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Air Permits

Air Permits Quick Finder

Public Participation in the Title V Permitting Process

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As a member of the public, you can use the Title V program to ensure that sources are complying with the requirements that apply to them. Title V gives you the opportunity to:

Also, members of the public can bring enforcement actions in court against facilities that don't comply with their permits. For a more detailed discussion of these topics, see the Proof is in the Permit. (En Español)

Permitting Process

Prior to issuing a permit, State permitting authorities generally follow these steps:

  1. Determine if permit application is complete enough to begin processing it.
  2. Prepare a draft permit.
  3. Publish a notice to inform public of (1) the public comment period (usually 30 days) for the draft permit, and (2) deadline for requesting a public hearing on the draft permit. The notice can be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the source is located or in a State publication, like a State register. The permitting authority must mail notices of draft permits to persons who have requested to be on a mailing list. The notice must include:
    • the name of the facility, the name and address of the permittee and the permitting agency;
    • activities covered by the draft permit;
    • any emissions change involved in the permit action;
    • who to contact for more information, including a copy of the draft permit and supporting materials;
    • how to submit comments; time/place of any hearing already scheduled;
    • how to request a hearing if one has not already been scheduled.
  4. Decide whether to revise the draft permit (based on comments from the permitee, the public or EPA).
  5. Send the proposed permit to EPA for its 45-day review. If EPA has agreed to concurrent review, then its 45-day review period generally starts at the beginning of the public comment period. Check with your permitting agency, its rules, or EPA to determine if your state uses a concurrent review process.
  6. Revise permit within 90 days, if EPA has objected.
  7. Issue permit.


The following resources that may be useful in understanding the issues involved in reviewing a Title V permit:

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Region 9 ’s (draft) Title V Permit Review Guidelines

Introduction, Table of Contents, Chapter I, Chapter II (PDF) (30 pp, 422K)
Chapter III

Appendix A (PDF) (91 pp, 400K) Appendix B (PDF) (12 pp, 225K) Appendix C (PDF) (43 pp, 1MB) Appendix D (PDF) (56 pp, 2MB) Appendix E (PDF) (60 pp, 573K) Appendix F (PDF) (27 pp, 496K) Appendix G (PDF) (20 pp, 286K)

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