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WB News Release: [October 16, 2006]
Contact Name: Scott M. Allen
Phone Number: 312-353-6976

Labor Department’s Women’s Bureau Sponsors Orientation and Recruitment Session for Asian American Business Women Participants to Benefit from Networking, Marketing Intelligence Offered

CHICAGO ­ - The U.S. Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau is sponsoring an orientation and recruitment session for Asian American business women at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Rice Campus in Wheaton on Oct. 18, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

In partnership with the Women’s Business Development Center and the Asian American Alliance, the Women’s Bureau is sponsoring the project to provide services, resources, and training opportunities to help Asian American women in the Chicago area increase their entrepreneurial success.

“We developed the Asian American Women Business Initiative project to give Asian American women the background they need to start and grow a successful business and learn how to be a certified women-owned business,” said Nancy Chen, regional administrator in Chicago for the Women’s Bureau.

“We are very excited about the partnership we have with the Women’s Bureau and are confident that through our entrepreneurial training programs, we are truly going to help Asian American business women become more successful,” said Hedy Ratner, co-president of the Women’s Business Development Center.

The number of Asian American women business owners continues to grow in the United States. In 2004, there were approximately 419,793 Asian American women-owned businesses in the United States, an increase of 69 percent since 1997. These businesses generated $70 billion in sales, an increase of 83 percent for the same period. However, due to language and cultural differences, many Asian American women business owners and potential business owners often lack the information on resources and services that are available through government agencies, private sector and non-profit organizations to help them grow and succeed in business and to reach their highest potentials.

“It is a great partnership for all of us who are committed to continually advancing the success of Asian American women business owners,” said George Mui, executive director of the Asian American Alliance

A second orientation and recruitment session is scheduled for Nov. 15 at the Women’s Business Development Center in Chicago.

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