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Class V Wells Onsite Sewage Treatment Source Water Protection Underground Injection Wells
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Notes From Underground

Notes from Underground is a newsletter published by EPA Region 9's Ground Water Office to bring information about source water protection, Underground Injection Control (UIC), and related compliance and public water supply issues to injection well operators, the public water supply industry, other regulators, and the general public in the Southwest and Pacific Islands. Requests for subscriptions, ideas for articles, and article submissions can be directed to Kate Rao at (415) 972-3533, or rao.kate@epa.gov.

Spring 2005 (PDF) (4 pp, 54K)
This issue highlights the 30th Anniversary to the Safe Drinking Water Act, discusses the April 2005 ban on large capacity cesspools, describes the Tribal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Management System guidance document and announces the availability of funds to California regulators to map injection wells.

Winter 2004 (PDF) (4 pp, 445K)
This issue provides information on the large capacity cesspool ban in Hawaii, gives an update on regional State Source Water Assessment Programs (SWAP) and announces upcoming Tribal SWAP training.

Fall 2002 (PDF) (4 pp, 824K)
This issue includes an article on an alternative method of UIC well plugging, an overview of EPA's Sole Source Aquifer Program, and a discussion on the UIC Class V ban.

Fall 2001 (PDF) (4 pp, 865K)
This issue highlights on-site sewage treatment training opportunities, describes Animal Feeding Operations and establishes a new 'Tribal Corner' section which discusses ground water issues on tribal lands.

Winter 2000 (PDF) (4 pp, 47K)
This issue summarizes changes to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class V regulations, and provides information on changes to the stormwater regulations.

Summer 1999 (PDF) (4 pp, 39K)
Take a quick look at four of the first State Source Water Assessment Programs in the nation, to see how drinking water sources will be identified and assessed for vulnerability to potential sources of contamination.

Summer 1998 (PDF) (4 pp, 91K)
This issue summarizes new shallow injection well (UIC Class V) regulations proposed for automotive, industrial, and cesspool discharges in Source Water Protection Areas (SWPAs).

Please note: Phone numbers for EPA's Pacific Southwest Regional Office (Region 9) changed in late 2001. Please consult EPA's employee directory for phone numbers by employee name, or see EPA Region 9's contact page for general phone numbers.

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