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The Federal Plan for Certifying Applicators in Navajo Indian Country

Deadline for Certification

Applicators who intend to purchase and/or apply RUPs in Navajo Indian Country must complete EPA Form 8500-17-N and submit it to EPA Region 9, to become certified by EPA by October 11, 2007. Failure to hold the appropriate certification after October 11, 2007, may result in Federal enforcement action in order accordance with 12(a)(2)(F)FIFRA.

Any person who intends to purchase and/or apply Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) in Navajo Indian Country must hold a valid "U.S. EPA Certified Pesticide Applicator in Navajo Indian Country" card. Under FIFRA Section 11, applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) must be certified, or make application while under the direct supervision of a certified applicator when they apply such pesticides. On February 3, 2006, EPA solicited comments on its intent to implement a federal certification program in Navajo Indian Country and on its proposed Federal Plan for Certification of Restricted Use Pesticide Applicators in Navajo Indian Country. The Federal Plan became effective June 13, 2007.

As part of the implementation of the Federal certification plan, the U.S. EPA Region 9 office entered into Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the Navajo Indian County (6 pgs., 1.95 Mb, about PDF), the Arizona Department of Agriculture (6 pgs., 2.23 Mb, about PDF), the Arizona Structural Pest Control Commission (6 pgs., 2.21 Mb, about PDF), and the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (6 pgs., 2.15 Mb, about PDF).  The MOUs outline how the Region and the state certifying agencies will share information about applicators certified to apply RUPs in Navajo Indian Country.

How to obtain a US EPA Pesticide Applicator Certificate in Navajo Indian Country

STEP 1: Get State Applicator Certification or Get and Complete Self-Study Manual (Self-study option for PRIVATE APPLICATORS ONLY)

STEP 2: Fill out and submit form to US EPA Region 9 Pacific Southwest Office

STEP 3: Pick up your card from the Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Program Office. Exit EPA disclaimer

Points to Remember

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