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Restoration Working Group Discussion Via E-mail

RWG has an automated e-mail list that serves to encourage discussion of RWG projects and restoration with native plants. You must be subscribed to the list in order to "post," or send a message out to all the subscribers. Anyone is allowed to subscribe to the group. If you know of someone else who would be interested, feel free to tell them about the list. There is also a main list for general Plant Conservation Alliance announcements and discussions (click here for more information), a list for the Medicinal Plant Working Group (click here for more information), and a list for the Alien Plant Working Group (click here for more information).

 How to subscribe to the list:

Send an e-mail to with the following information in the body of the message (not the subject):


You will then receive an e-mail that you will need to reply to in order to confirm your subscription. After you confirm your subscription, another e-mail will be sent with instructions on how to use the list.

How to post a message to the list:
Compose the title and body of your message like usual and send it to (the list address).  The message will be reviewed and redistributed to all subscribers as a bcc (blind carbon copy). Please remember to limit the subject matter of your post to things that pertain to restoration with native plants. Attached files should not be posted.
How to unsubscribe from the list:
Send an e-mail from the address that you used to subscribe to the list orignally to with the following information in the body of the message (not the subject):


You will then receive an e-mail confirmation of your removal from the list.

Note: This should be done from the address with which you subscribed.

How to view the list archives:

Go to to see older list messages.

If you have questions about the automated list, e-mail the PCA at

Comments, suggestions, and questions about the website should be directed to the webmaster.
Last Updated: 2 September 2003