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Risk Management

Risk Management is a distinctly different process from risk assessment. Risk assessment establishes whether a risk is present and, if so, the range or magnitude of that risk. In the risk management process, the results of the risk assessment are integrated with other considerations, such as economic or legal concerns, to reach decisions regarding the need for and practicability of implementing various risk reduction activities. Risk managers also use risk assessment results as a basis for communicating risks to interested parties and the general public.

Documents | EPA Links


  1. Approach for Addressing Dioxin in Soil and CERCLA and RCRA Sites (PDF) (6 pp, 24 kb, About PDF) OSWER Directive 9200.4-26, April 13, 1998
    The purpose of this document is to recommend preliminary remediation goals (PRGs), or starting points for cleaning up dioxin in soil.

  2. Clarification of the Role of ARARs in Establishing Preliminary Remedial Goals under CERCLA (PDF) (4 pp, 412 kb, About PDF) August 22, 1997
    This memorandum clarifies the relationship between the two key remedy selection mandates of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA).

  3. For lead risk assessment documents, please visit this webpage

  4. Distribution of OSWER of Radionuclide Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) for Superfund Electronic Calculator
    Radiation Preliminary Remedial Goals for Superfund February 7, 2002

    The purpose of this database is to provide a PRG calculation tool to assist risk assessors, remedial project managers, and others involved with risk assessment and decision-making at CERCLA sites in developing PRGs.

  5. Ecological Risk Assessment and Risk Management Principles for Superfund Sites, (Issuance of Final Guidance) (PDF) (9 pp, 1 mb, About PDF) October 7, 1999
    Guidance intended to help Superfund project managers to make ecological assessment decisions that are consistent across the United States and are transparent to the public.

  6. ECO Update Bulletin Series
    EcoUpdates are a series of bulletins which provide information on various aspects of Ecological Risk Assessments, including toxicity testing, the role of the Biological Technical Assistance Group (BTAG), field studies, and screening level risk assessments.

  7. Establishment of Cleanup Levels for CERCLA Sites with Radioactive Contamination (PDF) (20 pp, 1.12 mb, About PDF) August 22, 1997
    This memorandum presents clarifying guidance for establishing protective cleanup levels for radioactive contamination at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) sites.

  8. Headquarters Consultation for Radioactively Contaminated Sites (PDF) (4 pp, 420 kb, About PDF) July 26, 2000
    Memo documenting a request by EPA Headquarters that EPA Regional offices consult with HQ in certain circumstances when dealing with radioactively-contaminated sites.

  9. National Recommended Ambient Water Quality Criteria (PDF) (36 pp, 404 kb, About PDF)
    The criteria in this document (for 158 pollutants) provide guidance for states and tribes authorized to establish water quality standards under the Clean Water Act to protect human health and aquatic life

  10. Role of Screening Level Risk Assessment and Refining COCs (Chemicals or Contaminants of Concern) in Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment (PDF) (4 pp, 364KB, About PDF)
    This EcoUpdate bulletin describes the process and purpose of the screening level ecological risk assessment, which is the first steps in a ecological risk assessment at a site, and how the list of COCs can be refined to include only those contaminants that may pose a risk.

  11. The Role of Natural Resource Trustees in the Superfund Process (PDF) (10 pp, 191 kb, About PDF) March 1992 Eco Update
    This EcoUpdate bulletin is intended to help project managers to work with Natural Resource Trustees, explaining the responsibilities and authorities of those trustees and those of the Remedial Project Managers and On-Scene Coordinators with respect to those trustees.

  12. Soil Cleanup Criteria in 40 CFR Part 192 Uranium Mine Tailings Radiation Control Act, OSWER Directive 9200.4-25, February 12, 1998
    Memo addressing the use of soil cleanup criteria when setting remediation goals at CERCLA (Superfund) sites with radioactive contamination.

  13. Use of Uranium Drinking Water Standards under 40 CFR 141 and 40 CFR 192 as Remediation Goals for Groundwater at CERCLA Sites (PDF) (11 pp, 420 kb, About PDF) November 6, 2001
    Memo addressing the use of uranium standards when establishing remediation goals in groundwater in CERCLA (Superfund) sites that may be current or future sources of drinking water.

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EPA Links

  1. Region 5 Ecology Technical Center Ecological Risk Assessment
    Overview of ecological risk assessment process in Superfund, regional case studies, toxicity profiles, and regional contacts.

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