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Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements

Rules of origin

Determining where a product comes from is no longer easy when raw materials and parts criss-cross the globe to be used as inputs in scattered manufacturing plants. Rules of origin are important in implementing such trade policy instruments as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, origin marking, and safeguard measures.

News  back to top


Introduction back to top

Introduction to rules of origin in the WTO
Links to rules of origin section of the WTO guide “Understanding the WTO”
Technical information on rules of origin


The mandate back to top

Explanation of the Rules of Origin Agreement
Browse or download the text of the “Rules of Origin Agreement” from the legal texts gateway

Find decisions of WTO bodies concerning the Rules of Origin Agreement in the Analytical Index — Guide to WTO Law and Practice



List of disputes citing the rules of origin agreement


Work on rules of origin in the WTO, and official documents back to top

> Current Chairperson

Work in the Committee on Rules of Origin

Search Documents Online
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  • Annual reports of the Committee on Rules of Origin to the Council for Trade in Goods (Document code varies)    > search    > help
  • Minutes of the Committee on Rules of Origin (Document code G/RO/M/*)    > search    > help
  • Working documents of the Committee on Rules of Origin (Document code G/RO/W/*)     

  •    > search

Other official rules of origin documents

Search Documents Online
Rules of origin documents use the code G/RO/* (where * takes additional values)
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

help with downloading these documents

  • General documents of the Committee on Rules of Origin (Document code G/RO/*)    > search
  • Disputes (requests for consultations) documents involving rules of origin (Document code G/RO/D/*)    > search 
  • Notifications on rules of origin (Document code G/RO/N/*) 
       > search
  • Member country representatives for the Committee on Rules of Origin (Document codes G/RO/INF/*)    > search

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.


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