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For NGOs

When Ministers adopted the Marrakesh Agreement they also decided to include a specific reference to NGOs in Article V:2. On 18 July 1996 the General Council further clarified the framework for relations with NGOs by adopting a set of guidelines (WT/L/162) which “recognizes the role NGOs can play to increase the awareness of the public in respect of WTO activities”.

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  See also:
What is the WTO?
Events calendar
Annual publications
Trade and environment

News  back to top


Introduction  back to top

> WTO and NGOs — A general explanation of the relation between WTO and NGOs


NGO contact point

2009 WTO Public Forum: 28-30 September



NGO participation in Ministerial Conferences  back to top

Hong Kong Ministerial Conference
Official website
NGO participation
NGOs eligible to attend the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference

List of NGOs which attended
Hong Kong 2005
Cancún 2003
Doha 2001
Seattle 1999
Geneva 1998
Singapore 1996


Documents from NGOs back to top

> NGO position papers received by the WTO Secretariat


NGO-related WTO activities back to top

24-25 September 2008 WTO Public Forum 2008: “Trading into the Future”

4-5 October 2007 WTO Public Forum 2007: “How Can the WTO Help Harness Globalization?”

27 March 2007: WTO Director-General, Pascal Lamy, briefed NGOs on the State of Play of the Doha Round Negotiations

25 to 26 September 2006 WTO Public Forum: “What WTO for the XXIst century? ”

20 to 22 April 2005 WTO annual Public Symposium: “WTO After 10 Years — Global Problems and Multilateral Solutions”

25 to 27 May 2004 WTO public symposium: “Multilateralism at a crossroads”, 

16 to 18 June 2003 WTO public symposium: ‘Challenges Ahead on the Road to Cancún’

29 April to 1 May 2002 Symposium: the Doha Development Agenda and beyond

Symposium (6 and 7 July 2001) on issues confronting the world trading system

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland