temperature and humidity constraints allow disease pathogens to expand
spatially and temporally.
    The American pika is known to be a prey species in the alpine
ecosystem. Potential predators of the pika include coyotes (Canis
latrans), longtail weasels (Mustela frenata), shorttail weasels (M.
erminea), and pine martens (Martes americana) (Smith and Weston 1990,
p. 5). Weasels have been identified as the most effective pika
predators because of their ability to hunt within talus interstices
(Ivins and Smith 1983, p. 279).
    Changes to climate and habitat could possibly alter predator-prey
interactions and increase the success of predators. For example, the
petitioner asserts that decreased snowpack and earlier snowmelt could
increase accessibility of talus slopes by weasels, thus increasing pika
mortality. However, this assertion is speculative and no information
was presented to indicate that changes in predation rates may adversely
affect pika population persistence.
    Changes to climate also may increase disease occurrence,
prevalence, and severity to both the American pika and its forage base.
Changing climatic conditions could affect host-pathogen relationships
by increasing pathogen vital rates (development, transmission, or
reproduction), decreasing life cycle limitations typically occurring in
winter, and altering host susceptibility (Harvell et al. 2002, p.
2158). For plants, decreases in pathogen winter mortality would likely
increase disease severity because pathogens usually die in winter
(Harvell et al. 2002, p. 2159). For wildlife, climate change is most
likely to allow disease vectors to alter ranges and life history,
possibly increasing the occurrence and severity of vector-borne
diseases (Harvell et al. 2002, p. 2160). Elevational and latitudinal
changes for wildlife and plant diseases may introduce more severe or
new diseases to pikas and their forage base. However, the American pika
is not known to be at risk from any specific disease threats at this time.
Summary of Disease and Predation
    Little empirical data exists to demonstrate that increased
predation would greatly alter population persistence, and the species
is not known to be at risk from any specific disease or pathogen.
However, we will further investigate whether disease and predation are
potential threats when we address the threats to the American pika in
our 12-month status review.

D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms

    The petitioner states that existing regulatory mechanisms are
inadequate to prevent the decline of the American pika because global
and national regulations are failing to reduce carbon emissions to
levels that will slow global surface warming. They further state that
no legal mechanisms currently exist to regulate greenhouse gases on a
national level in the United States. They argue that stabilizing
current climatic conditions through reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions is necessary to preserve remaining American pika habitat.
    According to the IPCC, anthropogenic emissions of long-lived
greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, are currently contributing
the largest positive radiative forcings (leading to warming of climate)
of any climatic factor (Forster et al. 2007, pp. 136-137). Furthermore,
the IPCC determined that the cumulative radiative forcings from human
activities are influencing present and future climatic conditions much
more than natural processes (Forster et al. 2007, pp. 136-137). The
petitioner argues that changes in climate caused by human activities
must be mitigated through stronger regulatory mechanisms because
existing mechanisms are inadequate.
    To demonstrate that past attempts at regulating global emissions
have failed, the petitioner summarizes major global climate
initiatives. The petitioner claims that the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change has not effectively controlled global
greenhouse emissions, because the year 2000 emission goals established
under this convention were not met. Furthermore, the petitioner states
that the Kyoto Protocol also is inadequate to prevent significant
climate change because emissions reduction targets for the first
commitment period are unlikely to be met, the goals are too modest to
sufficiently reduce global warming, and negotiations have not begun in
earnest for emission reductions after 2012. They claim that a major
reason why the Kyoto Protocol's goals will not be met is because the
United States has not ratified the protocol.
    To demonstrate the need for United States regulation, the
petitioner presents data indicating that United States emissions are
expected to increase by 43.5 percent between 2001 and 2025 (GAO 2003,
p. 2), a substantial contrast to the reduction goals laid forth in the
Kyoto Protocol. The petitioner asserts that the lack of action by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate greenhouse gas
emissions under the Clean Air Act illustrates the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms. Specifically, the petitioner describes
the 2007 decision by the Supreme Court overturning EPA's rejection of a
petition to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles under
the Clean Air Act, and asserts that EPA has not yet taken action in
response to the matter being remanded to it by the Supreme Court for
further consideration. [Note: EPA recently responded to the Supreme
Court by publishing a finding on April 17, 2009, on six greenhouse
gases that contribute to air pollution; the EPA finding does not affect
this 90-day petition finding.] The petitioner also asserts that the
Federal government's Global Climate Change Initiative, which relies on
voluntary measures and focuses on reducing the amount of greenhouse gas
emissions per unit of energy produced, not the overall level of
emissions, is inadequate and that under the plan U.S. cumulative
greenhouse gas emissions would continue to increase between 2002 and
2012, based on information from the U.S. Government Accounting Office
(GAO 2003a). Lastly, while they acknowledge that some examples of
legislation, such as the California Global Warming Solutions Act of
2006, are steps in the right direction, they believe that State and
local regulations are insufficient on their own to slow global warming.
    The petitioner stresses that immediate legislative action is
necessary to save the American pika because scientists warn that we are
approaching emission levels that would cause dangerous climate change
(Hansen et al. 2008, pp. 217-218). Hansen et al. (2008, p. 218)

[[Page 21309]]

concluded that present global mean carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration
of 385 parts per million (ppm) is already in the dangerous zone. Hansen
et al. (2008, p. 217) further concluded that a 350-ppm CO2 target is
necessary if ``humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on
which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted.''
    The petition concludes that existing regulatory mechanisms relating
to global warming are inadequate to ensure the continued survival of
the American pika and that regulatory measures related to other threats
to the pika are also inadequate to ensure its survival in the face of
advancing climate change. It asserts that ensuring the American pika's
survival requires immediate action, particularly in the United States,
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Summary of Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms

    The petitioner provides information relative to regulations that
address a change of global or national carbon dioxide emissions to
levels that would affect global surface warming trends. We will further
investigate whether the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms is
a potential threat when we address the threats to the American pika in
our 12-month status review.

E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting its Continued Existence

    The petitioner states that the American pika is threatened by human
activities, including roadways and recreational activities. They
present the results of Beever et al. (2003, pp. 37-54) that show a
negative correlation between population persistence and distance to
roads, and a positive correlation between population persistence and
lands managed under wilderness protection. They also state that the
alpine and subalpine forging habitats on which the America pika is
dependent are sensitive to disturbance and difficult to restore and
that, therefore, any major human disturbances, such as roads or off-
highway vehicle (OHV) use, have an enduring effect on the landscape.
The petitioner cites the New Mexico and Nevada WAPs, which acknowledge
roadways and recreational usage as threats to alpine communities
(Nevada Department of Wildlife 2005, p. 159; New Mexico Department of
Game and Fish 2006, p. 183).
    Human activities could alter the ecology or life history of the
American pika in many ways, including direct take (recreational
shooting), harassment (proximity of cars, pets, or people), and
vegetation community change (trampling or removal of plants). The
petitioner focuses on two specific types of disturbance, roads and
recreational OHV usage, as threats most likely to alter pika persistence.
    Research in the Great Basin demonstrates that American pika
population persistence is negatively correlated with proximity to
roads, and even more so when analyzing distance to primary roads
(Beever et al. 2003, p. 45). In analyses, the ``distance to roads''
parameter appeared in four of the top five models, including the most
plausible model (Beever et al. 2003, p. 46). Although this signals an
important relationship between road proximity and pika population
persistence, the authors acknowledged that other variables (such as
elevation and habitat size) may be confounding these results (Beever et
al. 2003, p. 49), and reveal that direct human influence was only seen
at three of seven extirpated sites (Beever et al. 2003, p. 45). Roads
pose a possible risk to a subset of American pika populations. However,
we found no evidence that roads constitute a rangewide threat; the
majority of pika populations are currently in areas unlikely to have
roads, such as steep, high-elevation sites.
    The petitioner asserts that human activities also may alter the
ecology of the American pika habitat and have long-term consequences,
because alpine environments provide little opportunity for ecosystem
recovery (Butler 1995 and Chambers 1997 cited in Beever et al. 2003, p.
49). A possible safeguard to these effects is the fact that protected
wilderness areas are concentrated at these high-elevation sites (Norton
1999 cited in Beever et al. 2003, p. 50). However, wilderness areas
encompass only a fraction of alpine habitat in the western United
States. Although alpine areas have historically been free of dense
human activity, human-induced threats are increasing.
    The petitioner asserts that a newly emerging threat is recreational
OHV usage on non-snow-covered terrain. Recreational OHV usage has the
potential to greatly alter alpine systems through vegetation
disturbance, trail creation, and increased erosion. Additionally, OHVs
provide easier access to alpine areas, increasing human presence in
areas previously considered remote. When OHV usage is combined with
communication towers and ski activities, human presence and impacts on
alpine areas are at unprecedented levels. However, we found minimal
evidence to support the hypothesis that human influence in alpine
communities constitutes a rangewide threat to the American pika,
because the probability of direct human disturbance to population
locations remains quite low.
Summary of Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Continued Existence
    Although direct human disturbance can negatively affect American
pika population sites, the probability of humans interacting with the
American pika remains low across the species' range because the species
inhabits remote alpine locations. Lower elevation population locations
are more susceptible to human disturbances because they are more likely
to have roads and more accessible to human activity. We will further
investigate whether natural or manmade factors affecting the continued
existence of the American pika are potential threats when we address
the threats to the species in our 12-month status review.


    We reviewed the petition, petition supplement, supporting
information provided by the petitioner, and information in our files,
and evaluated that information to determine whether the sources cited
support the claims made in the petition. We find that the petitioner
presented substantial information under Factor A, indicating that
listing the American pika as threatened or endangered under the Act may
be warranted because of the present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range as a result of
effects related to global climate change. Continued surface warming may
alter alpine ecosystems to conditions that do not support the American
pika, possibly resulting in individual mortality, population
extirpations, and range contraction. We will address any other
potential threats during our 12-month status review.
    Therefore, we are initiating a status review to determine if
listing the American pika under the Act is warranted. As part of our
status review of the American pika, we will examine available
information on threats to the species and make a final determination on
whether the species is warranted for listing as threatened or
endangered under the Act.
    We encourage interested parties to continue gathering data that
will assist with the conservation and monitoring of the American pika.
You may submit information regarding the American pika by one of the
methods listed in the ADDRESSES section at any time. The petitioner
requested that critical habitat be designated for this species. If we
determine in our 12-month finding that listing the American pika is warranted,

[[Page 21310]]

we will address the designation of critical habitat at the time of the
proposed listing rulemaking.
    The ``substantial information'' standard for a 90-day finding is
not the same as the Act's ``best scientific and commercial data''
standard that applies to a 12-month finding to determine whether a
petitioned action is warranted. A 90-day finding is not a status
assessment of the species and does not constitute a status review under
the Act. Our final determination of whether a petitioned action is
warranted is not made until we have completed a thorough status review
of the species as part of the 12-month finding on a petition, which is
conducted following a positive 90-day finding. Because the Act's
standards for 90-day and 12-month findings are different, as described
above, a positive 90-day finding does not mean that the 12-month
finding also will be positive.

References Cited

    A complete list of all references cited herein is available upon
request from the Utah Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER


    The primary authors of this document are staff from the Utah
Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section).


    The authority for this action is section 4 of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

    Dated: April 29, 2009
Signed: Bernard Mazer
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
[FR Doc. E9-10551 Filed 5-6- 09; 8:45 am]


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