Weeds Gone Wild

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Weeds Gone Wild > Link to Us

Link to Weeds Gone Wild

If you would like to have a link on your page to Weeds Gone Wild, just download and use the following graphic and put the html code in your page.

Alien Plant Working Group's Weeds Gone Wild
To download this graphic, right mouse click on it and select Save Image As...

Use this html code to add a link on your page to Weeds Gone Wild (you will need the the graphic file above in the same directory as your html page).
<A HREF="http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/"><IMG SRC="wgwlink.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=57 WIDTH=300 ALT="Alien Plant Working Group's Weeds Gone Wild"></A>


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APWG is a PCA Working Group

Comments, suggestions, and questions about the website should be directed to the webmaster.
Last updated: 02-Jun-2005