Supplemental Educational Services: Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

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Supplemental Educational Services

Supplemental Educational Services are additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of students in low-performing schools. Services must be provided outside of the regular school day and may include academic assistance such as tutoring, remediation, and other educational interventions. Each State Education Agency is required to identify organizations that qualify to provide these services and maintain a list that allow parents to have as many choices as possible.

Providers of supplemental educational services may include non-profit entities, for-profit entities, local educational agencies, public schools, public charter schools, private schools, public or private institutions of higher education, and faith-based organizations. Entities that would like to be included on the list of eligible providers must contact their state education agency and meet the criteria established by the state to be considered for the list of eligible providers.

Eligible students are all students from low-income families who attend Title I schools that are in their second year of school improvement, in corrective action, or in restructuring.

This is not a grant program. The Local Education Agency (LEA) must use funds from Title I, Part A allocation to fund the services provided to the eligible students.

The controlling law is the No Child Left Behind Act Title I, Part A, Subpart 1, Section 1116 (e):

For a copy of the complete non-regulatory guidance document, please visit: or

For a copy of the letter to Chief State School Officers giving guidance on the implementation of Supplemental Educational Services Policy, please visit:

For information about private school participation in providing SES, please visit:

For information about the per pupil allocation for your state, please visit:

A technical assistance webcast is available at

The Supplemental Educational Services Quality Center has developed a Toolkit to offer potential or current SES providers practical, step-by-step tips, tools and resources on designing, delivering, marketing, managing and evaluating an SES program. A Toolkit to provide parents and community leaders with information, tips and tools that they can use to help families in their communities understand and use SES options is also available.

Upcoming Workshops

Sample Quality Proposal

Contact: Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, U.S. Department of Education, 555 New Jersey Ave., NW, Suite 410, Washington, DC 20208, Phone: (202) 219-1741, E-mail:

Last Modified: 02/20/2008